Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by M_So

  1. I would argue that life is (in essence) a resource based game. Money plays an essential role in any environment where the specialisation of labour has occured. If you mean is it necessary as in "do we need to make this game more complex", remember that money would be totally optional, and very very easy to add.

    This is the only part I don't agree with. Money plays an essential role in any Government, I would much rather work for what I need/want rather then handfuls of paper that do nothing but tax our resources even more then need be.

    I like the concept of economy and if properly maintained could be something great! But I've yet to see it used for something other then exploitation.


  2. You misread what I said, the dirt was just a joke. :)

    Your scenario is vary well put but that would make even more work for the ops then my idea would.

    If you run a server and wish to have an economy you should expect at least some work implementing a infrastructure. With saplings you would not need to worry about hyperinflation, just give everyone 25 Sequoia (worth 1 each) and 5 Kapok (worth 5 each) and the people will work out how much everything else is worth. The owners could even set up a shop where they can sell and buy items. (of course everything should be at a inflated price do to supply and demand. ;) )

    Everything else you said I fully agree with. :)

    Do we really need to add currency to a resource based game?


  3. Minecraft already works on the barter system, if you want currency you might as well just use dirt as coins because anything you can get someone else can too. (for servers I guess you could use something useless that can not be acquired, why not Sequoia and Kapok saplings?)

    The only way currency works is if it enforced by the people, if people do not use it then why have it. Anyone ever hear about silver quarters? People would melt them down into bars because the metal was would more then the coin.


  4. Aw, but what about the Baghdad battery :P .

    Was that not used as a religulous item? Unless they add religion can't see why we will need that. :P It is not like they used it for anything meaningful. *ya I went there* B)

  5. Right now they are put together in the crafting grid, but maybe in the future you would need nails if a cronstruction overhaul is made

    ya I heard. :) that's why I said in my first post that you should not need a tool because they are not nailed.

    I would like to see this but why you need a saw? it has already been cut, it is not like you put nails in the boards. :P


  6. Exactly, so you get out your saw and cut the plank block back into 4 planks.

    They are just stacked into a pile, why would you need a saw to separate wood that has already been cut into planks? That's like using a jackhammer to breakup gravel.

  7. Try cutting a block of wood with an axe into nicely sized planks.

    ...not going to happen.

    We are not talking about blocks of wood, we are talking about 'Plank' blocks. The plank blocks have already been cut with an axe/saw and crafted, he just wants to be able to turn them back into planks.

  8. WOOT, M_So it worked somehow! You get many internets for this ya :) You should update and post that load order as a solution to this problem then ask for it to be stickied

    Thanks, happy it helped. Like hidinginthelight said your exact problem was that you needed to update forge. I just listed everything to fix all the problems you might have had that had not shown themselves yet.

  9. This is the order I normal would install the mods, most of the time I get errors even if I did everything right but put them in wrong.

    1. delete "META-INF" *Just checking, I forget it sometimes too.*

    2. install forge client- *check your number to make sure it is that one.*

    3. install Player API client 1.5

    4. install TFCraft-client-core-B2-Build47b

    5. install TFC_Resources *You should get this again if you have not yet for 47, some things have changed.*

    6. install ReiMinimap_v3.2_04.

    7. run minecraft.

    Any help? if you want any others you should add them after TFC_Resources and OptiFine should always be the last thing if you want to use that.


  10. so... forgive me, but we have to sluice up the first bits of ore for a pick? or did i misread?

    You misread, you get your first ore the same way you get your first stone, it will even tell you what ore is in that area so you will know if it is a good starting area.

  11. Anyone try the new ice cream at Tim Horton's? I believe it is 'Cold Stone Creamery' rather good but not worth the price, thank god I know people that that give me a deal. :)

    Oh and Mint is my fav. :P What's with the video? :P


  12. Pretty sure this is one of the easier mods to install, and the technic mods make it an unfriendly community over there. I don't see how people can have so many issues installing mods into minecraft. I agree that maybe installer, kinda like how technic used to have it, but not with the new technic launcher.

    I would love the option technic gives you to go forwards and backwards throwout the updates. :) (like say I feel like playing B39 one day then B45 the next) other then that I see no reason to even consider doing anything with technic, this mod is still way too underdeveloped, even hack/mine seems more *Complete?*

  13. now now. all im reading in this thread is people making suggestions, possibly working a way around some issues, and then people just saying NOPE! not only that, many of you are giving destructive criticism. one person here especially enjoys using the word "Stupid." anyway, rather than being an obstacle, leave some constructive criticism, or just say, "I dont think it will work." not, wow this is so stupid your stupid for saying it etc etc. No ideas are stupid (except for incompatibility's, hes just full of hot air), lets try to keep it constructive :D.

    As for the lock thing, pvp servers are only one side of this. really what most other servers just need something to keep other people honest, like a fence ;P just a simple lock that deters people from checking a box, thereby removing the temptation to steal.

    And as for the comments about people covering your house in locked chests.... that would a rather glaring overstepping of the rules, thereby they are easily seen / banned, or mods can just break them by going into creative.

    I guess you missed the part where they said.

    "this idea been suggested too many times to count(even for vanilla)"

    eveything after that does not mater the idea died their.
