Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by defiler86

  1. Current survival strategies

    Surviving has been a mute for me. Using Pam's Harvestcraft (as suggested), but haven't seen any gardens spawn. Not sure if TFC spawning might be overwriting some Pam generation or not. :\
  2. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    I believe I figured it out: (It's similar to previous versions of TFC.) 1. Install Forge for 1.11.2 2. Download both links (TFC2 and Pam's Harvestcraft) 3. Place both .jars into the 'mods' folder. 4. Run the game. One note I'm coming across is that the 'Loading Terrain' takes a long period. Is this normal? Just wanna check if it's not my process of installing the mod or not. Seems to be fine now. Playing around and notice a generation bug. A vanilla Minecraft oak spawned. (Image below) Seed: 3306479743218333240 Also, using a knife and not receiving any straw from grass. (Not sure if it's not implemented or not.) [Last Update] Album of the building and destruction: Album
  3. Crap... I need to redo the town spawn someplace a little safer. And thanks. Currently working on a charcoal producing silo and a better place for blacksmithing.It all makes since that someone messaged me randomly that night. xD
  4. I played two updates ago and was on the server for about a month, I was just figuring out anvils. Was a bit of hermit in the middle of nowhere and only made a trade once (2 full vessels Casserite for 2 full vessels of Native Copper), so I'm not the best person to talk to about the social aspects of the server but it was generally a plesant experience.Might go around and be more socialable this time... find a commidity and trade the hell out of it, and maybe find a town to build with.EDIT:My place is still on the server... appearently I got confused on what version we are all on. xDPacesbus is still around, and I even have a neighbor now, Dutchlords.
  5. Cool. Time to update my client with optifine and maybe Dynamic Torches (since its client side only). Been practicing again and gotta remember the alloy ratios again, but time to throw myself back in the wild wild world.
  6. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Curious, what's the server like? How active is it usually and will it refresh with the new update?Also, is the Smart Moving mod optional or is it necessary (since its a mod I'm not familiar with)? Also, how is the server with the Dynamic Lighting mod?
  7. Woah... I haven't been on in a long while. Checking the dynmap and gotta ask, did the map reset lately? <_<With the new update, looking back into TFC to play again. Had a ton of fun on this server.
  8. Torch Discussion

    Looking back into TFC after watching Pakratt's live stream and personally: I like the idea of torches burning out. Going back through old mines (or stumbling upon another player's old mines) hightens that sense of danger while you explore the world around you. While torches burning out at your home might be a problem, staggering the torches at home can prevent large problems. Light up the home, and after a day or two, break down half the torches and replace them. That way once you see a few go out, you know when to relight/replace the other half. It's a little routine task to do, but this is coming from a game where making iron tools requires multiple steps.Also, getting the dynamic lighting mod helps immersion a lot... with torches going out I might install that mod with TFC, and maybe find servers that promote Dynamic Lighting mod to be used.Best of luck to the TFC team and can't wait to get back into it.
  9. Do surface ores always indicate underground veins?

    I believe so. Found some cassiterite on the service when I found an area, and eventually started mining for a cassiterite vein. It ended up being near where I found on the surface cassiterite.With a prospector pick, if you see some surface ore it doesn't hurt to check if a vein is nearby.
  10. Tips on agriculture?

    Thanks!I'll take a look how skills work and get a better feel on it all.
  11. Tips on agriculture?

    New to TFC and currently mid-summer in my SP game. Been only surviving on steaks, water, and recently found some maize. So looking for tips on a few things:1. How does someone get seeds and fruit tree saplings? 2. How do you pick fruit of a tree? (Got a few olive trees near by.)3. And with the hoe equip, there is an image (usually a till soil graphic) that shows up near the hotbar, what is that about?
  12. Tips on agriculture?

    Another question on agriculture: how do you get seeds from a harvested crop? Looking to expand my fields and not sure how to get more seeds from my current crop.
  13. Tips on agriculture?

    Had an ax last night on a fruit tree, and got no sapling. Is it still a precentile chance for a drop or should it be automatic?
  14. I can see that. First heard of TFC from Arkas's and Pakratt's LP. And it's been a nice server so far. Was on later than I should (1:30 AM) and was travelling north to untouched lands. Currently around 260, 5560 (near Mysticbug's house) and might settle down northeast of Inferium and Peat. Personally, I feel setting up with a nice hut and gear before forming/joining any town is best. EDIT : Question with the plug-ins, was trying to lock a chest but it didn't give me premissions because I was in the wild. So, do I have to make a town (or equivilant) to be able to lock any chest or doorways? Figured it out.
  15. Tips on agriculture?

    Ahh... break branchs for samplings. That's makes sense. And guess I'll need to venture farther for more plants. Only came across 3 maize, 1 rice, and a collection of reeds in the 1 day of travel radius around my hut. I'll have to check the leave stages then, and get familiar with them. I'll look a little deeper in the wiki.Thanks for the tips.
  16. New to TFC (just figuring out bronze making in a singleplayer world) and looking for a server to play on, and this feels like the most active one.How's the server's community toward new players? And how's the server in general?