Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. Balanced Diet

    oh PLEASE do this, and add preservation mechanisms like smoking or salting (I know there is a thread toward this, but I felt it necessary to beg)
  2. Balanced Diet

    food doesnt heal (except for golden apples), steve naturally recovers health when he is well nourished.
  3. Cobble change

    quoting from change notes for: Beta v2 Build 40 Codename: Oompaloompa Mining Raw Stone no longer gives cobblestone blocks. Instead it drops rock items. For now these rock items when used in the world will spawn a cobblestone block(If I ever get to overhauling construction, it will take several of these for a single cobble block). Currently uses programmer art, it’ll be changing don’t worry
  4. Your chisel creations!!

    ya i know, when the server was brought back up, all the shaved stone types in the affected area converted to some other type of block. (all the stairs had converted to sulfur, and the shaved stones into some other type of solid stone)
  5. installation compatability issues

    works absolutely fine for me
  6. installation compatability issues EDIT

    their mod installs exactly like all other jar mods, it is technically illegal for them (or anybody else for that matter) to provide a pre-modded jar for you.
  7. Cobble change

    i'm fairly certain the change notes already stated that solution is temporary and suggested they would do something similar to what you say here. Please READ the change notes.
  8. Bears? I dont see ANY bears....

    I've been traveling around in SMP and SSP, no bears...anywhere.
  9. doesnt anybody travel more than like 500 from spawn? I have found reeds on every seed I have ever tried.
  10. New Alloy: Electrum

  11. if you think about it, this is exactly what vanilla got wrong, repairing destroys enchantments there
  12. Getting Thirsty

    he never said testing, he means to add a drinking mechanic that operates without having to craft a cup/bowl/bucket to hold it.By that logic you could just have it NOT fill the thirst bar and assume steve spat it out, but if we're to assume the action is the same everytime, steve goes at it with gusto and drinks to fill his thirst as if it were the sweetest water he ever saw.
  13. Alloys: early/middle bronze, mithril, steel

    its a higher-tier copper alloy, super materials shouldn't be fun & easy, red & blue steel already are a pain in the ass to obtain.
  14. Balanced Diet

    if you put in a hierarchy and timers, most likely people will just Mass-farm one or two with the shortest timers and ignore the rest entirely.
  15. Suggestion Forum Organization

    Since the forum is quite full of duplicated threads (some of which I am guilty of, I apologize), would it not make sense to divide Suggestions into a subforum of suggestions the moderators have noticed (which have not been summarily shot down), and a subforum for new-ish suggestions? Make it so normal users can't add threads to the "known suggestions" forum, and have the moderators move a truly new idea thread from the "newish" subforum into the known suggestions subforum when they notice it and think it might be worthy. That way we dont have to sift through the giant pile of junk that forms at the bottom of the suggestion listings to find the listing of ideas that have been suggested and noted. SOME ideas are fairly easy to find with a search, some use very common words, and are not quite as easy to single out from other postings with a simple search.
  16. Metal material semi-permanence

    In addition to my previous suggestion about instantaneous boiling not really being believable, on the same token, allowing too much ore/ too many ingots to melt into a firepit or forge without molds present should cause more of an issue than simply losing the material. Rather than vanishing, it should go somewhere! The molten metal should form slag material at the bottom when it mixes with the ashes and eventually shut down the forge/firepit, requiring cleaning & resetting the forge/firepit. This provides additional incentive to be careful so as not to shut down your smelting operation, requiring cleaning/resetting the forge/firepit If the ingots become unworkable due to being overheated, similarly to the "caution" warning, there should be an "unworkable" or "rendered useless" label that pops up once you've destroyed the utility of the ingot due to negligence. It is a simple thing for the player to then toss the useless item into a hole or off a cliff and let it despawn afterwards, and it will get the point across more if the user has to take out the trash after making a mistake, rather than having an item vanish before their eyes (which to some users who aren't paying close attention, may seem more like a bug than a feature, and to more knowledgable users, will be completely unbelievable for reasons already stated). Note I dont think boiling is a bad mechanic, especially for the metals that realistically would boil around the white hot temperatures, it IS in fact believable but it should not be instantaneous. Material should leach off the bar slowly (or even moderately to quickly, just have it stick around long enough to be able to salvage it and realize what happened, disappearing while you're way from the UI may not be as obvious, and the user might not realize why it is gone) as it attempts to heat beyond its boiling point until the player removes it from the heat source and it begins to cool down.
  17. Getting Thirsty

    salt water @ ocean salinity is a hell of a lot worse for you than mild to moderate food poisoning. It actively dehydrates you via osmosis and overworks your kidneys.
  18. Suggestion Forum Organization

    thats fair, if we keep the list fairly complete it should suffice for the purpose
  19. boiling mechanic

    instead of having it "into space" and vanish all at once, have it slowly decrease the bar's amount, and if it fully depletes then leave the mold behind, also dont let the material go above its melting temp, that shouldn't happen as any energy input @ the melting temp goes into the enthalpy for changing state. (delta KJ of vaporization )
  20. Place whole resource stacks

    its probably due to the increased search size of the firepit/charcoal pit mechanic, they didnt want to make it super-dense. tbh I thnk the search range is a bit TOO big...
  21. Suggestion Forum Organization

    It would make finding the worthwhile posts SO much easier for those of us that actually DO want to look. Instead of simply locking the posts, maybe deleting them might alleviate this? The major thing that makes me not really want to search the 18 pages manually in the event of unsuccessful search with the forum search engine is that they're pretty much ALL posts created EVER.or would there be a way to merge them, bascially dump the posts off one thread into another if there are any that are worthwhile?
  22. boiling mechanic

    how about just labeling the now-useless ingot as corrupted or something so the player themself has to drop it and allow it to despawn? this vanishing thing is for the birds.
  23. boiling mechanic

    problem is metal simply cannot boil that fast. I understand what you're going for with this, but hell even water doesnt unless you've superheated it at high pressure or in a place with no nucleation sites, and its fairly explosive with its sudden attempt to vaporize once it is disturbed. Sudden vaporization of an entire metal ingot would be practically like setting off an explosive chemical weapon and create a superheated toxic cloud that by rights should probably kill everything in your camp. Its so unrealistic that its jarring in its unbelievability.
  24. Adjustable time for SMP

    Since time is moving forward even when players are not logged in, we miss a lot of the seasons, and to be honest I've always felt the day/night cycle is a bit too fast anyway. It'd be nice to be able to tweak the amount of real life time that corresponds to a minecraft day to make the days & seasons last longer.
  25. Balanced Diet

    solution: don't build there I routinely travel 2K, 3K + on SMP servers to get away from the clusterfuck @ spawn.