Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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wood chips, saw dust and paper making (more ways to make paper through wood products)

37 posts in this topic

this came out of a discussion on the tiny tweeks meta thread

wood chips

wood chips would be randomly created when working wood products with an axe (ie when you make wood planks you get a small stack of chips)

- these chips can be burned in a fire pit to increase the amount of heat, but only for a short amount of time

- can be used in the production of "pulp" for paper making

saw dust

using a saw on a wood product will create "saw dust" that acts in the same way as "wood chips" from axes


when saw dust or wood chips are added to water in a "vat" made from clay blocks "pulp" is produced

- pulp is stored in a bucket

- when placed in a crafting slot, paper is produced

pulp vat

the structure used to create "pulp" fro paper production

- any fiber product (saw dust, wood chips, sugar cane) mixed in a vat with water with an fire pit below the vat will create pulp

- the heat of the fire and the amount of water and products added dictates how much paper is produced.

hammer method

when a hammer and sugar cane are placed together in a crafting bench, the result is crushed cane

- crushed cane creates more fiber = more pulp

i am open to more ideas / sorry to the others who discussed this if i forgot anything (i will add it in if needed)

good day


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Eh, not exactly love at first sight here...

I just don't really see a need for this


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It isn't a need it just makes papermaking a little more believable.


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It isn't a need it just makes papermaking a little more believable.

Making vanilla things that TFC is keeping more believable isn't a need? I mean, in the way we right now craft paper, i think the only thing i could get is a big bunch of reeds ._.

Also, this would help those who we had the bad luck to spawn miles away from any reeds... Unless we don't either have any wood. In which case, we probably won't keep the world at all :


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all very true thoughts

just a suggestion

i liked the idea as its taken me ages to find a world with reeds on it

also saw dust and wood chips could still be used as a quick fuel for fire pits


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all very true thoughts

just a suggestion

i liked the idea as its taken me ages to find a world with reeds on it

also saw dust and wood chips could still be used as a quick fuel for fire pits

doesnt anybody travel more than like 500 from spawn? I have found reeds on every seed I have ever tried.


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This idea would only work if the recipe for making paper from sugar cane is removed entirely. Otherwise it would be far too easy to just do it the old fashion way to get paper and this will be a feature that is never used. Reeds are pretty easy to find and you can get a ton of them in a reasonable amount of time. More than you ever need. Once you get all the plans made, they have no more use even... unless you want to start making books/bookshelves, but that's not a necessity.

Speaking of plans, however this machine or system is created, it will have to be doable without any metal tools. Otherwise, you'll have yourself in a catch-22. I'm speaking of the recipe for the pulp vat in this regard, as it sounds like it'd have to be metallic to be believable, and that's what the aim of this suggestion is after all.


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Speaking of plans, however this machine or system is created, it will have to be doable without any metal tools. Otherwise, you'll have yourself in a catch-22. I'm speaking of the recipe for the pulp vat in this regard, as it sounds like it'd have to be metallic to be believable, and that's what the aim of this suggestion is after all.

I think it could work if it was made from the clay brick blocks -those orange-red blocks made of clay bricks...-


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Or it could just be a clay pot.


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Or it could just be a clay pot.



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I'm on the fence. unless this somehow can play into the future building update (a.k.a paper walls and stuff) Then i see no use for it... Really, who uses paper that much in TFC anyways?


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The scribing table does, not to mention that in 1.3.1 writable books were added which is great for writing down complicated TFCinfo in-game.


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The scribing table does, not to mention that in 1.3.1 writable books were added which is great for writing down complicated TFCinfo in-game.


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Fair enough, i concede


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I have to say I like this and seems to be a nice logical pattern for replacing minecraft things that make no sense (Sugar cane to paper if you happen to have three of them!?). Only thing I would say though is not to make this a by product but actually the intent. Change one of the new 1/4th blank blocks into a pile of chips for use.. or a pile of saw dust. Dunno, just spitting out my two cents.


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I have to say I like this and seems to be a nice logical pattern for replacing minecraft things that make no sense (Sugar cane to paper if you happen to have three of them!?). Only thing I would say though is not to make this a by product but actually the intent. Change one of the new 1/4th blank blocks into a pile of chips for use.. or a pile of saw dust. Dunno, just spitting out my two cents.

any ideas are helpful :)

perhaps we could get Dunk to view this and see if we could get this in as part of the mod :)


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I like this idea, mainly because I like filling my hermit camp with more primitive machines to cover from the rain! (was going to say simple machines but that's something different, isn't it?)


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vellum might be an alternative to paper when crafting books, for those who don't spawn near deserts or places that contain sugarcane


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vellum might be an alternative to paper when crafting books, for those who don't spawn near deserts or places that contain sugarcane

vellum being calve skin right ?

makes sense


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vellum being calve skin right ?

makes sense

certainly is

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Also, im to lazy to reread, you have to have a way to separate the pulp from it's stewed juices in order for the paper to be any good, like a sifting basket of sorts.


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Also, im to lazy to reread, you have to have a way to separate the pulp from it's stewed juices in order for the paper to be any good, like a sifting basket of sorts.

one way could be that you could boil away the remaining water. at the end you could have a bucket of "pulp".

the "pulp" would be placed on a 2x2 block area, which would dry and could be mined as paper.


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It's not just water left with the pulp... if you want to be believable, you take into account the biochemicals sucked out of the paper because of the water... Chemicals that trees and plants from just becoming paper...


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paper was not invented til 105 AD, (but there are records of it being made in 8 BC, although inefficiently). It was made from strewn rags in a large vat and pouring it into moulds. Later, certain tree barks were used. This all occurred in china, however, and the ability to make paper did not reach Europe until the 12th century, and not to germany until the 14th. Unfortunately, we like to order the availability of things in the order they were technologically discovered or created, usually because the technology to develop new technologies didn't exist until that point.


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paper was not invented til 105 AD, (but there are records of it being made in 8 BC, although inefficiently). It was made from strewn rags in a large vat and pouring it into moulds. Later, certain tree barks were used. This all occurred in china, however, and the ability to make paper did not reach Europe until the 12th century, and not to germany until the 14th. Unfortunately, we like to order the availability of things in the order they were technologically discovered or created, usually because the technology to develop new technologies didn't exist until that point.

Is the assumption that the game is set in Europe, then? I can't work out what you're saying :/


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