Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. foot holds

    only 2 or 3 stacks? you haven't made many scythes have you?, I routinely have like 9-12 stacks of sticks.
  2. Finite Water and a Need for Aqueducts

    whats weirder about it is its attempt to find lowground, instead of spreading out evenly as water should it tries to travel "intelligently" toward a lower elevation or nearby water source or something. (I don't know for sure but it sure seems to be directed by some kind of very weak logic.) The problem is: water flow really should not be directional unless the terrain and relative water levels direct it to be so. Seeing water attempt to be smart is hilarious and sad at the same time.
  3. Cannot craft sluice !

    he means that you should kill your .minecraft directory and make a FRESH installation. (Doubt it would really be necessary to do this unless your files got corrupted somehow. most likely all that is required is making a re-modding of the fresh minecraft jar (you DID keep a pristine copy right? I do.) try deleting the config files and letting the client recreate them
  4. texturepack outdated?

    it WAS quite odd getting juice vials from trees , before the item edit occurred
  5. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    ya but the difference between server and client in this case would be that instead of using the uf option flags, you'd be using the cf options flags, and actually would need to unzip the original jar file ahead of time, and delete the meta-inf directory manually from the unzipped subdirectory so its not exactly the same
  6. Finite Water and a Need for Aqueducts

    He needs to finish & fix the finite water physics before this will be feasible. Currently finite water has a limited flow range and does not properly level out with other connected water bodies. hell, it doesnt even properly level out by itself in one body sometimes, you end up with 1/4 or 1/10 flow blocks running around in circles on the surface.
  7. Basic Domestication/Evolution in Farming

    what stacking problem? make some chests or plant them straight away
  8. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    most early stone tools did not even HAVE wooden handles, which is why I think the mechanics of stone tools ought to be slightly different. (stone knives and stone "shovels" really ought not to need sticks.
  9. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    Macs have a distinct lack of a zip program with a file-listing, drag & drop interface, unless there IS an easily obtained free one that i'm not aware of yet (might be, I dont use macs unless I have no choice.) sequence of actions to mod server on a mac: make sure you have the java SDK installed. (unless the jar command is included in the JRE, I always install the JDK so dont know) unzip the mods (the ones that go into the jar), in the order that you're going to install them, into a temp subdirectory. use the jar binary to update & add the files from the subdirectory to the jar file. cd subdir jar uf ../[jarfile] ./*
  10. texturepack outdated?

    tell breathsleep not to make the apples into juice bottles next time around
  11. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    on a mac you can use the java SDK jar program to update the files in the server jar, and fully unzip / rezip the client jar OR use the jar command to update it with replaced files if you wish. (but its better to unzip to delete meta data dir anyway.)
  12. A Reason to Fear the Night...

    maybe you could make it so things spawn easier and at higher light levels the closer you are to lava-bedrock, and have a difficulty factor for a mob that gets set based on where they spawned (make it more difficult the deepr you go, with more hearts and higher dmg output.)
  13. Bears? I dont see ANY bears....

    was it smp or ssp?
  14. Thoughts on B47 ?

    the forge is allowed to use coal, coal is NOT a waste of time, it allows you to conserve charcoal (not use it in the forge)
  15. Bears? I dont see ANY bears....

    incidentally dont feed the bears, weird shit happens if you activate the tamable interface, I tried to kill a bear that I fed, and the server shit the bed (needed to use mcedit to delete the bear that was corrupted)
  16. Your chisel creations!!

    Was dicking around in creative mode on smp (had just been testing bears, turns out their spawn egg works (item 383 dmg val 2, dont feed them wheat, if you try to hurt them later on it fucking bugs the server and corrupts the chunk.) Anyway, decided to try making a stone pig
  17. Bears? I dont see ANY bears....

    Anyway about bears, they should probably idle in or near rivers at times, as bears like to try to catch fish. They should also be interested in steve when hes got food.
  18. The Ongoing Adventures of the Zero Stack Size Bug, Maybe?

    learning to use it? click one thing type and you're done, there is no learning, I post these things in case I might be wrong about it being a bug, but if I think its actually a bug, I report it on the tracker
  19. Cant make stone pick

    yes, because you're not guaranteed to have found ore to mine, but you will have surface rocks to make bricks for the bloomery, and stone axes to make the charcoal, Then you can subsist enough with the small ores to make a second ingot more easily. The bloomery is FAR easier to work with than a firepit
  20. Cant make stone pick

    I never said that, I said use stone as the anvil until you're able to craft a metal one, reader comprehension for the win?
  21. Go to hell

    I kinda want to see the wyrms
  22. Cant make stone pick

    you need to sluice & pan & break surface rocks to get ore until you've got a chisel and a bloomery going to make pickaxes from. basically its this way pan/rocks/sluice ----get ore find & kill chicken (get feathers) plant & harvest sugarcane make paper make scribing table kill some squid, turn ink into markings. make plans for chisel and pickaxes smelt ore in firepit make stone hammer -----use stone hammer to work ingots on stone surfaces until you've crafted your first metal anvil. make chisel cut trees with stone tools and make charcoal make bloomery with chisel and rocks -> stone brick continue panning,breaking rocks, and sluicing for ore smelt obtained ore in bloomery make first pickaxe with next ingot
  23. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    the server and the client mod almost exactly the same way, the main exception is that you aren't really supposed to unzilp the server (because it fucks the metadata), but the way I do it doesnt require unzipping the jar at all anyway.
  24. can't seem to craft double tin ingots

    figured it out, the damn tin cools so fast that I wasn't getting it onto the anvil fast enough.
  25. can't seem to craft double tin ingots

    even when they're hot **** and workable