Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kotoroshinoto

  1. Alternately if they dont like this idea, a place-able base to start the welding process of building the anvil from the bottom up, would also be acceptable. (could use similar mechanic to making a tool & welding ingots, where you would shape the thing after welding an ingot on.


  2. so its been bothering me for a while that we make 7 double ingots and just casually place them into a crafting grid and POOF anvil.

    Maybe make a recipe that uses a sizable amount of clay

    (maybe you make sides of the mold as separate recipes and then put the sides together on the crafting bench?).

    For a mold this big, firing it might require a kiln of some sort, which we would eventually need for other types of pottery and ceramics anyway.

    You place the mold as a block and then start filling it with metal (the first molten ingot used sets the type, the anvil won't accept any other metals once the type is set) The UI would be similar to the bloomery but operate in reverse. When it is full you have to wait for it to cool, when it has reached room temp, break the mold. (maybe with hammer and chisel?)

    At least this way the production of the full size anvil out of component metal sort of makes some sense. (otherwise how are the double ingots being bonded?)


  3. i'm on-board with the blowgun&darts. but I dont quite get the metal rings thing, the woody reed material will deteriorate faster than the metal regardless. (would there be stone rings or ringless be the equivalent of stone ones? blowguns dont necessarily need metal)

    Instead of spider eyes, venom glands make more sense, eyes would only have goo, nerves, & blood, neither of which is really a toxin.

    Poison from rats, just doesnt make sense. Their bites are historically harmful due to contagion, but bacteria & virii are NOT poisons.

    I could see armor protecting you from a plant that was thorny and/or imparted its poison via sharp leaves or thorns etc, but for something like poison ivy/oak/sumac it would only serve as another surface to get the oil on and get on you anyway via contact transfer. Some poisons should get through armors entirely (as in a dust the plant gives off)

    Maybe a linen face protector would be useful for traveling in the jungle rather than a helmet? I dont know.


  4. ...But the trolls in the books had huge noses and ate small people (mistaking the hobbits for kids, I believe), as well as turning to stone at sun-up.

    You're thinking of the cave-troll from Khazad-Dum, which was a different species, and was also dictated by Peter Jackson, not Tolkien

    these similar to the trolls from david the gnome?


  5. Fishing should involve unique fishing rods, fish (as mobs, ie if you don't see the fish swimming around, you can't catch them, no fishing in bodies of water that you create. Fish should only really spawn in on chunk gen, but should reproduce slowly in wild)

    Fish should flee from players, but I guess spear fishing should be possible.

    we should be able to take fish that we've caught and place them into unpopulated bodies of water. Maybe use a system similar to "cooling" metal in the inventory for the fish if they become an item when caught for their suffocation timer. If they stay a mob and have to be killed the same way as cows/pigs/chickens, then we need some way to hold/transport them without killing them to accomplish this.


  6. i want it to catch actual fish mobs rather than twitch and generate an item from nothing, but I recall this idea not being well recieved in the past.


  7. I think they should move the downloads & changelog into a site like sourceforge. This would lighten the bandwidth load from constant refreshing & downloading updates.


  8. It's just my automatic response when something appears to be out of place in a thread (in a negative way, i mean). I really don't check if it is in fact or not an argument, simply 'cause most of the times it is. Sorry for the mistake... :

    its ok, people tend to assume that i'm trying to be an asshole if they dont hear my voice.


  9. I just wish they'd gone with c++ so we could have less overhead for the same features, but he probably wouldn't have taken it cross platform in that case, even though its possible and not much more difficult if you start with that intent.


  10. Stop complaining about other members and let this thread die, I'm sure Bioxx is going to fix these issues, but until then just forget about it, you aren't going to make it any better by using this thread to complain about every single person who doesn't completely and totally agree with you.

    now PLEASE, let this fucking thread die already.

    you're still missing the point, and deliberately now.'

    Your claim " using this thread to complain about every single person who doesn't completely and totally agree with you." is simply not what I'm trying to do here, but clearly the point isn't getting across, so I'll let it drop after saying my piece here.

    i dont' care that he disagreed, thats not why I was irritated. there have been several much more meaningful responses that disagreed with me and I have taken no offense to it. Now you're trying to turn this into a personal vendetta and thats not what I have here.

    Not just his responses, like I said this isn't personal, I have no strict issue with him alone. There have been many responses to several different threads people have posted on this forum smacking of the desire to create a culture of exclusivity and a superiority complex about aiming to make this mod so difficult to survive in that only the most elite will play it. I'm pretty sure thats not whats intended with these changes. Its meant to make the game less forgiving yes, but not with the intent of driving people away. (now these features might be expected to do just that, but its doubtful that it was the primary reason for adding these features). It makes it seem like he WANTS to drive people away from playing TFC which to me seems counter to the good of the mod in general, but you see bits and pieces of this kind of opinion everywhere. I've seen it several times in the thread discussing death penalty options.

    Now I'm done with this thread, unless someone makes another claim about me or my opinions in this matter that are not correct (I'm not claiming that my opinion is truth. i mean "correct" in the sense of claiming i'm angry simply because i have been disagreed with, not the substance of the point I had made. That sort of thing is not called for here.)


  11. Kotoro, just chill out, you're being just as negative as you accuse everyone else of being. Also, I am confused as to all of a sudden it was all "us" against renadi. No one here has outright agreed with you, because you really aren't going about this in a very good way. I understand your point, but you've made it a billion times already, and the issues are something you are just going to have to work around until Bioxx fixes them.

    So please, can we stop beating a dead horse and let this thread die now? Its getting a little ridiculous.

    Look I"m all for constructive discussion, but he wasn't providing anything other than a "no sir I dont like it" continuously. I am simply tired of those kinds of responses, and not just to this thread. I see it happening all over the forum, and it very quickly leads to derailment and kills threads. When somebody has already stated exactly that, once, what point is there to keep reminding us of it except to antagonize?

    If you came away from what I said as it being "us" against renaldi, you're WAY oversimplifying what I was trying to say. Its not an us vs them issue at all, but his responses were so curt, that it was not really possible to respond to him in a more meaningful way any further than I already had. When I said "those that agree with me" I was referring to the aspects they agreed with, not claimaing they completely agreed with me in every way.

    i'm trying to not be childish and petty, but while i'm not going to bend over backwards to be civil and kind, I can at least not rage at him senselessly, but rather explain why I felt his responses were not helpful.

    If someone posts a "this was already dealt with, go toanother thread" kind of short answer, even if its rude Its understandable, but that wasn't the case with this particular exchange . (someone else did post a similar thread, but that thread was NOT a response to the recent changes., it had already existed)


  12. the births of moses, jesus, mohammed, buddha, dhali lamma, mother theresa

    assuming that all of these ppl are actually real and weren't invented (obviously the last 2 are in modern history, and there are plenty of historical documents for the existence of siddartha guatama. There is some question re: jesus and moses)

    If any of those ppl did not exist, then I would do all I could to prevent the formation of the 4 major modern religions.

    (toss in the advent of polytheism in all its forms too, I just dont know who to blame for those without traveling back)

    and before anybody jumps on me, i'm not saying this for the sole sake of being inflammatory, I know this will likely offend some people, but it really is the first thing that comes to my mind when i'm asked this question.


  13. You don't reject what you have no knowledge of.

    Or rather, that is an immature response to ignorance, and one which should be avoided.

    would "not accept" work better for you? or would you have this turn into a semantic argument?

    We cannot proactively claim that all possibly conceivable supernatural beings absolutely do not exist, but we can pick away at a claim once it has been made. If it is not verifiable, then we can not accept the proposed claim as valid. Most atheists are not the type to rely on faith as a basis of belief unless they have no choice as in "having faith that the universe will continue to operate in an expected and repeatable manner, allowing the scientific method to provide reliable a way to learn about the universe". It is hard to imagine how people who are faithbased would end up as atheists, except in cases where their family brought them up that way (or a totalitarian government was involved somehow)

    While I would very much enjoy continuing this discussion, any replies to this should be made in the off topic section in a new post, I will treat further replies in this thread as an attempt to start a flame war and not respond. If I get out of hand on this topic in the suggestions forum I suspect the moderators will not be forgiving.


  14. Not trying to start anything, but proving there is no God(s) is exactly as feasible as as proving there is one(or many)

    Religion is as meaningless as atheism, people are unique some are OK, but getting caught up in prejudices is no different in one form than another, racism, sexism, homophobia, if you're forming an opinion based on what someone other than the very person you're talking to says you're not forming a valid opinion.

    nobody has to prove there isnt one to reject the proposed options for want of evidence. (or inconsistencies, invald statements, or outright contradictions, in associated scriptures not to mention moral opposition to "recorded" commands of said deity ). these among several possible other reasons tend to form the basis of atheist rejection of god proposals. When you're done rejecting god proposals you're left with: "maybe something supernatural might exist, but I might as well act as if there isn't one because I cannot claim to know anything about it until it reliably and repeatably manifests itself on demand in a repeatable fashion for all to see"


  15. You've trouble determining the difference between opinion and fact... I'm out of here but really, that's something you might want to consider.

    you have disagreed then, multiple times, but never with more than 3 -4 very short sentences, so i dont feel especially inclined to give you another well thought out response at this time.

    It is hard to see your insistence, even if it is completely what you believe to be the best direction of the mod, as anything more than an attempt to antagonize or instigate at this point because you are not bringing any thoroughly explained posts to the table.

    Those who are in agreement with me are not insisting that bioxx make the mod easy or forgiving, but we do feel the current setting is not balanced at all even for a "hard" difficulty setting. Your responses do not reflect what we have stated, but rather reflect the opinion that we are trying to ask for "easy mode", or at least your shortness lends to this seeming opinion. In any case it makes you seem exceedingly dismissive, and possibly that you haven't actually fully read what we wrote because you don't address it.


  16. I'm having trouble finding a problem, survival is hard, that is the entire purpose of this mod

    we get it. you don't understand. we've explained it to death, you still don't understand the point, if you have no constructive criticism simply move on please. These negative posts are completely pointless. You have already stated this, the new post adds no new content at all.


  17. Posted Image

    oh I'm basically intolerant of religion: somewhat in keeping with the concept that if you let people alone in their beliefs they may believe anything, much of it harmless but possibly harmful and toward a bad end. Like whats been going on with fundamentalists in the USA (and the creationist museum and the false manufactured controversy about evolution that doesn't exist at all in academia. In academia there is no controversy because its so well supported, yet these nuts fight proper education at every opportunity.)

    My philosophy is to vociferously oppose religion (and other ideas that are either not testable or are demonstrably untrue) in all forms (all of them). I don't buy into the atheism-as-its-own-religion idea in the sense that its not really a position but the rejection of a concept until ample evidence is provided. (this doesn't necessarily translate into how supposed adherents to the concept actually treat it, if they turn it into a common value associated with an exclusive community with rules and expectations like this atheism plus thing that's been going around, that smacks of religion, and I reject that as well, but those groups don't speak for the concept of "atheism" as a whole, but rather their own specific social group that they have wrongfully tied to the concept)

    The mods didn't like how I expressed that in response to the other thread. I was rather vicious.


  18. Honestly, I would love to rather than see new charcoal makeing mechanics have it so the coal types from the ground would be useable in bloomeries and such. Can already use all of them in the forge I think.

    they would need to undergo some sort of burnout purification first, they've got things in them that would harm smelting
