Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Fluxigon

  1. Wolf Aleles (To simulate breeds)

    I think that wolves would look pretty weird if they had different colours for their legs, head, body and tail each. Also, I think that 8 colours is a bit excessive, and dark red and blue aren't really possible colours for wolf fur (not to mention golden and blonde are almost exactly the same thing). Wolves usually come in 4 colours, namely Brown-Grey, Cream-White, White-Grey and Black-Grey. I don't like your original system where each colour was its own allele, since the system will be really messy, and that you can't identify the disabled allele (more recessive allele) in a wolf without breeding it with a wolf that has both alleles already identified (which causes an infinite loop of "I can't tell what genes my freaking wolf has). Instead, I will opt for a more organized and easier to understand system comprising of 2 genes with 2 possible alleles which work together to specify the colour of the wolf. The two genes that dictate the colour are the "shade" gene (which has a "light" allele (recessive) and a "dark" allele (dominant)) and a "vibrancy" gene (which has a "coloured" allele (dominant) and a "plain" allele (recessive)). The "shade" gene specifies the lightness of the fur, with Cream-White or White-Grey resulting from a "light" allele, and Brown-Grey and Black-Grey resulting from a "dark" allele. The "vibrancy" gene specifies the hue of the fur, with Brown-Grey or Cream-White resulting from a "coloured" allele (brownish fur), and White-Grey and Black-Grey resulting from a "plain" allele (non-brownish fur). Therefore, the most common colour of fur would be Brown-Grey, and the least common would be White-Grey. This system is better because you are dealing with 2 genes with 2 alleles each, instead of 1 gene with 8 alleles. Disabled alleles can can only be 1 of 2 possibilities, so predicting results and selective breeding can be done more easily and accurately. Pictures of wolves: Brown-Grey Cream-White White-Grey Black-Grey
  2. Braziers -heating (and cooking)

    Missed out the part about copper/bronze braziers only burning logs when reading. My bad
  3. Braziers -heating (and cooking)

    I don't think copper and bronze are suitable materials to make a brazier with, since they would melt under the heat.
  4. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    After looking back and brainstorming a bit more, I think a better solution is to make the whole ruins area what the player gains knowledge from, and not just a tangible artifact stone.By crafting some scribbling tools (mock-up name, might need to be changed) with ink, a feather, and paper, the player can go to the area of a ruins and by holding right mouse button, observe and take notes from the ruins. When complete, the scribbling tools transform into a plan/research note. When the plan/research note is right clicked, it is consumed and allows the player to access the bonus aspect that it provides.Gained knowledge should be reflected in the skill level tab in the inventory menu.Crafting the plan/research note with another scribbling tool will duplicate it, allowing it to be shared. If the player has already consumed the plan/research note, another can also be created through transcribing, also consuming one scribbling tool to produce the plan/research note item. This is done via clicking on the respective aspects icon in the skill level tab.That way, even if the ruins is gutted and torn down, the area is still sacred, and will provide the player knowledge. The area should be around 9x9x9, centered about the ruins.I agree, that the changing of the bonus aspect the ruin provides should be around 10-20 ingame years, for balancing (although this should be controllable via config). If a player tries to observe/take notes from a ruins a second time, before it has changed to another aspect, a message saying "You are unable to uncover more as of now" should appear, and the scribbling tool should not be loss.
  5. Think of how many entities you will have to create just to cover the walls of a room with wool. It will definitely cause more lag than it is worth.
  6. Knowledgeable TFC Suggestions

    I don't get why people hate the bucket so much. There really is no reason to transport whole source blocks of liquids in TFC. I feel that red and blue steel buckets are fine as they are. Also, although I like the idea of gloom, I don't think that having a player held candle is very feasible coding wise (since brightness works on a block by block basis (and the amount of updates it will create is going to be crazy)). I really like the idea of having to bait for fishing though. Fishing in the game as of now is painfully slow and inefficient. Baiting might help to make fishing a more reliable source of food. Might also provide a use for the currently useless rotten flesh.
  7. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    Although ruins are nice, keep in mind that TFC reflects a pre-industry world, not a post-apocalyptic world. Military and complex buildings are somewhat out of the scope. I think that most of the ruins should be spiritual/religious based, for those buildings usually tend to be huge and long-lasting (people in ancient times were more superstitious and religious). Some examples being stonehenges, monoliths, shrines, and temples. However, most of these structures should be very ruined, having collapsed roofs, uneven floors, and maybe some fallen walls. They shouldn't serve as a convenient base for someone trying to get by the night. I really liked the idea of picking up technology from ruins, so maybe these ruins could contain an "artifact stone" that when right-clicked unlocks little bonus aspects in the game. These bonus aspects shouldn't be technology advancing, or rather shouldn't be anything that is better than aspects of normal gameplay. They should be seen as alternatives (I.e. You can unlock a katana weapon, that works exactly like a normal sword, but maybe with a little pros and cons). And as for a reason to revisit ruins, maybe every 3 years, the "artifact stone" would unlock for you a different aspect.
  8. Knowledgeable TFC Suggestions

    Some of the things you are suggesting are already in the game. Skipping the night in a bed does eat up your hunger and thirst, low thirst gives you slowness, and there is a chance when being attacked that you will get slowness as well (akin to having your legs wounded). Also, I think there are better ways to discourage death than having them respawn thousands of blocks away from their home (in fact, I feel that the current death penalties are quite sufficient). The addition of even more penalties for low health, low thirst and low hunger, although realistic, will make the game hell for any player. Although the goal of the mod is to be believable, keep in mind that this is a mod for minecraft, not a bear gryll's simulator.
  9. Exploration Incentive (structures)

    Exactly. However, some structures like pyramids and the stonehenge were made long before that era, so although you wouldn't be able to find ruined windmills, one can probably stumble across monoliths, crude statues, and other primitive structures.
  10. I think that having maps be hand-drawn is a horrible idea. You can access any geographical information just by hitting F3. Direction facing? Done. Coordinates? Done as well. Why resort to an inaccurate system of hand-drawn topological maps, when you can accomplish the same thing (directing people to places) using coordinates? One of the reasons I loved and used vanilla maps is how it allows me to get a birds eye view on the area around me, more specifically, to find the location of oceans and rivers around me. So I propose that TFC maps are computer generated (for accuracy), showing the location of water and land (water appears grayish, while land remains white on map (the map is in black and white)). The maps are generated the same way as vanilla maps, except that instead of just walking around, you have to set up a scribbling/cartographer's table, and update the map in them. The surrounding area will be updated in the map, with the higher the update point, the longer the radius of the circular area updated (so you have to build outpost towers for more efficient updating). Waypoints can be marked on the map by use of the scribbling/cartographer's table, and will show up as a small circle, which displays the waypoint name and coordinates when hovered over with the cursor. The location of the waypoint corresponds to the location of the table used.
  11. Apiculture ...* And more soon *...

    Honestly, I don't think being able to "harvest" and transport bees via scooping should be possible in TFC. Bees and honey should be a limited resource, somewhat a luxury. Bee hives should spawn naturally, adjacent to a log or stone (I.e on a tree, in a cave, along a cliff side, etc). They grow downwards by a block every few months (except during winter), maxing out at 3 blocks tall hives. Collecting honeycombs is as easy as breaking the hives. This however leads to a retaliation from the bees, causing any mob within 5 blocks from the hive to take damage over time. Having a firepit under the hive, with a sapling burning in the cooking slot, will negate this. Armor also reduces the damage received. The only way to "move" bees is to create an artificial hive near an existing hive, and hope that it will be colonized. This may take a random amount time to happen. Bees will not move in the winter. Artificial hives are made by crafting straw and clay together. This way, you can't simply just bring bees to your base and harvest them easily. You will have to create a chain of artificial hives, and wait for them to slowly spread over.
  12. Ruins-Unique tools and mobs

    I don't think the mod needs things like sprawling ruins and dungeons to promote exploration. However, small structures like monoliths, tombs, stonehenges, mini pyramids and wells are enough to add a little diversity to the terrain, and give a little more character to the land. They could also serve as landmarks and promote people to settle down in the area (especially for SMP servers, where people tend to be scattered everywhere).Honestly, these ruins don't need any unique tools, boss mobs, and mob spawners. Just existing is a valid reason for people to explore one, and try to find more. Pieces of ore and salt should be the best loot you can find, if these ruins should have loot at all.
  13. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    I think the game needs more small animals, like mouse deer, rabbits/hares, badgers, and squirrels. In early game, killing something like a pig or cow will give you too much food than you really need, which would quickly decay and be wasted. Having more small animals would allow you to get protein early in the game without being afraid of wasting a lot of it.
  14. How to fix alcohol issue

    I think that malt is a good suggestion. Craft grain with a wooden bucket of water, and get malt used for fermenting/brewing. Crafting malt will give you the specific grain malt, while consuming 80oz of the grain and the water in the bucket. Potatoes might come under this as well.Apples can be processed in a similar way, except that instead of malt, you get a bucket of apple juice.This way, the weight of the foods can be avoided in the brewing process.
  15. Right-click to open placed ceramic vessel

    I think the code can be simplified if you allow right clicking a block holding ceramic vessels would open a GUI with the contents for all the vessels in that block, but problems might arise from non-vessel items (jugs, molds, etc).
  16. Age: 16Minecraft Username: FluxigonWhy would you like to join?: I like playing on servers with other peopleWhat previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: A lot