Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by DragoonCrimson

  1. Books

    The book writing in Minecraft was a major factor in many adventure maps. Up until the big latest command block update. In TFC you always start of with the innate ability to create a copper pick etc. There is no learning needed (Wiki help obviously). But my main thing I have noticed is that although yes you progress from Stone to copper etc. there is no way of documenting it in like a journal and there are no left over books lying around to 'teach' your character how to make these tools that is required, if I wasnt aware of the wiki I would have struggled to figure out what was needed however if there were like an abandoned villages or an in-game guide to tell you how to make the items (Or a sort of guru character to show you the path) then that would make it a lot more interactive and would allow you to progress in a realistic/believable fashion because nobody is born knowing how to tie their shoe laces for example. So if you included books then that would be an easy way of saying "Oh this book washed up on shore I wonder what it may include" and that is how you can get recipes etc. Also the ability to keep a little in game diary would be cool and cute
  2. Slow down on animal model details

    Through the correct usage of cubes alone you can make a perfect circle, very very hard and takes a lot of cubes but it is possible so in theory Dunk may well be using the cubes but to create custom shapes (Deer tails, Pheasant models etc.)I do have to say I agree with the actual animation side of your post however to do so would be complex and disallow some users the ability of using the mod, perhaps as a compromise the usage of more player animations... sit, crouch, lie down (Prone) and perhaps new climbing and swimming animations would perhaps please you...
  3. Books

    TFC was designed for single-player as the mod authors state that it is not designed for server use so dont complain to them if it goes wrong, and the tech tree unlocks etc would be fantastic as not only a progression but a comparison so for example (using the names bob and steve) "Hey Bob have you unlocked the ability to tan leather", "No Steve I havent however i have found out how to irrigate my crops"
  4. Books

    I wasnt meaning dungeon loot I was meaning like you would spawn with a little backstory and a progression style questing system like "well done you have found clay here is how you use it" but not as simple as that.
  5. Glitches?

    Hey, just made a new server for TFC but the sky is pitch black at parts and I dont know whether its a build instability or something i have done wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Glitches?

    fixed it, i just simply updated the TFC mod and it worked fine in the exact same world