Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TrueCH

  1. TFC + RedPower2

    Yo, friends! I've just installed RedPower2 over TFC and created new world. It had huge lava spawns on surface. I've tryed that seed without RedPower, and voila - lava dessapeared. What's the problem? does TFC fully not compatible with RedPower, or I should have installed all parts of RedPower except World part, or what? How should I install RedPower to get playable TFC with RedPower features?
  2. TFC + RedPower2 ya, it seems to Machine works only with World, but we can try to install Machine without World. Maybe Machine only requires materials from World? So we could just take those items from TMI
  3. Unshaped Zinc dissapears

    Good time of day. I was really happy when found my first ore - sphalerite. I started to melt some pieces of ore to make an Unshaped Zinc. With hammer and stone anvil I made Zinc ingot and made a chisel. Then I made some bricks and then my very first Bloomery. Then I started smelting the rest ores. And by that I obtained Unshaped Zinc's. I tryed to give it form ob Anvil, but it doesn't work. Then I wanted to try to warm up my Unshaped Zinc. I started Firepit, added some logs as fuel. Then I put Unshaped Zinc in upper slot of Firepit interface, and it dissapeared. What have i done wrong? Help please! Minecraft version 1.2.5 Mod version Beta 2 Build 45 P.S. Maybe Unshaped Zinc's were too hot to work, and it was in liquid state and just poured out when i tryed to heat it up?
  4. TFC + RedPower2

    Thanks for answers and suggestions. Im amateur programmer, but never faced with Minecraft modding. I think I'm going just TMI those things than I could mine in RedPower World, when I reach suitable level of progress.
  5. TFC + RedPower2

    Thank you, now i understood this. Another question, does RedPower World include ores like Silver, Copper, Tin , that are used in RedPower mod? And if you faced with this problem yet, does these ores compatible with TFC ores?
  6. Cooking & Baking the Terrafirma way

    I think TerraFirma needs more different ways of cooking, and it must be realistic as well. This idea is just amazing
  7. nice idea! hope sometimes it will be added
  8. Unshaped Zinc dissapears

    With my low level of English, I didn't noticed that state of metal was "liquid". I just didn't translate it to my language I think problem is solved, and the answer is: "Unshaped Zinc just poured out" Big thanks to all of you!