Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by WetCheerios

  1. You know, flattery just might work.. *Yaaah.. my server is pretty impressive, ain't it...* I'll come back to your app here shortly if you stick around. I do think the server needs some humour in the mix of things, and it seems like you guys can offer that. *Edit: If it's possible, I would like to see apps from your buddy's, whether it be through your TFC account, or their own. It would be nice to get a judgment call on their personalities as well. Cheerios
  2. Hmm, this app is a bit "risky". I'm going to have to deny this time, but thanks for the application!
  3. Going for "short and sweet" are yah, well I think I can live with that. Accepted.
  4. I'm not to worried about the times you are online, we have a pretty diverse community here, so there should be others online throughout the 24 hour day. Anyway, good app, accepted!
  5. It was a tough one, but I'm going to have to deny this one for now. I appreciate the application, have a good one! Cheerios
  6. You seem mature enough for your age, I think you would fit in nicely, accepted.
  7. Sorry, you just don't quite meet the age requirements, that's not to say I can't push them a bit but not this much. I appreciate you being honest, denied.
  8. Haha, good idea with the spoiler and note. You have been added to the whitelist. Cheerios!
  9. The new server is online and ready to play, if you have been whitelisted please connect with our new IP address: Any further inquires about previous whitelist members and server issues or complaints, please leave a reply here on this thread.
  10. Applications are closed, also age is required for an app.
  11. Applications will open back up soon, also how do you play Minecraft if you don't have a Minecraft account, friends account?
  12. Darkness and Movement

    As far as darkness goes, if you wanted a a realistic light level you should try a shader, they really add to the effect of TFC in my opinion and most of them seem to work bug free with TFC (Heh.. "Bug free with TFC"). When it comes to the portable lighting I totally agree. I would love to be walking through the woods in the middle of the night, torch in hand, lighting up the area around me. Some good ideas, thanks for sharing.
  13. I do like the idea of this new block, however I must agree with anttimatergizmo in the fact that it shouldn't necessarily be made from wool. I agree that kind of a block is a nice addition to the game, and I hope it does get added however it may be crafter, weather that be wool, cobble or most intriguing to me, the method you suggested with a wooden frame and drying clay onto it. I understand there are limited uses for wool currently, and it would be a fantastic use, but I'm not sure how realistic that would be. However, it would be great to see new uses for wool that were(are) actual used in the history of man kind, such as wool clothing. I really hope to see it being used in B 79 with the new body temperature system having been implemented, having some sort of protection from the cold using wool clothing would be a realistic use in my mind.
  14. TFC Build 79

    So I've heard it tossed around that Build 79 is going to "break B 78 worlds" and I just wanted to know if this is at all true, or if it's so early in development that it would be impossible to tell. Obviously I doubt it would be at all intentional, and the developers would try to avoid it as best possible, but I just wanted to hear back from the staffs perspective if that is a potential threat? I was hoping to plan a new world for our server, but if it's just going to get bugged out in the near future then, you know...
  15. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    Shots fired!
  16. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    Yah that's what it's missing! I'm perfectly happy with it in that case, and yes, I am Canadian so we also favoUr the "U's".
  17. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    Just looking at the chart, Garlic and a Potato have nearly the same taste pallet.. other then a dash of salt. There must be some other kind of value to drastically separate their tastes considering garlic is used pretty much as a spice, not to be eaten by the pound. Is spiciness not something that could be added to this table?