Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by achartran

  1. I think Ren went around and took some pictures last night, I'm sure they'll be posted soon. As for your addition to Maplestead, it looks great!
  2. i like what Dig,hiss,boom is doing, we should make a second thread, "The LBP Photo Blog". If we have a map wipe we could start it up then, or before that.
  3. Stone Anvil

    I've found that restarting the mc client usually fixes the stone anvil not working bug. Ive encountered it a few times where no matter what you do it just wont work. Ive also fixed it once by moving to a neighboring biome.
  4. Surveyors, and other things

    It would be nice to have some way to determine the 2 lower layers of rock, as im not a geologist and know almost nothing of the sort i wont pretend to know and wont suggest anything specific. But digging a 1x1 hole down 80+ blocks to find the rock types is a bit unrealistic, irl prospectors dont go around digging little holes all over the place. The only way a 1x1 hole is feasible in minecraft NON-Creative is if you have loads and loads of ladders, and that isn't very realistic carrying around 80+ meters of ladder in your pocket. digging a quarry (3x3 or 2x2 with a staicase winding down) is very time consuming and not really practical for finding a specific rock layer. and the samen goes for 1x2 diagonal staircase tunneling. So it would be nice to have some way of finding out without all the tedium of the current methods. Disclaimer: I do not wish to make the game easier, in fact I like how hard it is, and would welcome more hardness (is that a word? ). But there is a difference between a challenge and something just being tedious and boring, and the current ways of discerning what rocks your standing on are vert much on the tedious side of things in my mind. I also dont think that it should be easy to make whatever item that does this function, it should certainly be a late game item and very time consuming and resource guzzling to make as any thing that makes things easier should have a price to balance it out. I know im kinda showing my support for the less favored party here, but i just wanted to state my opinion on a relevant issue, that i think should be addressed.
  5. Player death Spawns Undead

    Ok, I have 2 suggestions 1.) Just a bit off topic but it refers to what dunk said earlier regarding zombies I think it would be cool to have zombies spawn in underground crypts, that are remnants from some ancient primitive civilization (kinda like Draugr in skyrim). I personally love the idea of ruins of mysterious ancient civilizations being scattered across the world waiting to be explored and have their secrets revealed, this imo would be very cool in TFC. 2.) I think it would be interesting if the player actually aged, and say when it was between year 1040-1060 (life expectancy was much shorter in about the time TFC takes place) the player starts getting frailer and weaker (not quite sure what effects it would have) and also would die in this period of time. But wait, theres more! This wouldn't be an "end" to the world or the game, instead a random amount of years and months will pass (the screen would fade to black and fade back in with the amount of time already passed) until a different young traveler happens upon an abandoned house/fort/castle/outpost/town/village/wherever your spawn point was set, and you can pick back up right where you left off, although your fire pit might be a bit cold mind you . Any items you had on you should still be scattered on the floor right where the previous player character died. I realize that most players would not see this as many people wouldn't stick with a single world for that long, but might be an interesting facet of gameplay in an SMP environment. I have no idea about the coding side of this so i dont know if it is possible or not, but if it is it would be an awesome addition to TFC and add a nice touch of realism. so yeah, just a couple suggestions that popped into my head while reading this thread, I could make a new topic if people feel it is more relevant there, but i wanted to put it into context here first.
  6. Firepits

    Coke is "in" the game, but as far as I know its impossible to get without spawning it in.
  7. Sorry for the double post guys. I thought the first one didn't go through for some reason
  8. Ok, so, I'm going on vacation for a week to a lake. I'll have spotty (as in, very inconvenient) internet connection and wont be available very much, if at all. I'll try and be on once a day (highly unlikely, but I'll try). I'll be gone from the 4th to the 11th. If anything goes down I'll be able to get on ts through my phone and I should have cell service (if i don"t ts is not an option). See ya guys later.
  9. Ok, now, I haven't talked to Ren about this yet, but i've decided after talking with acdc to bring the value of a single gold Ingot to $10 or 1 normal gem. This is due to the fact that once someone finds gold, with the old system they'd be an instant Bill Gates or Donald Trump, bad hair and all. So this is how it is now, and it may change, stay tuned for updates. Also, I'm gonning to draft up the rules for Town Wars tonight, so pop on over to the forums later tonight for more details. Our website is, and you'll find the forums there, and the rules will be under the town wars section. On another note, I'm going on vacation for a week to a lake. I'll have spotty (as in, very inconvenient) internet connection and wont be available very much, if at all. I'll try and be on once a day (highly unlikely, but I'll try). I'll be gone from the 4th to the 11th.
  10. So, our currency is now running on the Gold Standard. We have decided that 1 ingot of gold is worth $50 or 1 exquisite gem, so base your trades off of this. I hope this will kick start the economy and get people trading now that they have an idea of the value. Also 1 ceramic mold would be $1 or 1 chipped gem.
  11. Currency system is as follows Chipped Gems: $1 Flawed Gems: $5 Normal Gems: $10 Flawless Gems: $20 Exquisite Gems: $50 feel free to trade with this new currency, and shops will be up soon
  12. Bloomery Mold Patterns

    I think we also need to realize that while cast iron may be great for making cannons and other stuff (barring tools of course), we dont seem to have cannons and anything else that cast iron could be obviously useful for in this mod, unless im missing something. Of course Bioxx could decide to add something it could be used for in the future, but as of now, cast anything is pretty much pointless. I personally find it easy enough to craft another pick or shovel or any other tool in a short amount of time, providing you have the ore for it, and i'm not sure if a quicker method would be worth the time and effort put into coding and all the other stuff that comes with implementing a new feature. And finally, always remember, this mod isnt trying to make anything easier for us, if anything its trying to make it harder, and thats why we should love it. (i would like to say, cannons would be absolutely fantastic! not sure if it fits the theme of the mod though.)
  13. Just a heads up, im going to be starting a town on Sunday or Monday. The name is to be determined still, but if you interested in joining up just pm me. I'll have more info soon!
  14. i think we are gonna have to wait until Ren gets on, until then we just have to wait
  15. Server went down, this brings back bad memories :/ and welcome back acdc
  16. So, zredwind and I joined and after about a minute got kicked by some error, and now neither of us can get on . any help with this would be appreciated
  17. so is it up? Or are you still doing setup?
  18. yeah, this is poor service to the max. if they screwed up they should make it their top priority to give you the best service possible. But, yeah, give 'em a call.
  19. hosting off your pc may cause more problems than its worth. But if you want to try, ill be there.
  20. oh yeah, forgot about the new map . But yeah, i'd like to get some allies rather than enemies. so if you want to join our team you're welcome to, you just need to have skype and a decent mic.
  21. oh, wow. that sucks. Well i'll definitely be coming back once the server is up, i had a fun time killing Durza last night (still willing to give you that limonite back, if your interested, and we can continue on with no hard feelings ) and i had an all around good time. i just hope i can find some ores in the new world... also, what do you mean by "smart moving compatible" because if you mean its required to join the server i do not support the idea. When a server starts requiring auxiliary mods to just join you will get less people joining and it won't be as fun overall. Now, if you are saying that you would like smart moving as an optional mod that will work on the server but is not required to join, then i support your proposition fully.
  22. I want to play on this server, but im trapped in a house that has a forge built in it, with a sign saying "how to build a forge". There is a door, but it slingshots me back whenever I try to walk through it. Please fix this. I think its because im in spawn so i cant modify anything there because im not op. I'm not asking to be oped, I just want someone to let me out, please. Or just keep the door open so people who want to play on your sever can walk through it, and get out of spawn.
  23. world generation not generating metal ores

    same problem over here, i've walked through mountain ranges, dug down to the depths of the Earth, wandered through caves filled with vile beasts and lava lakes, and honeycombed every igneous intrusive rock layer I've found. But i haven't seen a trace of anything other than damn saltpeter and rock. It's rather frustrating. Any help would be greatly apreciated. im using beta 2 build 45 also, i have had this happen on every world ive generated, so it isn't just a bad seed. I'm thinking the best solution is a reinstall, but i kinda want to know what the problem is as well.