Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by achartran

  1. Butchery

    Yes, but we don't want Skyrim3 now, do we? It is an RPG in a different way than is traditional, and many minecraft mods as well as VMC itself are gravitating towards the traditional RPG style, which is great, in some ways. But I just hope TFC can resist that temptation and keep being TFC, if that makes any sense.
  2. Scorched ground

    Hmm, maybe, I've never been able to actually keep going with any sort of anime series, the genre has never appealed to me since I was a kid. I don't really know why, but I could never keep up and the story was always hard to understand coming in at the middle, and the fact that it never, ever, ever ends and just keeps going forever with out ever reaching a satisfying end. So yeah, maybe, but anime is NOT my thing... :/
  3. The weird side of YouTube

    MxR (a Skyrim mod review youtuber) showed this mod in one of his videos, it really is hilarious. I've been meaning to try it out next time I get into Skyrim.
  4. Scorched ground

    As in WWII axis powers? Because I'm a WWII buff (I've always loved history, mostly WWII and Ancient Greco-Roman history) and that reference is completely fucking lost on me... o.O
  5. Scorched ground

    Uhmm, da fuq?
  6. You misunderstand what a long break in updates means for TFC, often Bioxx is taking a break from coding. Or I could be wrong and something big is coming. I was about to set Sherlock on you, until I realized you were joking. Watch yourself, if you walk to close to the edge of the cliff it is easy to fall off.
  7. The Hades Code

    Uhhm, is it an anagram?
  8. Scorched ground

    This a good point, I think we should go back to the good 'ole text derails, where we RP and joke around. Nowadays we just post memes, myself included, let's get back into what a derail really is, typing jokes furiously hoping someone doesn't ninja you.
  9. Butchery

    Oh god, the revelations! TFC is no exception to the ultimate way of the universe, all things end up as an RPG! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! D: (I'm joking, mostly. TFC is still great, I just hope it stays on it's hardcore survival path and doesn't go down the path of RPG. Now, don't get me wrong, I love RPGs; but everything is an RPG nowadays, and I just hope TFC can resist the temptation and keep on giving us a real challenge in a world made of blocks and exploding green dicks. Which has been turned into an RPG by so many mods your toes will explode, and even Mojang is going that direction. So, TFC, be a hipster, fight the mainstream, and then we can all yell at you for selling out to the RPG machine. )(Still joking, just to be clear. )
  10. Scorched ground

    Working on it, it's being difficult
  11. Scorched ground

    (Finally got it to work, had to find a blank version and remake it myself in GIMP, but hey, there it is. )
  12. Butchery

    Commentator 1: "Wow, what a necro, Jim. I can certainly say that is one for the record books" Commentator 2: "Certainly Tom, that kind of necro can only be executed by the most highly oblivious and newbs the internet has to offer. An amazing feat of skill indeed." Commentator 1: "I would like to see a bit more use of the like button from Kionashi though, it would cement his already amazing reputation for posting on these forums. And who nows, maybe eventually we will see some useful posts if he keeps this up." (I am, of course, being completely sarcastic, put a little more effort in if you are going to post, ESPECIALLY if the topic is so bloody old. And now look what you've done, you've made me slip into a bloody english accent, ya bugger. )

    Well, if that's the way we are gonna go...
  14. soooooo

    Wait... how did this thread go from a TFC circle jerk to a different kind of TFC circle jerk?!? O.o
  15. Tribes with A.I. Controlled Characters

    Welp, now he has, he amended the old regarding the pro pick thread and added NPCs to it. Now we have a running list of "NO!" topics.
  16. The Hades Code

    Possibly, when I get around to it, they truly are quite mysterious. But that bedroom has been empty ever since part of the floor fell out into the shower, and they were the only interested party.

    Ugh, finding good memes is a pain, maybe if I feel inclined to get in on this later, I will. But for now... You have just been OWN3D by my cleverness
  18. Tribes with A.I. Controlled Characters

    And then NPCs resurfaced and he said no, never directly mind you, but Dunk has confirmed this many times in IRC. And there is also that nice new sticky at the top of this forum that hopefully will convey the point, which is NO!
  19. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    One way to make sure the satchel is used is to make the backpack require the satchel in the crafting recipe and something else that isn't a raw resource that is easy to get by punching a few cows. Making the satchel a great way to get a little more space while you are still in the stone age, and making the two backpacks only available when a player advances into at least tier 0 metals. This can, of course, be changed to a better solution once the mechanics you mentioned are (if ever) implemented.
  20. Dynamic Inventory Size [Better Wall of Text]

    I agree with everything here, but I think backpacks should have at least 2 levels. Each level adds another 9 slot row to your inventory. Same goes for the satchel, instead of half the VMC inventory it should just add another row. But yes, shrinking the hot bar will be a major pain in the ass. This is where the not realism but game play argument comes into play, you would spend most of your time in the inventory screen getting a new tool or block into your tiny hot bar. That would be very immersion breaking and add immense amounts of tedium.
  21. Scorched ground

    I am simply being consistent, can't be playing favorites now, can I?
  22. The Hades Code

    YEAH! Also, I'm going to blame that little outburst on my mysterious new roommate that just moved into the extra bedroom Sherlock doesn't use.
  23. Scorched ground

    Noodles, you should know by know that this is the last thing that anyone ever sees when they capitalize any part of my name.
  24. Animals!

    That's giving me a strong Smokey the Bear vibe for some reason... add a ranger's hat and it would fool me.
  25. Random question

    I.. I.. I can't believe I missed that. D: *then melts*