Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GenaTrius

  1. "Fire Bad!" Torches Suggestion

    I just picked TFCraft up again after leaving it alone for about a year or so, and I was surprised by the new torch mechanic. Not just about it's presence, but about the fact that I didn't absolutely hate it. I remember being horrified when Notch announced that he was going to make torches burn out in vanilla Minecraft back in the day, but relighting torches in TFCraft is actually kind of cool. However, for a whole settlement, it feels like a lot of work for little payoff. Unless you've got your place completely surrounded by fences, which actually sounds even more tedious to me, torches don't really help you deal with mobs or really help you see at night at all. And spawn protection just makes ot more useless. So, my proposed solution is to make zombies, skeletons, spiders, and maybe creepers afraid of fire. A firepit and a carefully places perimeter of torches could protect a player on their first night, and all that time spent keeping an established settlement lit pays off with a garuntee of keeping zombies off your lawn. I'm not a Minecraft modder and I don't particularly want to become one, which is why I haven't looked into making this change myself. I just thought I'd bring it up, since I haven't seen anyone else do so.
  2. "Fire Bad!" Torches Suggestion

    I don't know about that exactly, but I was thinking that fire might also increase the player's visibility to mobs. Here's the player, huddled around their fire, ringed by zombies and skeletons who have seen the blaze and are waiting to pounce (and actively shooting at the player in the case of the skeletons, unless you have a good torch ring to keep them away.)
  3. "Fire Bad!" Torches Suggestion

    Yes, I know. I'm not asking for a better light source; everyone has asked for that, and we all know it's coming. I'm suggesting this because placing torches to prevent hostile mobs from spawning is a major mechanic of Minecraft in general. I think that if light sources are being changed, how mobs interact with light should also be changed. I think making mobs afraid of fire is a fitting way to do that.
  4. Recycling Anvils

    While these anvils do make lovely decorations, it really would be nice to use this huge hunk of purified metal for something other than decoration. Like tools to get more metal.
  5. There is a small black dot on the texture for Native Copper in the current version. Looks like a bit of a misclick.
  6. issue with heat in new version

    If it helps anyone, overwriting everything in a B46b .jar with B45 fixes this issue, but not the water not showing up issue, which I've also been having.
  7. issue with heat in new version

    This is with the hotfix that I'm having this problem. Clearing my config folder did not help, nor did destroying and recreating the forge. Making an entirely new forge didn't help, either.
  8. issue with heat in new version

    I have the same problem here.
  9. If we're going for realism here, I think you should still get a few sticks when you chop down a tree. Maybe like a 2% chance, with no chance of saplings. I just know that in real life, when a tree falls, it's not just the trunk that's left.