Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GCountach

  1. JohnSmith TP - Anyone willing to port ?

    Wow, that's a nice texture pack. I agree, a port would be great.
  2. Why isn't minecraft as awesome as this ?

    Don't know if this works with TFCraft, but if you have a powerful enough computer... Have you seen GLSL Shaders Mod? That can add quite a bit of prettiness to your minecraft, though I suspect at significant performance cost.
  3. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    I recognize that picture! Given the trouble I've seen with new players finding clay, I would say this is a good idea. I'll work on that page if no one else does first. Page created! As dunk already said, copper can be done in a firepit, but it's a pain. The information is correct, however. The ore spawning algorithm has changed in 47. How much so isn't exactly certain as of yet, but there's a post HERE that is asking your help in figuring that out. If you could read and contribute to that thread, it would be much appreciated. You're correct and I have changed this now. Thanks! The second image is the layer above the layer the sluice is placed in. If you look at the third picture, which is the layer that the sluice is placed in, the dirt blocks you are mentioning are there. The diagram is a bit confusing, but correct. As mentioned, giving exact numbers like these are not allowed in the wiki. Indeed it does. I'll fix it if no one beats me to it. Fixed. Thanks! I'd write such a page, but frankly I'm not a cave-in expert. I'll leave that to someone who is. Though the ore bit I'm not sure about. It seems to ignore physics, doesn't it? I do know I can mine out ores all day without mining out the stone connected to it and it won't cave-in on me. Not sure if it's intended or not, but that's how it is.
  4. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    Some uniform naming would be handy in that regard. I've seen the items you get for mining out stone as cobblestone, rock, and stone. Seems rock is or my opinion should be the proper name. It only exists in cobblestone form when placed and stone is what you're mining into to obtain the rock. Also, I think it's planned that cobblestone will require extra steps to create (beyond just right-clicking with rock in hand). From the beta 40 changelog: Though the change log does seem to use stone and rock interchangeably, but for the purpose of clarification, I think it should be the raw, unmined blocks are stone, items you retrieve when mining out stone are rocks, and the blocks you place (and eventually may have to craft) are cobblestone.
  5. Charcoal pit shape? (build 47)

    I hate to bring this up, but since we're talking about things that shouldn't be as they are.... Is having doors/trapdoors be non-flamable in a charcoal pit intended or not? I was thinking of updating the wiki on charcoal pits and was thinking about including this information, but now I'm wondering if that too was accidental.
  6. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    The more I look at both pages, the more I wonder.... why is there a "Getting Started" page and a "No nonsense, a stone-age guide"? Both pages seem to be used to introduce new players to TFC game and mechanics and there seems to be a lot of redundent information. The stone-age guide seems to be more aligned with the tone and form of the wiki, but both are actively updated. Seems a merging of the two would be benefical.
  7. Sluices and distance?

    From the build 47 change log with my own added emphasis: Going by that, I think it's safe to assume that you're looking at a 100x100x60 area centered around the sluice, though that "roughly" bit makes this less than certain. I don't want to tell you how to play your game, but if you are at the point that you need iron, you should consider doing some real mining with the prospector pick and the mine shafts and all that jazz. I tend to do the real mining as soon as I can make a prospector pick and pickaxe, with the sluices on standby if I don't find any decent ore veins before they kick the bucket. There's a decent amount of guides around if you wish to learn more about how to do that. Just check the wiki and the guides subsection of the forums.
  8. Old flames

    Not sure on the german one, but I know the one in USA is Centralia, Pennsylvania. Weird stuff there, but I'd hate the idea of a mineral/ore be able to burn away in game.
  9. How do i get better FPS without optifine?

    While optifine support may be dropped in the future, it works well in 47f if it's installed after TFC_Core (i.e. last thing). If you have it, and you need it, why not use it? You can cross that non-optifine bridge when you get there. Minecraft defaults (in my computer anyway, I assume everyones?) to allocating 1gig of RAM. I wouldn't go below that. I'm assuming by p611, you mean Pentium p6100 (and thank you for making me test my google-fu on that one). Going by these benchmark results, it seems relatively comparable to a core 2 duo 2.6ghz, which seems reasonably fast to play minecraft. In fact, going by that info alone, I would say something isn't right with your computer more so than minecraft. If you're able, I would recommend downloading the freeware program Speccy (there is paid version for it, you don't need it), Install it, run it, go to file > publish snapshot, then copy and paste the link in this forum for us.
  10. Chain World?

    Seems the easiest way to do this is to start a forum post in the beta forums, get a server started that's 1 slot, whitelist, death-ban. People post in the forum thread to enter the queue. As people die and are banned, one more person is whitelisted from the queue. Could possibly be automated, but doesn't have to be.
  11. Old flames

    Like the random lava pools spawning right under trees in vanilla minecraft? Yea, those are fun. I liked the old fire code, save the random, non-extinguishing, floating wood that tends to leave in it's wake, though it was way too fast. This new fire code is a joke. It takes forever to spread and it seems like it won't ever go anywhere before burning out. That said, I would think the old fire code caused a lot of CPU spikes and possibly even bandwidth issues (to constantly update the vast size of the spread), which has to be considered if you wish to have it make its return. Bottom line: it would be nice for fire to spread easier and be actually a threat, but the old code was broke.
  12. Macro-server?

    While I'm hardly an expert on this, the simple answer is no. The answer is hard to explain and I don't know enough to explain it, but I'll try. Can a program run on multiple machines? Yes. They are quite common for tasks that require enormous CPU power. They are regularly seen at universities for reserach and large companies like google for handling all the traffic they get. They're called Server Farms. Can minecraft be ran on a server farm? Eh.... probably not. Why is that? Because minecraft was programmed with one computer running it at the start. Programs that run on server farms are designed for that environment. It comes down to how it handles any given instruction the program sends down the pipe. How does it determine which computer to send it to? CPU on that computer? Core on that CPU on that computer? If you send out an instruction (instruction B we'll say) that depends on another one (Instruction A we'll say), instruction B has to wait for the A to complete so it can run. These two instructions would ideally run on one CPU or perhaps even one thread (since instruction B can't do anything til A is done), but what happens if it's sent to two different computers? Performance will suffer. Can a program run on multiple computers spread far apart? Yes. It's called Distributed Computing. While that link will probably not help you understand it any better, if you ever heard of SETi@Home or Folding@Home, those are examples of distributed computing. Basically every computer is connected and working on the same problem. Can minecraft benefit from this? No. There's extreme amount of overheard required for DC, as there's many possible points of failure (bad hardware, bad packets, etc.). Everything has to be checked and rechecked to insure it's correct, else problems occur. This is why DC is used for solving hard problems instead of gaming. Time (latency) isn't an issue for them, but in minecraft latency matters.
  13. Mapping Toolsfor TFC

    Can anyone get Tectonicus to work with TFCraft level? Everytime I try, I get: Error while trying to load chunk at (-12, 13) from region C:Minecraftv125 TFCraft 47mcp_data.minecraftsavesTest Worldregionr.-1.0.mca java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2048 at tectonicus.raw.RawChunk.parseAnvilData( at tectonicus.raw.RawChunk.init( at tectonicus.raw.RawChunk.<init>( at tectonicus.Chunk.loadRaw( at tectonicus.Region.loadChunk( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.output( at at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main( java.lang.NullPointerException at tectonicus.TileRenderer.findSigns( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.output( at at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main( java.lang.NullPointerException at tectonicus.TileRenderer.findPortals( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.output( at at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main( java.lang.NullPointerException at tectonicus.TileRenderer.findViews( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.preProcess( at tectonicus.TileRenderer.output( at at tectonicus.TectonicusApp.main( I have a partially completed custom blocks xml file, but I can't test it because the stupid program fails hard on me. Works fine with vanilla maps, but not on anything useful.
  14. Mapping Toolsfor TFC

    Have you gotten any luck on that? It would seem just trying to load tfcraft's levels causes a lot of errors for tect. I don't think it's properly able to support anvil map format, even if it does say 1.2.5 compat.
  15. Blacksmithing Changes

    Though I know I said ingots, I did mean tools/weapons/armor/etc. My mistake. That said, I could get behind just having broken tool. Doesn't even have to be "broken <tool>", could just be "tool shards" or whatever.
  16. Mapping Toolsfor TFC

    Tectonicus seems like it would work with TFC with a lot of config editing that I haven't done yet. I looked at overviewer and I didn't see a good way to add custom blocks in. Tect does have that ability though, so I'd look into it. If I get a decent config file made, I'll be sure to post it. The only possible issue is it hasn't been updated to 1.3.1, but so long as TFC isn't updated either, it shouldn't be a problem. Here's the link: http://triangularpix...mes/tectonicus/
  17. [Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

    Sounds very interesting. I wish you the best of luck, though I fear the lag would be too much for me to apply. Europeans should be in for a treat though.
  18. Snow Uniformity

    I never had a problem with the unevenness. I always figured it was just snow drifts. Still, a bit more uniformity would look nice. On the topic of snow uniformity somewhat, is there a way to tweak the temperature of taiga rivers? There's lakes on the SMP server I play that are surrounded by taiga. It's -23C in the taiga and I think 3C in the rivers (not sure exactly, but >0). This meant it was snowing all around it and raining in the lake.
  19. Blacksmithing Changes

    A lot of this sounds pretty interesting, but there is one suggestion I have to disagree with and it's under the quenching process: Now, you said there's a way to obtain oil through foods like olives, which I agree should grant some bonus, but the possibility of outright losing an ingot seems drastic. For anyone starting out, the ability to obtain olives requires a decent amount of time (they aren't able to be harvested until October) and blind luck finding the fruit tree to start with. That means, even if you spawn next to a grove of them that you can't use the oil til October. A durability hit for using water would be reasonable but outright destruction? You could be in the stone age for an in-game year before you can actually make ingots. While this is almost certainly realistic, it doesn't seem fun from a gameplay perspective.
  20. Install not Working

    I've heard that if you try to combine two folders on a Mac, it defaults to overwriting the entire folder instead of merging. You want folders to merge and, if there is already a file there, have it overwrite that. The folders should merge though, even if that means the net folder has 2 files.
  21. Meltable Anivils

    Tonload? No more than 14. I would think even less so as to not use them as compact storage.
  22. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    That seems like a lot of ore in one area. Have you modded the ore generation somehow? I can easily see Getting 3-4 double chests out of a single vein, maybe more, but 14 * 365 * 2 stacks? That seems impossible. Are you running 47f? Your operation seems absolutely amazing though. I'd post some screenshots of my mine, but mine is the old fashioned, haul it up with a ladder, style. I want minecarts too, even if yours are really advanced compared to the timeframe. Btw, the 111 bug I believe occurs when you shift+click a stack from NEI into creative, or something like that. Has to do with shift+click is all I remember.
  23. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    First off... neat minecart mod. What is that? Second off.... you have a lot of supports. My mines tend to depend on the type of ore and it's depth. By depth, I'm implying that a lower vein would be a denser vein, but my best methods I can figure are branch and... what I call "slice" since I don't know what the accepted name is. Branch mining is used when the vein is deemed dense enough to get away it and/or the metal isn't worth as much (for example: mining out iron when I already have black steel and a double chest of pig iron at home). By dense, I mean the pro-pick goes "very large", "large", "medium", "small", "traces" in on block steps (so 5 blocks would look like this on practically each axis). I find the range of the vein on all axis, go up the highest spot, pick a corner to start, and do 1x2 tunnels every 3rd block (so there's 2 blocks in-between each branch). When I go down one level, I'll shift the tunnels over one to the left or right and go again. Next level down, I shift it back to how level 1 was. level 4 is like level 2, so on. Will show a vast majority of all the ore in the area with the least amount of digging. For the supports, I tend to only use them at the main branch. Cave-in's.... happen... sometimes. Slice mining is like branch mining at the start, but each branch goes from the top of the Z axis to the bottom. Every block is seen this way, but you have to mine out a noticeable amount more than branch, and the getting back up part has to be planned for. This is done when I'm having a hard time gathering up a certain ore I need and/or need 100% collection (for example: gold and nickel are 100% collection targets). I have no pictures of either at the moment, I'll get back to you on that.
  24. How to Start Mining?

    This article sums it up nicely: http://wiki.terrafir...Ore_Prospecting Basically, you need to do some panning and sluicing to find small ores. If you pick up rocks off the ground, they will sometimes give you a small ore as well. If you find an ore this way, I recommend you write down coords or use something like Rei's Minimap to make a waypoint. Those types of ores only spawn if the real stuff is somewhere around. Sluicing and panning will also give you an idea of the ore content in a given area. If you go through 10 stacks of gravel in an area and don't get one ore, you best move. Once you have ~16 small ore, you can smelt them down and make an ingot. Your best bet for starting out is to find Tier 0 ores (those are the ones that can be made with a 'stone anvil' and thus you can instantly make tools from. To find a good location, just start running around smacking those surface rocks. You need them anyway for axes, hoes, and shovels. When you find sphalerite, bismuthinite, or cassiterite, start scanning that area for more of that type of ore. If you find a decent amount of it, set up shop there and start sluicing and panning. If you can find cassiterite and a type of copper ore, that would be the ideal location as the two are needed to get to tier 1 and 2 metals.
  25. Can't make a bloomery block...

    The smooth or "raw" blocks are used for the metallurgy table, but the bloomery is bricks surrounding one piece of charcoal. You can get bricks by putting rocks in a crafting grid along with a chisel.