Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Everything posted by GCountach

  1. Bukkit Port

    I don't know if this helps... but... I attempted to merge 47f server to a clean 1.2.5 MC server jar. The following files were not moved due to they would have overwritten files in the jar: aae.class aaq.class ej.class fh.class lt.class lx.class zl.class And this was in the MCP readme: Seemed like jibberish to me, but if you can decompile those classes, perhaps they would be of use to you? Lastly, I assume you got permission from bioxx? From his Minecraft Forums post: EDIT: Found this in the MCP/conf/server.srg: CL: aae net/minecraft/src/StructureScatteredFeatureStones CL: aaq net/minecraft/src/ComponentStrongholdLibrary CL: ej net/minecraft/src/ServerCommand CL: fh net/minecraft/src/CommandServerPardonIp CL: lt net/minecraft/src/EntityAIFollowGolem CL: lx net/minecraft/src/EntityAIHurtByTarget CL: zl net/minecraft/src/ComponentNetherBridgeCorridor4 Perhaps just conicidence, I don't know. I can't see why those classes were edited going by their names. Assuming that's correctly what the classes are tied to.
  2. Strongest Rock Type?

    NOTE: If you are concerned I will reveal the secrets of stone strength in TFCraft, stop reading now! I was doing some research on my own, both in game and out of game, and came to the conclusion that the rock types, from strongest to weakest, are: Igneous Extrusive, Ingneous Intrusive, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary The difference in strength of the igneous rock has me puzzled. The difference between the two is that extrusive cools on the surface whereas intrusive cools inside the earth. The result is intrusive are "coarse grained" and extrusive are "fine grained", which I would take to mean larger and smaller grained respectively. Wouldn't larger grain mean stronger?
  3. Charcoal Pit Functionality

    I find when this happens to me, I forget to to put the log pile right above the fire. Might want to check that. If there's an airblock there instead, it doesn't matter the size of the charcoal pit, it won't work.
  4. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Introduction: Well, here's my current thought on kingdoms. A kingdom would have a king/queen who then has a handful of helpers (we'll call them Nobles, since I don't know the exact terminology for them). You can have as many nobles as you want, but you'd be a fool to have too many, as they are given a lot of power over the kingdom.... there's also a cost as I'll get into. Allegiances can me made, as well as war. Trade is possible, pillaging is possible. Belonging to a town would net you both benefits and costs, but would improve your overall security. Disclaimers: Number one, I am only throwing out a concept. How it would be implemented or if it could even BE implemented isn't considered much, as I'm not a developer so I don't know what can/can't be done. Number two, this is a helluva long post. If you plan on reading through this (and thank you, btw!), go grab a cup of your favorite beverage and a snack. It's a long read. Basic Concept: My ideas attempt to recreate feudal-age politics (poorly, as I'm sure you'll come to think) and the reason for kingdoms (in my head): security. As such, all my ideas attempt to improve security with cost, as safety isn't free. Kingdoms should be more secure than roughing it on your own, but living on your own should not cause you any financial overheard that living in a kingdom would. This is my basic premise. Meet the Hierarchy: In my current revision of kingdoms, there's four ranks: King/Queen, Noble, Guard/Knight, and Peasant. The king/queen is similar to nobles in power with one special gift: (s)he can dictate foreign policy. As of right now, that means (s)he can declare truce/war/alliance with other kingdoms. Otherwise, (s)he's similar to the nobles. The nobles are able to "land grab" (name pending), which is establish what land is under the kingdom's rule as well as set up collection boxes for taxes. There's no population minimum to how much land they can claim, but there is a set rate of "tax" on the kingdom which is based off the size of the land they are claiming ownership of. Debt will want to be avoid for reasons explained later. Why I'm Forcing Taxes: As much as people may hate this idea, forcing a tax on a kingdom is required for gameplay balancing reasons. First off, it artificially limits the size of any kingdom. This will also allow for other kingdoms to pop up in other lands as one kingdom won't be able to take over the 10k^2 area around spawn without a massive player base. Second, if you can't claim all the land you want at once, two kingdoms could end up having neighboring borders which could cause conflicts. Third, it allows other kingdoms to thrive as the tax will be levied on the entire population of the kingdom (save the king, nobles, and guards). If you are living under a heavy tax burden and a new kingdom is sprawling up and growing with a lesser tax burden, it would be an incentive to switch sides. This will help keep a server from growing stale. The Peasants & Tax Collection: If you're not a noble, you're a peasant. Keep in mind that butcher, farmer, lumberjack, miner, gatherer, etc. are all "peasants" which just means they're not nobles, kings, or guards. They are the lifeblood of any kingdom, as they are the ones that the taxes fall on. No one to collect taxes from = no taxes earned. Notice I mentioned a few actual roles, because taxing will be based off your role in the kingdom. While it will have to be balanced out of course, the basic concept is a percentage of your work done is "taxed" or just thrown away. By thrown away, I mean there is a collection box(s), placeable only by kings/queens and nobles, in the kingdom you must bring your items to in order to pay your tax. For example, if you were a lumberjack, you would have to take so many stacks of logs to this box after a certain time interval in order to pay your tax. Farmers would be wheat/meat, miners would be ore or stone if they've hit a rough patch, etc. It's worth mentioning that items are weighed, so if you throw in a couple of gold ore into the claim box, you could pay off your taxes for a long time. One log, however, would make you come back in 5min. Like I said, a balance would have to made here. Job boards could be used here to pick your occupation/see openings. Where does my taxes go?: This taxing doesn't disappear into thin air. It's converted into money that is deposited into a bank account for the nobles and king to use to buy up supplies from the server (at significant markup). It can also be withdrawn for real coin if you wish to trade with other kingdoms (no wire transfers here!). Only raw goods can be purchased from the shop (no tools/weapons/armor/charcoal). This way, a smith or 10 is still required to suit and weaponize an army as well as an army of lumberjacks to make the charcoal. Think carefully about your infrastructure and coffers before you decide to wage war! NOTE: This section is still in need of rethinking. Not in love with the idea of a "server shop", but neither am I liking the idea of taxes disappearing into the ether. What about the Guards?: Guards would have to be assigned or "promoted" by the nobles and kings, as their job requires a lot of trust. They do not pay taxes per se, but they do have to do their job patrolling, arresting those who don't pay their taxes, killing those who don't belong in their kingdom, even going off to fight if a war is on. If this isn't done, their rank will be in jeopardy (if this will be automated or not remains to be seen). Guards shouldn't be allowed to do any other job if they've been promoted to such position, to prevent an entire town of guards. There is nothing to prevent you from giving non-guards armor and weapons though, if you wish to have a standing militia, but loyalty can be a fickle thing. Now would be a good time to mention that no one is required to join a kingdom. You can live away from civilization as long as you want, but you'll miss out on the perks of joining a town... Kingdom Perks: Kingdoms have perks to provide incentive in joining one. First, blocks under the kingdom's rule are stronger than non-kingdom blocks. For example, a house made of planks would require 2x (example amount) as much chopping to break in a town compared to a house outside of a kingdom. This extended length only affects people outside of the town, i.e. those who aren't part of a town or are part of a different town. This would also affect chest blocks, making them harder to steal from. Doors would not open to anyone outside of a town, but could be broken down as 2x the cost of time. Attempting to break them when they are part of a town will cause a loud cracking sound just like if a zombie were to do it. This would alert nearby townies and possibly bring down the wrath of the town guards on the thief. The Problem with Debt: As I said before, in order for this all to work, a tax must be enforced so that a kingdom must be sized properly and that the perks of being in a kingdom are weighed by the costs, but what if you decide you want to claim half the entire server world with only 10 people playing? Well, you citizens would not be able to handle the taxes you would be able to place on them and your kingdom would go into debt. Once you reach a certain threshold of debt, the perks disappear. Basically, you still claim land, but everything mentioned above has reverted back to normal. Your kingdom is in trouble. You now have no benefits and are open to attack with only the resources you have to defend it. If you go in debt past another threshold, the kingdom is disband entirely. you can "release" areas of land to help lower the tax burden, which will be required over the course of a kingdom's rule as it naturally expands and contracts. The Problem with Death: The current problem I find with death is it has been cheapen. If you die now, you respawn at spawn or your bed and proceed to run to your items before they despawn (if no one is in the area, they can last indefinitely). This would cause robberies and fights to turn into a "throw an endless wave of cloned bodies at the fight til the attacker dies" strategy. Some people may say "hardcore servers will fix this", but it won't. Instead, it'll leave servers empty since, once you are banned, there's no going back in. My solution to this problem is to have a time limit before you can respawn. For simplicity sake, you could just implement a 1-hour death ban if possible, but my idea has you being throw into "the end" area for X-amount of time (1 hour seems to come up here again) at which point you are teleported back to your bed or spawn. This will make fights decisive. Once you lose, you're out. When one entire side of the skirmish is killed, fights over. It gives attackers a chance to rummage through the spoils, lay waste to a kingdom/house, whatever they wish to do. It will also make death costly since if you die, you can't protect your land and items. Armor will have value. Weapons will have value. Looting and Greifing: Totally possible without exceptions, though it will be limited in towns because of perks (and the fact that the town guards tend to be paid to prevent just this thing). After all, if you don't have to worry about defending your homestead, why would you ever consider paying for a kingdom's protection? You Keep Mentioning War?: War isn't just possible, it's built in! Each kingdom will have a.. can't think of the word... "status" we'll say toward every other kingdom. Alliance, Neutral, At War. Names aren't in stone here, but you get the idea I'm going for here. Neutral is going to be the one most common one and is the one each kingdom will be set to by default. War is an interesting one. When you're at war, the blocks for each waring kingdom are set to normal values, but only for those kingdoms. Example: Kingdom A and B go to war with C staying neutral. A and B can attack each other and their blocks break at normal rate. Kingdom C still takes the extra amount of time to break them since they aren't in declared conflict. In an alliance, some of the kingdom perks are ignored for the two kingdoms, namely if doors open (more here would be handy, but I haven't really fleshed out kingdom perks). If possible, names above aligned kingdom players would be green/blue instead of default white to signify they aren't a threat, but it would have to be only between those aligned together... Conclusion: This is the basic groundwork I've been able to come up with thus far that gives incentives to kingdoms why still keeping them balanced. It's very rough, I know, and tweaking is absolutely needed, but I think it's a decent foundation to build off of and alter. I also know that some ideas were more fleshed out than others (I wish I had a way to explain imprisonment, but I don't right now). Then again, if it's just ignored, I guess that's okay too. I just wanted to throw my 2 cents into the mix. Even if most of it is ignored, maybe one or two ideas from it sprout what ends up being the best idea, and I'll be happy with that.
  5. Sound not working.

    If sound is your only issue... Go to your install folder for minecraft, open up the options.txt file, and change the top two lines to: music:1.0 sound:1.0 I believe they are a fraction of 1, i.e. 1.0 is 100% and .5 is 50%. Don't know if that'll fix your problem though. Deleting the options.txt if it doesn't is your best next step.
  6. Economy Ideas

    I rather l like the idea of being able to mint coins but having the IGN of the minter tied to it. It would be the mint's choice to introduce or remove currency from the market. Multiple currencies in one server could be interesting, though it'd have to be pretty large "kingdoms" for currency conversion to be possible. I can see one town buying out another players coins from a different kingdom when they join their kingdom, then turning around and using those coins to purchase goods from the other kingdom. I could even see the rise in banking from the creation of "real" currency (as opposed to digital currency that most server economy mods use), as it'd be unsafe to store all your gold in your house if there's no chest protection. Besides, I rather like the idea of buying charcoal stacks by the jeds.
  7. Meteorite metals

    I would say it means "just wouldn't feel right" as in wouldn't fit in the mod's scope and/or gameplay. Dunk is a busy guy, he can't be writing 4 page essays about his thoughts and feelings and methods of how he came to his conclusions about every suggestion.
  8. Strongest Rock Type?

    That's true, the bonds are more important than the grain size, but I figured the larger grain size would be the result of a better bonding during creation. It still seems counter-intuitive to me. I'm hardly a geologist, so a lot of assumptions are being made here, but it just seems like intrusive should be better than extrusive. Intrusive, since it's being created inside the crust, should have less gas bubbles in it, cool slower, and do it all under pressure. Those 3 factors should result in a stronger end product than one that is exposed to the air or water and cools quicker at what I would imagine is lower pressures. I'm trying my google-fu to see what rock type is best, but it seems no geologist has ever taken two rocks and smacked them together to see who would win a rock fight. Well, if they have, I can't find the right set of keywords to find the results.
  9. Temperature medition

    I'm use to fahrenheit myself, so I wouldn't complain about them adding a config option to toggle between, but really it doesn't matter to me. I voted celsius just so it stays as is. About time US players start getting use to metric outside of science class and car repairs.
  10. 46c Experimentation: Ores is a filter that Broddigan made to add starter metals to the surface of worlds. It was designed with 46 worlds where ores were extremely hard to find. With 47 ore generation though, I would say it's now obsolete. That said, if you still wish to try it you just place it in your MCEdit-0.1.1.win32/filters folder. As for your other questions, I have no idea how to do that but I wish I did. I think MCEdit will only use the default texture pack when it's drawing the world. You could possibly add a custom one and point the ores to a different box with a different look, but that's outside of my knowledge and comfort zone. Perhaps someone else could reply with a better answer to those questions.
  11. Smithing question

    Correct Just sliderFrom the wiki: Source:
  12. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    Okay, when you unzip MCEdit, you'll have mcedit.exe and a subfolder called "MCEdit-0.1.1.win32" in the same folder as mcedit.exe. If you open that, you should see as you scroll down Open that with your favorite archive handling program (If you need one, I recommend 7-zip as it's freeware). Once you've opened the archive, open the pymclevel folder inside of it. Then drag and drop your minecraft.yaml file in that spot. It should overwrite, so if you want to make sure you're in the right spot, look for a minecraft.yaml file before you drag the new one over. Then just close the and run mcedit.exe.
  13. This idea would only work if the recipe for making paper from sugar cane is removed entirely. Otherwise it would be far too easy to just do it the old fashion way to get paper and this will be a feature that is never used. Reeds are pretty easy to find and you can get a ton of them in a reasonable amount of time. More than you ever need. Once you get all the plans made, they have no more use even... unless you want to start making books/bookshelves, but that's not a necessity. Speaking of plans, however this machine or system is created, it will have to be doable without any metal tools. Otherwise, you'll have yourself in a catch-22. I'm speaking of the recipe for the pulp vat in this regard, as it sounds like it'd have to be metallic to be believable, and that's what the aim of this suggestion is after all.
  14. Dispensers?

    Dispensers can be made. Just tried on an SMP server and on SSP just to make sure the server didn't allow vanilla recipes. However, they are a bit harder to make now since you have to take water to lava to get the vanilla cobblestone needed to make it.
  15. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I would like to help improve and maintain the wiki. Username: GCountach
  16. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    By default, you put it inside the in the pycmlevel folder, though I was using a 64-bit unoffical build and I had to put it in the .../ itself. By that I mean there was an actual subfolder inside the folder that the is and I had to put it in there instead of the Hope I didn't confuse you there.
  17. If you enable PvP, what rules would there be? Certainly some safeguards against attacking players that are still trying to make their first ingot from a sluice should be considered, but I can't imagine how to implement it.
  18. Sequoia Seedlings

    You are correct. Sequoia, along with the large trees in the jungle.... starts with a K..., don't have saplings. Once you cut them down, they're gone.
  19. Crafting Vanilla Button... Possible?

    In the SMP server I'm in, we finally were doing well enough to construct a ~850 block long rail line that connects our "bunker" where we store everything to one of our mining areas that rich in silver, iron, and other ores. I was able to make powered track and able to make the system work as is by just placing a redstone torch next to the powered rail, pushing a cart over said rail, then jumping on. What I was hoping was a button that I could put next to the powered rail, jump on, then press to power the line for just a second to get me going. I know in vanilla MC, the button recipe was just two smoothstone on top of each other, but my attempts to replicate it in TFCraft using granite (smooth, raw, and brick) didn't work. My question is, short of enabling vanilla recipes, is there a way in TFCraft to create a button?
  20. Can't find clay

    You should look at the waterline of any bodies of water you see (lakes, ponds, oceans, whatever) as well as any place that has dirt stacked high enough that the grass isn't covering the side. As mentioned already, clay in TFCraft doesn't look the same as clay in vanilla minecraft. Here's a picture of what you're looking for (notice some of the blocks there have grass on the sides but is clay!)
  21. Complete Noob Questions

    I was able to make a flint and steel in SMP with flint and iron ingot off a zombie. So confirmed this is possible. I haven't tested if the portal works though (isn't there an option for servers to not allow nether/the end?)
  22. build nice looking house with(out) woodlogs

    Might want to get that rash looked at if you were scratching it the entire time you were taking those screenshots. Very nice looking house, though.
  23. If you could design a video game, what would it be?

    Well, I think I can come up with the lamest game here... For a long time, me and my friend REALLY got into Farming Simulator 2011. I mean, i could tell you the average price of any crop in the game, what min hp tractor was needed for a given attachment, etc. That said, there was a lot of short comings in it. First off, you never had to buy land. You started out with like hundreds of acres. When you hired people, they just appeared in your seat and you just kind of did an out of body experience when you tabbed out to the next vehicle. In short, it all worked, but it seemed too simple. Then Agriculture Simulator showed up. I tried it. Some things I really liked (better graphics, having to buy land, having to do repairs, you hired AI and assigned jobs and watched them work in real time, etc.), but even it had severe short comings (example: MP was totally broken and laggy). In the end, it wasn't as fun as FS2011. If I were able to design any game, I would design the my own Farm Simulator game. One that borrows heavily some ideas from Farm Simulator series but with a much tighter focus on realism and the native ability to handle tracked tractors. Be very mod friendly from tractors to implements to maps to even extra crops. It would have AI similar to Transport Tycoon that you could work against or alongside or turn off altogether(toggle option). Example being if one AI just harvested their corn, you have to make sure you sell all yours before market closes else the price will drop when you go the next day. Alongside would allow you to be hired on to work on their fields until you can afford to buy your own fields, etc. I had a lot of thought of how I wanted to make the game, I even tried to figure out how to use unity 3d engine, but ultimately felt it was beyond my abilities, time, and talent to try and tackle. TL:DR - Farming Simulator game.
  24. Javelin tweak: The atlatl

    Which is a mod. The devs can't be expected to nerf javs on the assumption that someone may download another mod, but if they're adding the feature natively into his mod, they should nerf them.
  25. Combine surface metal

    I like this. I found it strange that the small bits take just as long to smelt and take as much coal to smelt as regular sized bits (a point I made in the this thread that EU was talking about), but I wonder how doable it is with the current bloomery coding. This way would allow the bloomery code to remain unchanged (assuming it would be an issue here) while allowing us to cook 8 pieces of small ore for the same cost of one larger ore. Not sure if the conversion is right, but for the added convenience of it costing less to smelt, I'd be willing to accept it. Really though, either implementation would work, but yours does seem like it would be a whole lot easier to program in (simply add a shapeless recipe for each small/nugget ore?). The ability to carry more though I'd have to disagree with. Not allowing you to carry more small ore gives you incentive to convert your small ores instead of leave them as is. Similar to the idea that it's easier to store ingots than ore.