Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Scooterdanny

  1. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Look at it now.
  2. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    If you still cannot see it, use this link
  3. Starter metals are easy to find

    I have to ask, why the gold pans? in my experience, you have to try like 30 times before you have a chance of finding a positive result.
  4. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Well.... yes, but you can also find these here
  5. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  6. The Craft.

  7. Organic Combat Programming

    You say that like it's a bad thing... but seriously, do critic the OP, it was well written and thought out.
  8. Organic Combat Programming

    No, it hasn't, and speaking of nerd talk...
  9. Organic Combat Programming

    Maybe eventually, but this is still page 2 >.<
  10. Organic Combat Programming

    Ahem boys, enough Dnd talk, This was an excellent suggestion, i would like to see more relevant content on the matter, I feel compelled to slap you for that comparison
  11. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  12. Stupid Ideas

    Lmao. ..
  13. The Craft.

    This being the most active thread on the site pleases me, and Eternal, it was a non-serious joke. hence the XD at the end. also, what was that picture supposed to be? i cannot see it.
  14. Organic Combat Programming

    Pssh, rapiers are 18–20/×2 and cooler than scimitars.
  15. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  16. The Craft.

    Can't say i had that, more like groundhog's day with 5 minutes. repeating over and over, and would occasionally switch, and some things were real, and some weren't
  17. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    Tortuga, can only be found by those who know where it is, or have a magic compass. and yeah, i'm really glad i didn't do a img search for the latter part of that post.
  18. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  19. The Craft.

    I love how this went from carpentry to drugs...
  20. Organic Combat Programming

    Just saying, dunk made like an entire page post about what he is going to do with this.
  21. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    Goatees are amazing M'kay? i just let it grow out, and trim the whole thing every month.
  22. Decaying Food Continued

    Oh my lord... Eternal, THIS is why you are my favorite poster (Jed is great too, just not quite as funny in an asshole way)
  23. The Craft.

    I had an experience kind of like that with a walking dream, it pissed me off that i didn't know what was real.
  24. The Craft.

    Man, if Marijuana was legal, i would be all over it and LSD.
  25. Smithing

    Maybe, yeah.