Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Mogriax

  1. insanej does it still crash if you try in in single player mode with just tfc enabled? perhaps its a sync issue between your client and the server, have you reinstalled java and minecraft / tfc etc from scratch?
  2. WorldSpawn

    HI me again, is there anyway to see where TFC is saving the world spawn too. ive looked at the level.dat files and yes it records it there, but if i change that it reverts it. ive tried deleting the .mca files associated with the spawn, but it just plonks it back there even if its a straight drop into rock or ocean.. this has me flummoxed, ive tried editing it via mcedit and nope.. reverts it back soon as i start the server. so could anyone tell me where in the mod it is saved and is it editable? ps. my server runs permissionsEx mod so trying to do workaround with command blocks is a no go.
  3. WorldSpawn

    forge essentials doesnt work with tfc.. it still resets the spawn to default world spawn on the next world save.. very annoying. it also seems to have a backup location it stores information too, as editing the world folder doesnt change the spawn. tried everything, ported the world folder to 4 different mod modes including 1.7.9 to try and move world spawn, when i put i back into my servers tfc folder.. it plonks the spawn back to default.,. i swear for an open source mod, someone's being rather secretive about why this is so.
  4. WorldSpawn

    shocking no replies.. guess everyone is as stumped as me.
  5. [B78.7] Horse Auto-Breeding INSANITY

    seems the bug is back....
  6. Bugged Chisel + other issues.

    THANK YOU. at last a fix for the issue i faced, i couldnt figure out why in creative it kept getting stuck. =)
  7. Bugged Chisel + other issues.

    hi been hosting terrafirma for well over a month now, im quite pleased with this mod, however a few things have come to my attention. when attemping to switch to another dimension my clients get internal server error message. this is any dimension switching not just nether or ender. i installed paleocraft ontop but couldnt switch the dino dimension. the other thing is the chisel/mortor combo.. when placing planks and chiseling them the chisel for some reason gets stuck. this happens serverwide and to alleviate this issue i have to delete the data files in the world folder.i am currently running a 16gb 4 x 4 amd 4 core processor server with plenty of harddrive and a silly amount of available bandwidth, its also running a linux OS platform. is it my server or are there indeed problems with this mod associated to these two issues? Oh also please note till the lastest update putting my nether portal at 1-50 Y solved the server error, however now it doesnt. Also why does the world get generated at silly range bounderies (one world gen was at -22000 214 19000)? surely spawning and generating the world at 0 0 coordinates would be more sensible?
  8. i think sir you need a few lessons in the english language. i didnt call the community dumb i called paying to be on the server dumb. big difference. my server is a 200 man one. .il happily let anyone on as long as they follow simple no paying for stuff just plain fun.. why should i charge anyone for TFC when i dont own the mod and im not donating to its development.
  9. deleted application. wont pay for a community thats just plain dumb. it encourages griefers.
  10. Bugged Chisel + other issues.

    Yes ive had a good read through that, wish you had shown me that first, well perhaps its something to do with tickrates. anyway going to sit here and try to diagnose this now. though, ive noticed it happens only in creative mode( so yeah dont worry about it i guess ive not seen in that code for creative mode variables with the chisel, all i see is everytime it is used it takes damage) The other thing which has me scratching my head, is the code refers to stone blocks a lot more than other blocks. why is this?
  11. Bugged Chisel + other issues.

    Terex, no your ever so wrong, cant open to lan on a remote host, as for spawning at 0.0 the TFC mod itself moves the spawn if you attempt to move it, regardless of making spawn points or with a bed. anyway my remote server is a 16x quad core amd processor , 16GB ram 1TB SSD 1 GB connection unlimited and unmetered bandwidth..( i have in the past ran 3 steam dedicated servers each with 40 players on no problem, money is no object for my entertainment). as for the chisel getting stuck when using plank blocks, this has been REPORTED to me by my clients. i have only noticed it on full blocks when making a roof or a staircase myself, i also notice it is totally random and cannot force it to occur it just does as and when it feels like it, as for keybindings its all default so yeah tested that theory even tested the lock cycle mode one too, though i suspect this may have something to do with it, and as mentioned previously, when a lock occurs.. it affects everything. The server is running Ubuntu 12.04 (i dont want to upgrade it though i could if i so wished to) The minecraft folder runs Forge latest edition, TFC latest edition, Dynmap for 1.6.4 and nothing else, though in the past i have tried to integrate other mods without much success including paleocraft. i have ran mirror servers without any mods on, using forge or mcpc to see if any difference, mcpc/mcpc+ seems to leak memory so decided not to use it. as for not being a global setting, i find this very hard to believe that, its not a vanilla setting its a modification of Java byte coding so therefore belongs directly to the mod and its associated files right? anyway if one chisel gets stuck in CREATIVE with whatever hammer is in the hotbar (sick of kids telling me this, i know you cannot chisel without a hammer) then everyone's chisel follows suit regardless if they are on server or not at the time. if it cant be diagnosed il just accept it and move on.
  12. Bugged Chisel + other issues.

    well as you seem to be getting confused by the answer, the chisel gets stuck when chiselling full blocks into stairs. as for the spawnpoint command. No. it doesnt work. the global spawn point resets regardless spawnpoint being set. and as far as setting global world spawn point that is a 1.7.5+ command. not a 1.6.4 one.
  13. [Solved] Serios frame rate drops

    i would of suggested turn off vsync.. wouldnt of had to install optifine....
  14. Bugged Chisel + other issues.

    ok to answer your reply, minecraft nether and ender are part of the game.. they are not mods and shouldnt suffer from mod problems. yet somehow do with terracraft on my server. the chisel gets stuck on stair making after a time. it doesnt reset isnt something stuck to a single player its a global thing, not sure what causes it as it doesnt cause a server crash. it seems to happen when chiselling wood into stairs. thirdly thats all very fine have a biome at that heat causing issues for some, but surely this is survival and being dumped in a hot place just means people should adapt, i notice also that the world doesnt unload when people log off. is this intentional?