Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Saberwulfy

  1. Metal Block Casting

    I think its a good idea, its realistic, its a big fire clay mold using a blue print system. Some code economy I agree and you have my vote !
  2. What time affect?

    someone to test mine time + terrafirma?
  3. What time affect?

    if change the game length hungry, thirst, and anothers things will be changed?I want to change the length to have time for work and explore in single player but i dont know if it can bug something...
  4. What time affect?

    i dont know if a normal mod can change the time length, im bored with the constant work at day and nothing to do at night, days are very short and nights are overcrowded of monsters, i want to have time to travel and more control over my duties. The spawn protection is tiny for this kind of life. 10 minutes for explore, load and unload things, care of farm, animals, build, mine, cut trees, preserve food and blacksmith. its hard to have a time on a chair looking the sunset
  5. Trains ?

    If you have time to spend, please configure custom recipe mod to Railcraft and support this adaptation in each new TFC version.
  6. How to slaughter?

    Sometimes when i kill my chickens, it drop nothing. There are some official way to slaughter animals?
  7. Fishing with spear or net

    Nets of jute may be a good way for fishing based at location and seasson. Throwning a spear or creating 1 stick + knife = fishing spear, at water sources fishables create a chance to make a spear with a fish impaled.
  8. I think TFC can already use existing codes to extinct spiders, creepers, skeletons and zombies. Primates can shot stones( like skeletons with arrows )Leopards ( climbing like spiders )Animals may have more consistent drops than monstersThis animals in real life animals can not be tamed without a special treatment or previous knowledge( so never in the game ).Wild animals appearing out of nowhere are more consistent than stupid zombiesNight sounds will become more scaryYou will can huntThe high health points of this creatures will destroy any tries of easy foodAmount may be substituted by qualityDo you think animals can substitute monster atributes? What do you think about monsters extinction and animals arise?
  9. Drinking water

    Jug is to store and carry water and not to be a cup, i think pointless need a jug to be fast if you are in the river. this is a wrong use of the function
  10. Animals and the extinction of monsters

    Creepers, spiders, zombies... A full plates arent developed for suicide bombers, spiders bites and zombies punchers... If you are hunted at night by a leopard you will want have the best armor and melee weapon ready for close combat and a bow for long range. Show me armors developed to fight against animals... You can hunt a leopard with a mace, i prefer a bow and traps. "If your close it will hunt you" 250 meters is close to animal senses. "it won´t pursuit you to the bitter end since you can outrun them" archers skeleton dont run for cleverly away from the melee, cmon bro... Sorry if I messed up on something I wrote, I do not speak English.
  11. Drinking water

    I think drink water with your hand need to fill the bar fast, and the jug to be used multiple times. Drink from a jug will never be faster than my face under water, this hand animation can stay only for illustrate what is happening.
  12. Traps

    If all monster be substitute for animals, hunting traps can be a viable option
  13. Fishing with spear or net

    This is in 1-2 block deep?More than 2 block deep is preferable to use a knife. (without thrown) Using a spear with metal tip and a rope can be more convenient against this giant squids. Its like lasso any animal, but u will tow to surface and kill
  14. Drinking water

    why not knap wood for a cup? why they force us to use ceramic?
  15. Polished stone tools

    a grinding wheel can polish stones and increase damage of weapons
  16. Simple Lamp

    Large clay verssel already exist String exist Alcohol exist so... A large clay vessel filled with alcohol and sealed with a string may be the first unlit lamp of the game
  17. Sledge Hammers

    If we can create strong alloys we ca create... Sledge Hammer for: 1 - Break wood walls 1x1 with low drop chance for planks, with 1 hit 2 - Break brick walls 3x3 with low drop chance for bricks, like mining with a pick 3 - Break stone walls 3x3 ( 3x3x1 is a wall) dropping cobblestone, more slow than a pick 4 - Destroy things destroy things you do not like 5 - Slow hit a monster but with a greate knockback 6 - Kill animals with 1 hit ( we need be merciful) 7 - Thrown and run (a coward alive is better than a hero dead) This man does not believe how old and had never used a big hammer
  18. Realistic Mining and Metal Extraction

    More work for a single player... Some work for multiplayer, a lot of miners slaved....
  19. Stakes !

    Stake for walls, floor or roof. Same item with another name for caves (stalactite) - For build traps and others defensives things - Damage only from 1 side - Good in singleplayer, fun in multiplayer
  20. Simple Lamp

    With a rope and a large clay vessel cant you make a bigger version of this?
  21. Sledge Hammers

    names... names... names...
  22. Useless wood thing = fuel?

    I do not believe they will accept a magic trash, in the future i think they will create a way to smelt metal already worked and smash stone to dust.
  23. Useless wood thing = fuel?

    "Lets maximize on this idea from my wrong post" The idead is when the fire pit try to burn it will backtrace the recipe and count the logs, planks and sticks used, any another item without the wood attribute will be eject or lost. I never opened a terrafirma object but i think it already have atributes tha cant be used for facilitate this function. The objective is burn useless junk, safely eliminate and a more economical way of using fire to do quick things like torches Look this image and think about this with your heart.
  24. Fishing with spear or net

    A metal hook with a rope can to tow squids for take the loot easy
  25. Fishing with spear or net

    A fishing net is more advanced and take a lot of rope, a spear stone age way to fishing and its not 100% fo try, if u want fish fast and dont have a net, use 30 spears and shot fast all on water