Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Saberwulfy

  1. I'm drooling... I love multiblocks and this would be awesome, although I like real word interaction like the weaving/drying racks/ pitkiln systems and I hope more of that sort of stuff gets implemented.

    Imagine:  This system + multiplayer, you will can enter in a room and work at a side, your friend at other side, and a second friend get the 2 products to create a third. Ex: forge heating ingot (player 1) linked to, forge keeping hot (player 2) linked to, anvil creating metal sheets and welding (player 3) linked to, anvil creating armour pieces and finishing (player 4).

    Players advantage: no external trades, less clicks, more interaction between players, less consumption, fordism.

    (supposition) CPUs advantage: no creation of entites (throwing objects), less processing players moving


  2. We already have skills so:
    We have a complex metallurgy and farming system that become more hard to balance because of complexity.
    All metalwork creation based in skill is better for balance at any time of the mod advance, and for sustain the believable objectivity.

    Who don't agree with this logic for "keep it simple, stupid" to Devs waste less time, so with this increasing the system?


  3. Recently i begin in a new server, no nuggets but i run to a quartzite area with a gold pan ive get 100 units for copper, after ive created a saw a house and sluices, with sluices harvest i made a propick, all this begin made me triangulate the vein location. With the triangulated location ive re-triangulated with propick, easly i found 2 copper veins.
    So its easy, terrafirmacraft isn't for be played fast like vanilla, newbies need to learn in wiki and in mp is more easy, because they learn with players.


  4. A modular table to attach already existing and add-ons, with new interface for terrafirma and an without or with changes for add-ons. It simply attach at sides of interfaces and zoom out if need more screen.
    I think it can clarify.
    Its the concept of modular:xf2e8p.pngsSo, the advantage is because you can leave items and combine for your need for each place of your building, its not overpowered and everyone like to have a beautiful workshop. Less clicks with believable logic


  5. Anyway to stop this?
    I've captured a wolf and reach the white board health stage, but it teleport to me every time and i cannot tie in a fence because the rope dissapear after a while. i do not have more ideas.


  6. So a server admin need to guaranty


    As in any modern society the value of money is a people agreement, something is worth that much because everyone agrees on that.

    The problem that we would have in allowing the coins to be melted is that we want to assign more value to the coin them it's weight. Otherwise we could just use ingots.

    In our server the coins are minted by a admin and are the only coins that can be used in the market for buying or selling. So is not like you are able to go mine for gold and suddenly you are rich. Gold has it's value in the game, But in the end a gold coin has more value them a gold ingot, as it is harder to get a gold coin. 

    The coinage system just allows for the existence of a physical object that can only be obtained by trading.

    Very smart.
    But keep it simple for servers is better, some admin dont have time, or players dont have discipline. All what i want is have more choices for this mod become more popular


  7. Petitions :)


    1) Post prices for plots and other relevant stuff about MyTown configuration somewhere. I managed to catch you on server, but others probably also wonder about that...


    2) Will there be an egg shop? My home got raided just before you enabled MyTown (I'm still mad, if I ever meet the player(s) who did that...) and my cows are gone. Cows nearby are gone too... Hope they got adopted, not killed (mine were already familiarized and the girls pregnant), but still - I would like to get new ones somehow and I doubt I'll find some in the wild now. And I don't want to kill fellow players with lag when I go looking too far ;)

    I dont see wild animals and saplings spawning, chickens are extinct from kilometers, i want a egg shop too.


  8. I really fell fault of a workbench, i really dont know why we craft from hand its unbelievable unrealistic.I think your model need a change, all visual space is above the workbench, it shall need to make a rack for tool or little and medium items. So you can have a more modular workbench for each think, like have 3 slots with sticks and 1 with a saw at you carpentry room


  9. With all the resources(infos, demos, open source code, ...) that we have today, i think it would be possible, but it would be very time consuming. Making a game from scratch instead of "just" a mod is a whole new kind of beast. A few months ago, i thought "whats the big deal, you just sit down and code your own game engine, add stuff you need/want and game done", so i started to make one... lets just say, now i think differently :wacko:


    So, would Kickstarter work? Sure, but only if you already did the hard work and can present a playable demo, imho.

    After you have that, you can polish and add new stuff to keep the player community happy.

    You can start with a potato salad


  10. I think Bioxx accumulated some experience about create a voxel realist believe world, and about how to deal with this community. Voxel and semi-voxel worlds are becoming more common, actually with kickstarter option a opportunity is possible.Terrafirma have more content and and well worked content than the game base, and i don't think work with donations is a good stimulus.

    Do the devs believe is currently possible they to create a kickstarter for a Terrafirmacraft based game?


  11. What the ways to obtain salt?I've travelled very much in the game and dont find rocksalt, the areas with the same rock type are too big, but the ocean is very big i because this i ask, theres anyway to obtain salt from salt water? there's rocksalt at ocean floor?


  12. Note: the blocks inside the cellar can only be Cellar Shelf blocks, TFC Barrels(however items stored in barrels will decay as usual), signs or air. Any other blocks are not allowed.


    Monsters can spawn inside the cellar, Is it a bug?Im trying to put snowballs and snow cube inside the ice bunker but its dont enter,

    Is it a bug?


  13. Can someone make a video showing how to build and how to know if its working?I want to know how it works, because i dont know if is the air that become cold (so it lose temperature every time the door open), or if the area bemcome cold, or if it occur magicaly.I want to know if any temperature changes (of the cellar) can be watched with F3.Is ice needed or it become cold without need any other items?With doors open i regain all temperature automatically or its gradual?


  14. I am actually using trapdoors to separate animals for slaughter, and fence gates for attract to centre. I use a rope to remove the chosen for the 2 blocks depth hole under the trapdoors.

    My corral is actually:


    ====================   =  brick walls

    = xx                       =   x  trap door

    = xx   = [  fence gate

    =   =====   =

    =   [   ]   =

    =   =====   =

    =   =

    =   =



    I have problems with:

    • animals trying to scape by fence gates.
    • animals getting stuck in my walls.
    • identify a a full growth for rooster for slaughter.
    • slaughter a chicken amid many.
    • get wool without iron for scissors.
    • know the best effective way to slaughter.

    Please share your tactics to handle with your livestock!
