Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Xechon

  1. Wayukian please!!!

    Safe download:
  2. plant genetics = allsume

    Probably more, maybe less. I'd say a 1% chance of a mutation might be believable. That mutation would then be part of the gene pool for the next generation, if it isn't already. Yes, actually I have. It needs it, because it lives in the desert, where surface water is scarce and evaporates quickly, and is also good at storing water and has needle-leaves that offer some protection. Your point? What? Really? Why am I the only one who thinks of gigantisism in peaches first? And then bananas, but that's just a rpg session gone bad. Yeah. Mutations would be simple though, a random chance that one trait is different, not the way it happens IRL. Evolution is inheritance over lots of time though.
  3. plant genetics = allsume

    I believe that the traits should focus on the general ability of the crop to survive in it's environment, not simply size or yield (still should be included, however). Ex.) Color determines which ones get spotted (helps if it needs to be eaten to be seeded, is a disadvantage if it doesn't); General size (does it grow in mostly shaded environments, or can it conserve energy and stay small); Seed count (More if short life expectancy, less if longer to prevent overcrowding); Leaf shape(flat, wide leaves take in and lose a lot of heat/light energy, needle leaves lose less and take in less; also can provide some protection (cactus)); root depth/spread (affects water/nutrient amounts, three guesses how and what conditions), etc. Other ideas are pest resistance, seed type (bulb, fire activated, food, self-plant, asexual (cutting)), water density (how much it can store for bad times), and favored conditions (a spectrum of dark-light, wet-dry). All of these keep it relatively simple (providing only Mendelian genetics), but cover most of what is important to a plant's survival and that of its kin. Some of these even have the potential of being grouped up for simplicity's sake, and still be believable. However, as a ginger kid, I wonder if mutations are a possibility...
  4. plant genetics = allsume

    The genes are not observed, but the traits caused by them are. These can be used to estimated the genes and cross-breed for specific traits. Assuming everything stats Mendelian, there are a handful of traits that you track by observation through the generations, and by their parents you can determine the absolute genes of a family of plants, and whether one trait is autosomal dominant or recessive. Ex.) Color- animals can find and eat the bright red plants pretty easily, so they die off from over-consumption, and the alleles for green plants becomes a lot more common. Unless it's a plant that seeds by luring animals to eat them and relying on their dung to plant and fertilize the seeds. Then, if green weren't so important to photosynthesis, we might get all red plants.
  5. Yeah, I know this is a SMP suggestion, but I am just listing all of the negatives. I do want to know though, what "physics block" you keep talking about, and if it is really believable at all to make a wall that repairs itself by part of it falling down. Springs, maybe it's just me as I am not an expert in engineering, seem to be a bit difficult to make out of a rock hammer and a bit of metal chunks heated up in a fireplace. It has to be layed out and cooled so that a roughly even distributions of the molecules or impurities, then carefully twisted such that a high-tension coil is it's natural state, and all of this must be done with a nice strong, yet flexible metal to assure any sort of quality. So maybe possible, but a lot of work, and then why not just make some copper wires and start running factories off of steam or water power. Just doesn't seem within the realm of this mod. I do not have a problem with lockpicking, except that I am terrible at it IRL . I am usually always the rogue-ish character that picks locks and shoots arrows into exposed tender backs, whenever I play RPGs. I was just saying that it is usually associated with RPGs, and although it would work if locks are implemented, It may not appeal to Bioxx for this reason. Gunpowder is another case of higher level tech I don't believe we should get. When you get that, you can start making fireworks, rifles, simple rockets, weak grenades, etc. And TNT. This is where minecraft SMP went horribly wrong. Even though it is not really made of gunpowder, this is the direction it takes us. Also, think of the difficulty of finding a good sulfur/charcoal/saltpeter mix naturally, the mythbusters had a heck of a time with it, as it's quite specific. Regarding the denied/confirmed/pending list, I would love to see it, but there are too many people on here like Noodles who wouldn't let those get very far before tackling them off topic. Also, the main post would need to be updated, as I, at least, do not even bother trying to read or leave input on anything more than 3 pages long, I am not completely devoid of life .
  6. I don't really like this idea, at least how it is presented right now. The locks you are speaking of require springs, which are difficult to make, and would only help in multi-player struggles, yet still not really. A player could simply break the door or chest, or get in through a wall. Going through all of that effort to make a lock and key, and it turns out to be useless, or you lose your key. The lockpicking wouldn't fit either, as it is generally regarded as an rpg element. About the ladders, a ladder bock instead of a ladder attached to the side of the block would work fine, but I believe that was suggested before. A ladder would either be one whole length(craft ladders together to add length) leaning against a wall, or two same length ladders hooked with a couple extra sticks, that holds in its place without support. Regarding siege weapons, some would be cool, but no gunpowder please. I doubt they will be implemented anyway, or at least any time soon, but they would be pretty cool and not overly effective (maybe they can break some blocks).
  7. plant genetics = allsume

    Wouldn't be hard at all, as long as it remains Mendelian, and with very few traits for simplicity. It is literally chance of trait (1A=AA, .5A=Aa, 0A=aa) * chance of other traits (same thing), and then multiply it by the same from another plant, and use that as chance for any result. A lot simpler than some things programmed in here. It's just a question of how far you want to go.
  8. In-game Starting Guide

    No tutorial, no magic wiki. Most people are logical enough to figure out a lot of this mod's features, and it is said to never go into more complicated mechanisms. If only some things would be more logical, like placing sticks, instead of the totally new "throw items on the ground and interact with them" that they have probably never seen before. I hated having to stoop to using a wiki for this mod, because of that reason, actually. If everything worked as logical, neither would be needed, and I, at least, would be happy to not have to explain the one exact method of doing something in this mod, instead of the multiple logical, and still pretty simple, ways presented IRL. I'm not saying "make this game like real life but earlier", I would just like to see some logical variance so that gradual, intellectual advancement can be achieved without relying on the almighty wiki.
  9. Atmospheric mobs - Atmos Mobs

    If you are a whoovian, you should understand my first though when seeing atmos. If not, watch Doctor Who. Anyway, I like it. Obvious adjustments need to be made, and possibly some of them could be ousted or just made into random skin changes (the colourful fish, for example), but a good mod in general, I would love to see parts of it appear in this mod. Spawning changes would be nice, too, for all mobs (I think it's planned) ex. Squid!! What are you doing in a river!?! You shouldn't be ALIVE!
  10. For the SSP players...

    I, personally, don't. I always play on very small servers (~4-5 people, max), and when the pigs, chickens and cows are all gone, we pack up and move. Only on larger servers would farming be relatively useful, as food must be provided for many, and the animals just wont cut it. Then it is worth it to wait, because you can't really just pack up and move 50 people far away for not enough food. If plants ever gain medicinal or other properties, gardening will be useful for both small and large groups, but farming will never be good unless you make a large, semi-permanent settlement. We understand, we are listening, It's just some of us don't want farming to take less time. It's farming. It should take time, space, and effort. Farmers never had it very good, but are obviously necessary for large societies, and at that point, and only that point, it should be worth it, even manageable. So yes, time should pass when you're off. But think of the time it would take to load worlds that have been inactive for a while, and hunger problems. Once we can get around those, yes.
  11. Natural disasters

    Ha, I got 8 gigs of ram up in here! TFCraft isn't very bad compared to what I used to do to minecraft, with all of that TNT. I got bored with survival, way too easy. Hence, I found this and will never, ever, for the life of me, turn back.
  12. Rammed Earth construction

    We already have the wasted material present in planks. A saw cuts better, and therefore yields 8 planks instead of 3. Making that present in logs doesn't make sense, as you are just making them smaller for transport, not cutting them to exact dimensions. And I know falling trees would be hard, but I still want them . Maybe just have the height (above where you cut it down) calculated, transfer them into sideways logs, and randomly pick a cardinal direction, spawn them in a line in that direction, and make them obey gravity? Of course, peices of log would fall down (or up) cliffs when terrain interferes, but... I dunno. Along with making them grow, have roots (so you could dig up a tree), have a difficult to remove stump, having them naturally decay and regrow leaves overtime so random twigs can be found around them (less punching leaves all day), thinner, automatically plant trees next to it, but have longer growing times, etc. etc. I liek trees. They are fractal. I like fractals.
  13. Rammed Earth construction

    This^, except for that last part. Trees could fall and you have to chop it up individually, (maybe faster on the ground, gravity and all), but they shouldn't yeild less. Conservation of matter and energy need to be conserved.
  14. Rammed Earth construction

    I think we found how to make meter cubes of dirt
  15. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    An axe is a weapon, as is a shovel. Yes, there will be optimum designs. It's the same as smithing has optimum patterns. However, they will not show on the wiki because bioxx doesn't want them to, and there is a certain uncertainty when trying to knapp a stone such that the optimum result is not always possible. Also, there are different qualities of an item presented that could balance that out, the shape vs. Area/Structure/Weight. I say, Axe-Spades? Sure. Pick-hammers? Yes please.
  16. Meant to be used in conjunction with this, this, and this, and probably a few other things I forgot about. The Issue:Knapping is too easy and efficient, and tool types are limited. It is a bit boring and repetitive to have to keep drawing the exact same tool head over and over. It is also very difficult to play this game with just survival knowledge, and not wiki knowledge, because the recipes must be exact. The Solution:A knapping system that bases a tool’s function on it’s shape, instead of static models. More types of tools could be made in this way, and testing designs for efficiency would be a part of learning to make stone tools. Rocks could be generated differently, so that you don’t (normally) find perfect rocks that can be used to make any type of tool head. The Idea:A new knapping interface that would either allow for 3d knapping or add “properties†to certain squares. Isolated rocks parts may become additional tool heads.When you hit a rock with another, you do not always take a perfect 1x1 chunk out of it. This adds a bit of luck, or perhaps skill instead (don’t know how right now).Found rocks are not always perfect, and when you open the knapping interface, the initial shape of the rock should be randomly generated.Rocks, at least ones suitable for making tool heads with, should (perhaps) be a bit more rare, as I believe they are too easy to get, so you won’t run out.Breaking a stone or cobble block should always give a rock, and give many most of the time. I know this conversion ratio is planned to be fixed, but this would be a sufficient patch for the time being.Stones should behave like vanilla paintings, as entities so that they can generate underwater too (might cause too much lag, but would be nice otherwise).Stones used as the hammer in knapping are not broken down (unless you really want to), so no damage bar will need to be used.When stone tools are used, instead of a durability bar, the item could have a chance, depending on the hardness of material being hit, get chipped or broken off, and would need to be repaired (re-knapping) or replaced, or just used as is with the item’s new properties. Handle is a vulnerable area, being made of sticks.Terms:Base- The area behind the feature being discussed. Affects weight/power, and sturdiness of the material. Area- Largest surface area of a tool, used for calculating blocking capability. Structure- The material, and how it is arranged, to determine how sturdy it is and how long it will last. Weight- Pretty obvious, used to calculate swing speed, power, and structure (especially at the handle) Template-3d model shape (2d property equivilent)- Effect & examples 1 block hole, 1 or 2 deep (handle area)- The area a handle is attached to, that side’s properties cannot be used, except for weight and sturdiness.1-4 block tip with a larger base (point area)- A sharp point, used for poking things. Javelin/spear-heads, arrowheads, hooks, pick, propick1 wide long end, with a larger base. (edge area)- A sharp edge, used for hacking things. Axe, sword, (hoe?), chisel,(possible woodworking, stone-crafted version), scythe (if implemented with stone)1 wide long end, with a larger base, but with indents at certain intervals. (serrated area) Knife, Saw (if there’s ever a stone version)Large flat end, heavy base. (blunt area)- A blunt area, used for bashing things. Hammer, shovel, mace(if implemented with stone)
  17. For the SSP players...

    You know what, you're right. If people wanna have a good time, they wont cheat anyways; the people who just wanna waste their time can take the risks that come along with changing system time. I just have 2 younger brothers that cheat all of the time on minecraft, and play Tekkit/Technic all day long, so I get to watch them cheat, hack, and mass-produce diamonds to throw them into lava, when I would rather kick them off and play some challenging and fun TFCraft. I just know people will hack, and it makes me want to punch small mammals, but the players should choose their experience. So +1, if we can figure out what to do about hunger.
  18. For the SSP players...

    You could fish. Hunt. Pick fruit trees (if ripe). Beg neighbors. Think how the animals survive. I don't agree with player hibernation.
  19. For the SSP players...

    Have you ever played one of the early DS pokemon games? Time passing was such an awesome thing. Until people started exploiting the system by making it think it was in the future to get a certain effect. I don't know if you can do that on your computer, but if not this is all good. Longer starting times, especially if you've been off for a year, but if you can deal with that, this would be nice. Also, what about hunger? It's a bit cheating to hibernate until your crops mature, IMO. If this takes off, however, it should definitely be for both SSP and SMP, because not all servers are up always (mostly personal servers).
  20. Planks stacking

    Or maybe just pockets, and you have to build a backpack, and water-skin, increasing the usefulness of leather. And you could make a leather sheath to contain weapons, but don't take any inventory space. And the backpack wouldn't be able to be worn with armor (at least heavy types) on, so you have to choose to be prepared for battle or adventure at any given moment, although your backpack can of course hold your armor, given you have room and have time to put it on before you're attacked. The backpack could be damaged when your torso is hit, and eventually break, scattering your items all over the ground. Items should also all become a "block" when they hit the ground, so you can place anything you want, they wont despawn or over-lag, and they can stack to reach an area without having to carry a stack of cobble (dirt towers don't work no more, unreleased), and having lots of weight could slow you down, so that you have to make an important choice: do I let the bear catch up to me and take my chances, or drop my valuable items to get away faster. And food should have to be preserved, by drying, salting, etc. or it will rot and give you food poisoning. And all of the animal mobs that would be hostile should be, and very dangerous, but hard to find (they can find you, though). Passive animals should run away as fast as they can from you if they see you, so hunting would be a lot more difficult, instead of going up and whacking it with a knife. Deer shouldn't baa. There should be a fatigue meter, that recharges faster, but is dependent on, the hunger bar, so you can't run until you starve. And health should recover only after sleeping, and depending on how you treat the wounds. And beds should simulate the outside world when you sleep, so your fire wont still be going in the morning. And... I told you we were going off topic. BTW, I am waiting and hoping for a lot, and ramble sometimes. Sorry.
  21. Planks stacking

    I know it isn't an original idea, I've seen it around here. It was just a casual hope, related (kind of) to this topic. The way I'm thinking, no more hotbar. You have two "holding" slots, and an object that can be held in one hand takes up one, even if it takes up more inventory space (sword or shield), but anything else that's too big to hold efficiently would take 2 hands and maybe slow your travel speed. An empty hand would be necessary for picking things up, or pulling out grass, etc. so you don't just use a feather because it doesn't break. But this is getting a bit off topic...
  22. Planks stacking

    The sizes in the new update are all over the place. Hopefully they will be re-balanced at some point. I'm still kind of hoping for a tetris inventory, though.
  23. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    Yeah, I figured that. My original 3d model idea was for 2d, just clicking a button to flip the grid to a different view, but even that would be necessarily complex. 2d is definitely the way to go. Up above it was stated that this system would use microblocks (pixel-sized), and wouldn't be tedious unless you wanted a perfect result, because you could hit with different strengths. So yeah.
  24. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    Oh. OOHHH! *facepalms* I misinterpreted your first post about that, I though you meant a quality to add to a pixel to make it sharper, not to just define a sharp point and keep it all 2d. Honestly, if this idea is implemented in any way, I will be happy(er). I would like to see layers better, but keeping it pure 2d and just adding sharpness quality (and perhaps some thinning quality, for more variance) would be fine. A 1 block tip with sharpness would be a pointed end. Please still consider the rest of my first post though, even if you like abculatter_2's model better.
  25. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    This^ It seems I may have been less specific with the 2d model for organic knapping, which is the most supported form. Let me explain: When you hit a rock, it would shave off a "layer" of rock, making the item thinner both effectively (lighter, weaker, sharpness or point) and visually (lighter or darker shades of the same color, indicating that this layer is separated from the top layer). A rock that becomes defined would not only have chips off the sides, but also layers down. When you hit a rock with a light hit, it has a chance of breaking off a small area (light hits breaks none randomly), and a hard hit would have a higher chance of breaking off a larger (and more random) area. This breaking would, of course, occur in both the 2d and thickness directions. For all purposes, a tool's thickness is considered even on both sides (symmetrical), and the effect zones may be applied or determined the same as the 3d models. (That is, if you apply zones, a "sharpness" zone would be applied via a button to an edge of the tool, and that end would act like a hacking weapon/tool; For the 3d-2d method, a tapering thickness to an edge would give the same effect) Hope that cleared up any confusion about my ideas. Any on making this less programming or ram intensive, please tell.