Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Xechon

  1. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    I knew it would be some work, but I presented a 2d version that would work just the same for all intents and purposes. I am just learning Java right now, and I understand it is difficult, but I didn't figure it would be that bad, considering all of the changes that have been made already.
  2. New mob spawn system ideas

    As it seems this post has died before it started, I'll just leave this here.
  3. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    A rock with a defined shape (has been in the knapping screen) would no longer stack with other rocks. However, undefined rocks (ones you've just picked off the ground) would stack normally. To search for a rock that is suitible for an axe head, look for rocks. A rock would have a semi-random shape, but you could still create a hacking edge (axe) with most rocks, just with varying weight/structure/area. Rocks under water could be, on average, more rounded than rocks found on the surface. I'm sorry, I didn't even see this. I did do a search for it, but I didn't read every post, so sorry about taking your idea. Are microblocks confirmed? I can see this causing lag for some, so I wouldn't think it would be implimented, but It'd be awesome if it were. Definitly use of microblocks if they are implimented. With the stone's damage bar, you're talking about differing hardness of types of rocks, right? If so, good idea, and the hammer rock would lose more random blocks if ever used for a tool head, based on the health bar. To check a rock, you could just put it in your crafting grid and open the knapping GUI, and see what it is. Then you can drop it (place it on the ground or throw the item) if it is bad, and move on, or use it as a hammer stone. Yes, that is what I hoped was implied by the 2d tool properties, but I forgot to specify. Middle blocks should be able to be broken, just maybe harder than the thinner edges, because that way one rock could become two tool heads if it is big enough. Different shades could indicate different layers of thickness of the rock, and sharpness would be a quality for serrated, but could be seperate as a different shade of the color, but wears off quickly. Different power hits + random(ish) breakage gets my yes, and everything else looks good.
  4. Crystal, Gem & Metal Magics

    I'd like to see where and how this is a thing. Got any good links? This seems like a reasonable magic system, as long as the other enchantments don't get too powerful, and incorporates a lot of "classic" magic ideas, which I like. However, it has been stated and will be another thousand times, TFCraft is not, and will never be, an RPG. Sadly. Also, as far as we know, Bioxx has nothing in mind for crystals, so you should be pretty safe there. I'd love to see an RPG mod for TFCraft at some point, but whether that is allowed, or if people actually do it (or can do it, a friend of mine tried to edit some numbers in the mod and couldn't figure out where anything was coming from, he's a pretty good java programmer), is a big question here.
  5. Organic Combat Programming

    Yes, but that's dwarf fortress, a very simple game with nearly no graphics at all (icons count, right?). It can do what calculations it likes. For TFCraft, that might be a bit... wordy. And laggy. It can be simulated without being completely calculated, and that is all the better. Honestly, I knew it was deep, but I didn't know DF was that deep...
  6. Organic Combat Programming

    Something more of what I was thinking was: Template- (attack type)damage type[damage/effectiveness based on weapon]{button} (ex. Arrow[high] might deal less damage than Spear[high] even though they are both (thrust)piercing[high], because damage is based on attack type, weight of weapon, strength, and design of tool head) Axe- (swing)Cleaving[high]{left click}, (swing)Crushing[med]{right click}, (thrust)Crushing[low]{shift left click} Spear- (thrust) Piercing[high]{left click}, (thrust) Piercing[med]{right click}, (swing)Crushing[low]{shift right click}
  7. Organic Combat Programming

    Too much runescape in your earlier life? Yes, but I don't completely agree with your numbers. I think they should just be defined as one damage type, and if it needs a second (swords), shift-click for alt damage type. This would be for the more awkward attack style (stabbing for swords designed for slashing). Parry should be better defined too, I think what you mean is block. Parrying is essentially attacking an opponents attack, and while it should be added, cannot really be defined by weapon (more like attack force). Blocking, however, can be defined by the the surface area on any side of the weapon, and should take damage when successful, so structure and angle would affect how long it can block for.
  8. Organic Combat Programming

    Very good. A couple things though. For weapon types, would you consider taking out a barbed arrow a cleaving wound? Your armor values are great (maybe pierce on plate should be a bit higher), but consider piecemeal, scale-mails, and different overlaps of armors (banded mail, splint mail, butted vs. riveted chain, etc.) Also, think about knockback and stun values, bone-breakage, blood loss, brain damage.... Okay, maybe that went a little too far, but still. No, D&D was never this good. Think more GURPS, but just the hack and slash part, none of the actual "rpg" elements. Although that's what D&D calls their system.
  9. Pre-Stone Age Weaponry

    Wooden Clubs would be more acceptable than wooded swords, I agree. Also, what about Bolas, Boomerang, slingshots, simple traps, actual melee spears, shields (spiked), staff, darts and blowgun, and throwing axes/knives? That's all I can think of right now...
  10. Trying to make a TFCraft Server, but whenever I try to edit the server files, it says that the archive is corrupt. Also, where do I put the terrafirmacraft mod itself, since there is no mod folder?
  11. Darnit, every time I try to get my friends together to play this mod... Anyway, thanks for the help, it must just be a mojang side error. I'll just look for vanilla-side server info, and see if I can identify the problem.
  12. Yes, it works fine if I don't use the mods, it just wont let me put the mods in the server jar
  13. I downloaded a new server from, put it in a folder, opened it with winrar, and tried to put forge universal in, but it wouldn't let me, saying that the archives are corrupt. It gives the same error when trying to delete meta-inf. I have downloaded many fresh versions of the minecraft server jar, but they all give the same error. The server "works", but without the mod the world is obviously screwed up very badly. The client version is working for me. Anything I'm doing wrong?
  14. Jumping up and placing a block under yourself.

    No, no, no. I meant each time you place dirt, it fills a portion of a block of dirt. I just used that term to keep constant with the post I was replying to. Not limiting inventory. Yes, it's enough. I said that, right? Fractional soil blocks was just another suggestion that might work.
  15. Jumping up and placing a block under yourself.

    Time mostly. The main problem isn't getting out of a 2 foot hole, though. It's pillaring to the top of a mountain or on top of a building, out of a ravine, etc. ha, I knew someone was going to be confused about that. Finite solids being implemented could help if they were implemented, but are not necessary. Or if you were questioning what finite solids means, it means that you carry less than a cubic meter of dirt, and place multiple layers to make a full block.
  16. Encumbrance

    I didn't use the Special BBCode thing if that's what you're talking about, and I don't know how to fix it. I will if you can tell me how. didn't hold up to piercing very well, even with . Good against , though. Of course, either way, it'll hurt, alot, because mail is flexible and doesn't stop the force being exerted. That's why blunt weapons aren't very affected by it.
  17. Jumping up and placing a block under yourself.

    You can save from these situations, punch out. Yeah, it takes a lot of time. But not as much as IRL. I would never cheat even in this situation. Many people think a good game takes the player into consideration, and in some sense that is true. However, in a game where survival is supposed to be difficult, and the entire point of the game (other than making survival easier), sacrificing believably for the sake of someone who fell in a ravine and miraculously lived is stupid. Hopefully there is going to be climbing gear in the future, so you can be prepared this time.
  18. Jumping up and placing a block under yourself.

    That would actually work quite well, and might even be worth it if eigthblocks or finite soil/gravel/sand are implemented. Finite solids wouldn't necessarily be needed. I've seen a block physics mod before that creates dirt piles when you try to make a 1x1 tower. I almost said: finite- I do not think that means what you think it means, but then I realized.
  19. Jumping up and placing a block under yourself.

    Sorry, I'm just a simulationist gamer with very little coding knowledge, who just hates when good ideas are thrown down because, while it's infinitely more believable, its makes some people sad. I just state how you would do it irl, and try to let others figure it out from there. Wow, I didn't mean to sound as angry as that reads. I listened, I was just providing alternatives. It is true that you could eventually break stone, but you'll have bloody knuckles and it will take a little while
  20. Encumbrance

    I'm not trying to be "special", I was just providing more detail and accuracy as your post was quite vague, and I have done extensive research in the past while trying to improve D&D to a level where I didn't want to destroy it all for power imbalance and lack of any historical accuracy at all. I tend to be simulationist. So I fell in love when I met GURPS. Still needs some fixes though. I'm sorry I took your area of expertise, but I've seen secondhand that chain is not good for blocking piercing weapons, but can hold strong easy from a three-and-a-half pig katana.
  21. Jumping up and placing a block under yourself.

    Well, you are very unlucky, but seeing as you have 2+ cubed meters of dirt with you, bury your feet, step up, pack the dirt in tight, rinse and repeat. But don't think you can just jump a meter up and dump it all in that time. You will sink into loose soil.
  22. Jumping up and placing a block under yourself.

    Dig your way out with your hands. How are you carrying multiple cubic meters of dirt?
  23. Encumbrance

    Yeah, i dunno. Help?
  24. Encumbrance

    Woah, something broke I think.
  25. Encumbrance

    <p> </p><p>Â</p> <p>Longswords are slashing, or cutting weapons. Hitting sounds like basic bludgeoning, which is the job of a mace, or as it is, a stick or a rock. Objects with a point, instead of a cutting edge or heavyÂbludgeoningÂhead, have more force and are moreÂlethal, but it's harder to hit and hit well, especially since most of them are long(ish) range.</p> <p>Â</p> <p>Plate was usually reinforced with a sort of "scaffolding" inside, to protect from bludgeoning until it was broken down. Otherwise, bludgeoning takes a lot more force to be as lethal as slashing orÂpiercingÂweapons, but is largely unaffected by armor. Leather only provides minute protection for all types, just mainly blocking minor scratching and bruising, but allowing for maximum mobility. Chain blocks slashing very well, but doesn't stand at all to piercing. Plate is bestÂpiercedÂthrough with a long arrow,Âjavelin lance, etc., or repeated bludgeoning. Some people wear chain under plate for extra protection.</p> <p>Â</p> <p>tldr;</p> <ul> <li>Bludgeoning- gets around armor better, takes more force to be as lethal, slower and heavier, turns metal armor into shrapnel and takes a lot of material to make, breaks bones. The heavier, the better, unless you can't hold it.</li> <li>Slashing- blocked easily by metal armors, kills easily, medium speed and weight, medium accuracy, takes some skill,  Âmedium materials used, cuts skin, tendons, vessels, etc. Sharp, thin edge, heavy rightÂbehindÂthe cutting point, but still balanced is best.</li> <li>Piercing- gets through armor, but doesn't break it like bludgeoning, very lethal, less accurate, light and fast, takes a lot of skill, best adapted for ranged combat, not much materials required, breaks easy, goes straight for the vitals and soft spots.ÂA small, sharp point on a flexible rod, weight variance for different range/power values.</li> <li>Hacking- an extra weapon effect, this is when it is designed to get stuck in the foe so it damages them more on the way back out. Barbed arrows, hooked blades, spiked maces, etc. Little more material used, but takes time and extra effort to get it back, and you might not be able to dislodge it. Makes wounds harder to treat and heal.</li> </ul> <p>Â</p> <ul> <li>Plate- Lots of materials, most protection,ÂbludgeoningÂbreaks scaffolding.ÂPiercingÂis best, but must be heavy and long. Heavy,Âuncomfortable, hot, and requires leather padding.</li> <li>Chain- Not as much metal, but difficult to make. Protects very well against slashing, piercing goes through like butter.  Light and mobile, holds up better than plate to blunt damage than plate, but still hurts.</li> <li>Leather- Extremely light and mobile, only really used to protect from scratches and bruises. Tears easily.</li> <li>Piecemail- Any mix of the above.</li> </ul>