Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by RaZorEdge112

  1. Things That Are Too Easy

    You would think that the point of this mod is to make really long and enjoyable games that last a while, and not pointless games that take 30 minutes to get bored off of. No offence each mod does require goals, the goal here is to manly survive & thrive to the point were you are so late game that it gets boring, it happens in every sandbox or continuous games. What if in TFC there was this terribly hard bandits castle do destroy, what happens when you destroy it? No more game, its done. Thats not the point of a sandbox game........ at least im pretty sure...............Hmmmm.................
  2. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    But the fact still remains that agriculture isnt of much use, due to the fact that meat, like pork or steak refill so much and are simple to make that alot of agriculture isnt worth it.
  3. Bloomery Mold Patterns

    Here's an idea, I think bioxx should add a system in the bloomery where you can make mold patterns which are basically molds which you can place next to the bloomery and when ore smelts it will fill the mold with the amount of metal required to create the pattern built in to the mold, like a pick for example. You can take a metal pickaxe with 8 ceramic molds surrounding the pick in a crafting table and it will provide you with a pickaxe mold pattern, while removing a bit of durability from the pick itself. The mold pattern can be placed next to the broomery block, and when ore smelts it will automatically fill the mold until its full, when it is you can see the mold red and you have to wait until it cools down, then right click and it would provide you with a totally metal pick (though requiring a little more metal due to the metal handle). Each smelt removes a bit of durability on the tool to be molded, until the mold breaks down. Tell me what you think of the idea, i think its a good one, maybe, IDK.
  4. Bloomery Mold Patterns

    Well i guess it would allow for quick production of tools for shop in SMP servers or personal needs without having to do much work. I think the fact that it eases the creation while losing durability and strength does balance it out.