Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Franbo

  1. hedges as a decorative feature

    I am a fan of hedges as decorations around/in my builds, so would definitely be a fan of some kind of hedge growth. On balance I would probably prefer a mix between hedges that grow and those that don't, as for some purposes hedges that stay one block high are what I would want. Since you already get growth/duplication for fruit trees, I don't see a huge issue for allowing growth of fruit bearing hedge variants (for varieties that actually grow enough in the real world). That said, purely ornamental ones would work for me too.
  2. I don't have a particular issue with logs being needed for pit kilns. In terms of firepits, I do like the idea of being able to use sticks as fuel (although clearly they would last much less time than a log). My instinct is that this would likely required adding the ability to break logs down into sticks (presumably with an axe).
  3. Chicken Cages

    Now that chickens only spawn in Jungles, we can often find ourselves needing to travel very long distances to get them back to our homes. Now ropes are great, but since Ocean voyages can often be involved, they will often not be enough. So... Chicken Cages? A row of planks, a row of sticks and another row of planks (or we could go the thatch/stick route to make a basket)... and tada! A small cage that can hold one chicken (right click to capture/release) you can strap to your pack and bring those bad boys back home. What does everyone think? Franbo
  4. Smokehouse Multiblock Structure!

    Very good idea.
  5. Hide/Fur Armour

    Since it appears that body temperature may be appearing in future, it may be worth considering adding an entry level tier of hide/fur armour. Essentially this is armour that could be crafted with the raw hide from animals (providing even less protection than leather) which could also contribute to keeping your body temperature up. Franbo
  6. [Solved] Indestructible Chiselled Planks

    Thanks, I'll have to do some research on that functionality then, as the only one I am aware of is being able to put in the long thin strips (which is great, I love my banisters and edge panelling!). If that's all it does it's not really a replacement though (limited shapes, time consuming to do steps/slab shaving and no blueprint copying functionality).
  7. Howdy all, I have come across a problem with chiselling (whether steps, slabs or detail) wooden planks, in that once the block has been chiselled I am no longer able to destroy them. I did a search on the support forum and couldn't find any entry for this (searching using chisel and chiselled). I have done some testing and it is reproducible in my environment. I have put the relevant information below if it is indeed a genuine bug rather than just something about my environment. Does anyone have any ideas? Franbo Version #: 0.78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP Suggested Name: Indestructible Chiselled Planks Suggested Category:Annoying Description: Once wooden planks have been chiselled they appear to become indestructible and cannot be destroyed. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? Minecraft Forge, CodeChickenCore, NEI, MapWriter, Waila link of the Crash Report: N/A
  8. [Solved] Indestructible Chiselled Planks

    Just out of curiosity... would it be safe to presume that if it were removed then it would be replaced with equivalent functionality using another tool (a plane or a woodcarving knife)? I definitely think the ability to shape blocks is a great piece of functionality, and having it vanish for wood would be a shame (my roofs would look worse for one :-)
  9. Hide/Fur Armour

    I actually quite like the idea of a cloth weaving system. That said, my post was about armour as much as clothes, and if I am not mistaken (happy to be corrected) the general consensus on quilted armour (which I believe was the first meaningful cloth armour) is around 12th Century onwards.
  10. [Solved] Indestructible Chiselled Planks

    Eureka! Thanks muchly!
  11. PaintedCraft[128x/64x TFC 0.79.xx]

    Just so you know; I have been using the pack all of today and it's great! It's a little darker than I am used to (not surprising since I primarily use BDCraft Sphax), but it looks very good, and I love the differentiation it gives me between the various blocks in the game. The single niggle I have come across is that when I use a vessel for casting, the text that shows the number of units of metal/alloy in the vessel (after the ore has been melted in the kiln) is a little bit hard to read... ok it's finicky, the only bit that I need to squint a little is the left most number when I have a lot of alloy in there... ;-). Otherwise.... Great Work!
  12. Hide/Fur Armour

    I did consider some form of quilted or cloth armour at first, but going back to the basic premise of TFC (as I understand it) it seemed to me that basic hides/fur were likely the first step in the evolution as it was much much easier than producing cloth. Depending on how far the developer wants to go it could indeed become very specific (with different animals providing materials with different characteristics that could be combined in different ways etc.). My working assumption is that level of design/coding is likely to be excessive considering that the animal system is not yet done, and that people will likely progress beyond the tier pretty quickly. My working objective is to provide something quickly (that could indeed be expanded upon in future), something along the lines of: (1) Keep animal hide drops as is (2) Allow production of some form of clothing/protection before people progress to leather (which requires a saw to be able to make planks to be able to make barrels etc.) (3) Be believable (not necessarily real) I am working on the basis of producing some kind of "basic" hide/fur armour rather than the luxurious apparel we know today (hence not doing the tanning). It is simplification, but trying to integrate believable and game progression into the end result. Based on some (basic) research (anyone with more expertise is free to step in) I would expect this to essentially involve stretching and working the hide into a usable state, and assisting preservation through smoking. The basic process I have in mind for hide/fur armour would be something along the lines of: (1) Kill Animal (2) Scrape Hide with a dagger (this is actual actually assumed to incorporate applying a brain/water mix to the hide) (3) "Break" the Hide by crafting with a stick (represents making it pliable, and assumes to incorporate some basic soaking) (4) Cook the result (to represent smoking it to help preserve it - making it "burn" at fairly low temperatures) (5) Craft into garments The main action omission is the use of water in various steps, but I kind of had to do that since you don't get a bucket until you get a saw yadda yadda.... Unless Bioxx wanted to build some kind of right click water dunking mechanic for hides which could be placed between the above steps (similar to the water jug filling). Instinctively that seems like an excessive amount of work considering the result, but I don't really have a good idea of the coding involved) Anyone have any thoughts? Franbo
  13. Smithing

    Good tip. I a getting there now (first set of bronze armour all done), and it is indeed more of an art. As soon as I was certain the red/green actions weren't opposites I figured it out, I was just worried it was some kind of random variance due to a low black smithing skill.
  14. PaintedCraft[128x/64x TFC 0.79.xx]

    I'll try v0.8 ;-) I hadn't tried unzipping it since all my other texture packs just work with the .zip file in the resourcepacks folder so I didn't think I needed to. You are course quite correct, unzipped it seems to work fine (although I won't get a chance to put it through its' paces until tomorrow). Thanks for the quick response!
  15. Smithing

    Doh! That would explain it... back to the forge then! Thanks muchly.
  16. Smithing

    The problem I'm having is getting the arrows to line up properly. To give a concrete example... I am doing the last stage of some bronze boots, and the instructions are: (1) Shrink - Third from Last (2) Bend - Second from Last (3) Bend - Last From a position where the arrows are perfectly aligned, I do the following to move the arrows the correct distance apart to finish with the instructions (which should be the direct opposite of the instructions): (1) Draw (2)Medium Hit (3) Medium Hit And then follow the instructions... alas the arrows don't end up fully aligned!!!! Does anyone happen to know what I am doing wrong (or is there just a random factor built in for the hell of it)? Franbo
  17. PaintedCraft[128x/64x TFC 0.79.xx]

    It looks gorgeous, alas for some reason my MInecraft (164) doesn't want to show it (latest TFC build) even though other packs work fine (it is in the same location as working packs). Ahh well, maybe one day.
  18. world gen balanced?

    Hmm, good to know. I may well have come across the forests then, alas no chickens :-)
  19. world gen balanced?

    The animal spawns do sometimes seem a little bit light (although I expect there will be a big update at some point in the future to the animal spawning and variety, since I get the feeling Bioxx is working on various aspects of this), personally I'd be inclined to tweak the number up a little bit (not a lot, just a tweak more than anything else). My experiences to date are: (1) Never found any Temperate Forests (2) Never found any Boreal Forests (3) Never found any Jungles (4) Only found one small Desert (an island as it happens) (5) I have found quite a few "High Plains", but no "Normal" ones (from what I can see cows don't appear to spawn in the "High" ones) (6) Founds lots and lots and lots of Swamps, Mountains, Rivers and Beaches From an animal perspective this means I haven't seen any Cows or Chickens ever alas That said; perhaps I just haven't played enough (just on winter 2 of my second world). Although I have ranged pretty extensively: (a) From 10,000 to 2,000 z ( From 2,000 to -2000 x (although not the full width for the full range of z) Presumably time will tell. Franbo
  20. Fruit Tree Sapling Drops

    Indeed ;-) Thanks for the reminder. I think I lost 3 fruit trees before I noticed that the branches would re-grow, since those initial ones I leave the central trunk in place now.
  21. Fruit Tree Sapling Drops

    Howdy all, Just a quick question to the house to figure out if: (a) I am being unlucky ( This is broken © Working as Intended I seem to be getting very very few Fruit Tree Sapling drops. I have now cut down (with an Axe) roughly a dozen separate fruit trees (cutting down the non-trunk branches first) and have only had 2 saplings result from this. Have I just been very unlucky or is the drop rate meant to be this low? Franbo
  22. Cooking Skill and Recipes or Meals

    Thanks Bioxx, I guess I'll just need to wait and see what happens, on skill 71 at the moment and still only producing poor meals, hopefully something better will kick in soon
  23. Howdy all, I understand that the "wrong" recipes always give terrible meals (what is wrong being random per seed). I believe (have read, but not confirmed) that a "good" recipe will give non-terrible meals (initially "Poor"). What I don't know (presumably I haven't played enough yet) is when the meals start getting better. Does anyone happen to know what kind of cooking skill level is needed before meals start improving? Franbo
  24. Chicken Cages

    Nice idea.
  25. The Equator

    Thanks muchly.