Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by cornbread4u2

  1. Cooking (Hunter-Gatherer)(Beekeeping)

    i love the idea, i do agree that steam may be as far as technology goes, but the things that dont require electricity and pumping are fantastic and i think they do have a place in this mod. but as i say to everybody, does it fit in with the feel of TFC, will it add to or take away from the realism and fun. if it doesnt, put it in.
  2. Slow building

    hmm, i definitely see what you are saying. But i think that it might make the game no longer feel like minecraft. i have also never played DF which TFC is supposed to be based upon, so maybe thats something that is in DF. nevertheless, i like the idea but i think it would just add tediousness to the game that isnt needed
  3. Persistent block damage.

    yeah that did get awfully annoying, thats y i think Crysyn's idea was great to have it "regenerate"
  4. Mob behavior

    i can see this implemented in the form or like, a bear=tank and wolves=pack mentality, things of that nature seem to be where TFC is going. then again, a little bit of fantasy is needed in minecraft cause technically it is a dream
  5. Environmental Dangers

    my question would be, does it have to be cold specific? or maybe just armor in general. cause im pretty sure that metal armor would be cold in the snow, but... some armors were padded on the inside, so maybe just wearing armor would work. also, imagine spawning in a snow biome...
  6. Whats the difference between a sword and a mace?

    maces are made with a double ingot like the sword and requires a plan of course. and there is no difference between them as far as i know
  7. Stone Tools???

    each stone tool corresponds to a type of rock. i cant remember exactly the durability of all of them but some stone types make slightly higher durability items
  8. What would you find in the dungeons?

    it is kinda off topic, but yeah it fits and is a fantastic idea.
  9. Unstackable Double Ingots

    as far as i know, double ingots arent stackable. i couldnt get them to stack, also there was a gui bug if you tried to stack them with a gui open from the forge or anvil or w.e, it would make one of them disappear. it was a known issue. im pretty sure i responded to this exact question somewhere else, but i dont remember
  10. Quick Question

    as far as i know, coke isnt useful yet. charcoal will smelt everything
  11. DW is actually how i found out about TFC, i was watching mod spotlights and i came across these ones and i just had to try it out... cant play vMinecraft ever again XD
  12. Agriculture and Livestock

    hmm interesting, i never thought about the idea of crop rotation, that could be a VERY interesting addition to the agriculture in TFC
  13. Dead link in downloads

    looks like bioxx took the download down for a bit. that or something went horribly horribly wrong. bioxx will prob have it fixed when awake
  14. Dummy's Guide to Double Ingots

    its a known bug, and as far as i know, they aren't stackable, so stop trying
  15. Gemstones

    well i had heard that gemstones would be used for enchanting in the future. it seems like it would fit i guess.
  16. What would you find in the dungeons?

    yeah essentially it should be the same kinds of things found in the dungeons. armors/ingots/food. just replace them with the TFC equivalents.
  17. Grinding Stone Enhanced

    i really like the idea of the tumbler maybe to grind down/sharpen the tools and essentially make their durability less each time, cause stone atm doesnt last that long, but its for a purpose.
  18. soya beans

    haha, google translate can do some evil things. but i agree with OP that maybe some soy beans would be a seed, it has a lot of uses for foods and the like.
  19. tree chopping

    i would have to agree that i like this idea but i can see it getting old really quickly in making treefarms and just dealing with it seems a hassle. i do think that there should be a better way of harvesting leaves however, that is the truth.
  20. Tanning Racks

    haha, i wasnt talking about the application in real life, i was more thinking of the minecraft application, just too funny.
  21. Persistent block damage.

    i pretty much agree with persistent damage on a block. i have used it in evilminecraft, i thought it was an interesting idea.
  22. Sapling nursery

    i have never had an issue with getting enough saplings from the trees, you have to hit the trees from the outside-in or the leaves that arent touching anything will pop off and give you no yield. also sequia trees and kapok trees dont yield saplings on purpose. and as a final note, the leaves work the way they do as of now is a lag issue and bioxx has yet to think of a better way to do them yet.
  23. Farm Animals

    lol herding animals with wheat is vanilla MC, and people still dont know that you can do it. i guess its cause i happened to see it on a mc video before i started playing mc
  24. Farm Animals

    well you can already herd animals with wheat in your had, so i dont think anything needs to be added, and you can just pen them in with fences. its pretty solid
  25. Farm Animals

    i dont agree with letting them spawn in, it really leves the whole animal farming completely useless... make spawn pen, forget about it. i would agree about making troughs and having them auto breed from the trough or something like that, but definitely not having them spawn in.