Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by cornbread4u2

  1. A new precursor age

    that could add to the game becoming progressively easier cause you ARE progressing through metals/ages
  2. Tanning Racks

    well not only if you think about it in conjunction with a lot of other things, cause well lets face it, having a knife, being able to skin a carcas that drops for the hides, and hunting with traps all those things are idea's that work well together and a tanning rack would fit right in imo, made with sticks and maybe some string.
  3. Compost

    i dont feel like it has a place, but it might work for crude foods?
  4. Kill mobs, get corpse

    while its true that those dont fit very well, it goes away from the fantasy feel that i like about mineraft. i think something similar should be in there
  5. Compost

    yeah, i just think its a weird item. if i knew more about it, i bet it could fit somewhere. but i also think that compost could also produce loam, a special soil made for growing plants. all it would take is add in some sand to make it loam, it is a real thing
  6. Compost

    omg... i just read something awesome... thirst makes you pee... and piss is good in compost... i think i just solved the worlds problem. love wikipedia. but im not sure if bonemeal really fits in anywhere imo.
  7. World Height - more room underground?

    i dont know if the world generation is all that is has to do with it, might be ore generation as well. also i dont think it creates the same kind of world
  8. Salt Water

    well the easiest and maybe most common is to boil it out. dont really know about any other ways
  9. Kill mobs, get corpse

    well to tag along with my compost idea, i think bonemeal should be removed, but i also think that bones could have other uses, like used in arrows(shaft), (ik add to suggestion page, will do) other things as well. bonemeal stew, sounds gross but ppl did it
  10. Crossbows

    id say do it, or at the least make it an "optional" mod thats attached, im sure bioxx would be ok with it. each wood has a stock with different properties and the like is a cool idea
  11. Torches should burn out

    very true, that could also be bad if you sleep and it goes out, wake up, y hello creeper. thats y it would be a good idea to have a burning fire in your house, puts some logs in, and sleep/leave, come back its lit. but yeah thats a problem. i still like the idea, but if there was a way to change the spawns or quickly upgrade to the other lamps or something. i do see the issue tho
  12. TerraFirmaCraft Building Overhaul

    well i dont know how well finite works with this mod, i think its broken, i was just suggesting it cause it makes water real, rain can make water pools, it will slowly fill up spaces cause of the properties of water those kinds of things.
  13. cobble walls

    it should also be connectable to the wooden fences so it doesnt gap, or maybe make a stone fence ?
  14. Crafting Times

    i like the idea, it would bring a bit of realism, but we do have already a lot of waiting with the cooling of metals and times with heating, i dont know if it would interrupt the flow of the mod. but again, its in beta, i would at least like to see it tested. and about to chisel on stone thing, it would be the same "block animation" and take time to chisel it into smooth stone. which would give it the time requirement like any tool used and the higher grade would lessen the time or w.e
  15. Kill mobs, get corpse

    but yeah, interesting suggestion, should it also include the non neutral mobs, zombie corpse, creeper corpse, things like that would be interesting to add and think about
  16. Early power systems

    im pretty sure there is a steam power idea that is floating around that i think would suffice as an early power system, burn charcoal/coal. also we do have metals like copper that can carry a current, how about wires made from the metals as a redstone replacement. but if thats the case, steam would then be skipped straight for copper wiring, just a base suggestion
  17. TerraFirmaCraft Building Overhaul

    i suggest trying out finite liquids, and if you dont have optifine, i heartily suggest it for smoother play.
  18. Torches should burn out

    i presonally think that the torches being burned out or even going out is an extremely viable option, it does make it harder, which i like, but also it would only be a viable option if ther ewas the promise of different light sources. there is something about not being completely safe and getting lost cause they just happened to go out that i like. realistic in my opinion, also relight able with flint and steel/firestarter XD
  19. Kill mobs, get corpse

    potentially yes, but i was thinking about it more for the neutral mobs like pigs and chickens and the like. the only problem i see is that it wouldnt be mo'creatures compatible but... eventually this mod looks to surpass even that weakness with its own mobs
  20. Crossbows

    i think it really should be crafted with a log and a "whittling/carving knife" to make the unstrung bow, and make bow string, technically out of flax, but the string should be spin/worked for strength dual wielding would be fun, but i think it a bit much for a crossbow imo i would like to see 2 crossbow types, maybe a repeating crossbow later in the tech that requires harder to find metals, steel for example, it used cartriges of 5 or less bolts then its expended and you need to reload AND re crank, also crossbow string is sinew made from cut leather, knife anybody?
  21. Getting sticks

    hmm, well thats true, the hafts would need more precision in making than kindling. you can make crude handles by whittling with a knife. so it could be done that way. leaves drop kindling>flint tool>flint tool on kindling>sticks, kinda as a starter model how the progression would play out if you could then use an axe on the wood>wooden planks+knife/axe>sticks. cause essentially all that would be "whittled" into shape.
  22. Compost

    Thats pretty much how i envision it, toss like 2/3 dirt, some rotten/fresh food, and maybe something else in and it creates a compost block, kinda like a furnace, cover it and the gui will start the timer.and the compost is only retrievable after breaking it viola compost maker.
  23. Getting sticks

    well kindling is just a name for a soft/easy burnable wood that is used to start a fire, so essentially it is the same as wooden sticks
  24. Compost

    im pretty sure that rancid food only applies to us humans. pretty sure that the worms/bacteria/microbe sized things still break down rancid food. cause essentially it decays and deposits the nutrients into the soil making it rich and compost XD
  25. Getting Thirsty

    wouldnt this also make you have to pee... O.o i like the idea.