Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by cornbread4u2

  1. Punching Trees

    well maybe you can still break stone, it just hurts to do it O.o
  2. Punching Trees

    i would like to extend it to, punching "meaning if you punch it and "fail" to break it", punching stone should do the same, just for kicks.
  3. Compost

    if it worked that way, cows too, they produce methane. Also was toying with the idea of throwing food in the compost as well to increase the quality of the compost, might be a little overboard. maybe food should be a requirement for the compost itself
  4. Crossbows

    crossbows would be cool to add, i like the idea of the crossbow having the damage be determined by the type of ammo you are using, higher grade is more dmg and the like. inb4 HUGE CHICKEN FARM edit after thought: after thinking about it, the only advantage would be the range and maybe the damage because if you had to reload it and it was a slower reload than a drawing of a string it would have to increase the range. also people could abuse it if they had like a lot of already loaded xbows in their inventory then ban, switch, bam, switch, kinda abuse able, if there was a function to only allows one loaded or cant be in the loaded state unless in your hand or something i dunno. LOVE crossbows tho
  5. Kill mobs, get corpse

    right, i think with the addition of the knife, adding in the corpses as an item and making the animals drop something different shouldn't be that hard, again i have no idea how java works so i could be completely wrong. also crafting it with a different tool will get different results.
  6. Compost

    yeah thats true, i did a little bit of digging and thats pretty much what i found, it seems like it would work well in the progression if its copper and up that makes pipes
  7. Kill mobs, get corpse

    that would be interesting, simple to add a new recipe. for a butcher knife, if it only is a craftable item, thats cool, but it should be like a tool and be able to be used in the field, with a less return of course, to make the "butcher table/cooking table" more efficient
  8. Dummy's Guide to Double Ingots

    Yeah these double ingots were pain. it is good to note that the this has to be done quickly to avoid the copper cooling down to quickly. just because it says "orange" doesn't always mean its at the right welding temperature. if you cant weld them, its cause you either a, dont have flux or b, you let the ingots cool for too long
  9. Knife++

    It would also be able to make sticks into traps with flint, to be able to hunt with, cut up some bunny, snake, w.e
  10. Block Identification (Prospector Pick Alteration)

    yeah i am kinda getting tired of having to mine one up as i run along my cave, it would save me a lot of time and might get me to remember them faster, cause im still getting chalk and like marble or androit apart or someting , i dunno.
  11. Salt Water

    and to further this idea, what about swamp water... i cant imagine living in a swamp with super clean drinkable water...
  12. cobble walls

    I cant help but to remember that BTW mod has something similar with saw and a sculptor or something i believe... i can never remember cause i never got that far. so i am pretty sure its doable. i think things like that would definitely add to the feel of evolving where you live and building up.
  13. Compost

    wow i forgot that compost produces methane. my only concern is at what technology level would be needed to make something that could collect the methane from the compost would that be at? cause the collection might need some sort of plastic or airtight thing. i might just be being picky. that aside, i am liking the idea of gas lights that run on a fuel source, if thats the case, im also for torches "burning themselves out" like the redstone repeaters do.... coding easy eh??
  14. Food

    very much a fan of the idea of being about to eat just to realize that the food is days old, if that's the case, i would like a lunchbox/thermal that i could carry my food in with me for longevity's sake. but definitely like this idea.
  15. Camp/base/home defense

    yes, i kinda liked the idea of being able to make a basic "tent" for lack of a better description of the kind of shelter i was looking for, and the hunting/trapping idea sounds like a good idea, whether its just a GUI/time thing or a real mob would be cool. there's fish, y not things like rabbit or snake to eat and cook over a fire
  16. Steam

    well... y make it hollow rock... just make a metal crafting recipe, so like progressing into the steam era. Also in that case it makes making lets say copper vs iron piping. copper would have a higher chance to rupture/ can withstand only lower pressures. BUT i love the idea, i second the steam idea
  17. cobble walls

    i know what he meant but essentially cobble block with a slab on top is 1.5 high and kinda is the same.
  18. cobble walls

    to me that sound a little like cobblestone slabs XD