Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by scioham

  1. This mod simply will not run acceptably with less than 2.5 GB of allocated memory, making it completely incompatible with 32-bit Java and OSes. I don't know about the launcher problems but if it won't work you can try alternative launchers like Magic / MultiMC. Could you tell us more about your OS and the environment you're trying to run it in?
  2. Traveling far distances, memory leak?

    As I recall the problems with snowy areas are related to Forge and Bioxx is just waiting for them to fix it, could be wrong don't quote me on that. What would be most helpful to us is the crash log in question, how long you have to travel before it crashes, and if it still crashes if you don't travel.
  3. [Build 72] Constant game freezes SOLVED

    If you're still around, there are two things I would suggest. The first would be to use a launcher capable of altering memory allocations and reducing Minecraft's memory allocation to about 640 MB. This seems paradoxical but Java seems to ignore it anyways and happily consumes its usual ~1.3 GB anyways, but with less allocated for Minecraft it will cache less data, clean up its memory more aggressively or whatever it's doing when RAM usage goes down. This buys you a few more minutes compared to running at the default 1024 MB but unfortunately it simply can't be fixed at the (32-bit) user end. The second, which I'm planning to do in the near future as recent builds have been completely unplayable on 32-bit, is to grab yourself a 64-bit OS. I myself am just going to grab Ubuntu, as it will happily resize a Windows partition and install alongside it and is easier to install from a USB stick compared to OpenSUSE. Additionally all distributions of Linux that I'm aware of are free, so no worrying about paying for a newer Windows and dealing with the horror of upgrading Windows. Seen too many of those go wrong.
  4. [Build 72] Constant game freezes SOLVED

    Does your issue follow the same characteristic pattern of Java running out memory, barkingnoise? I would expect it to follow a very predictable pattern of TFC not responding for roughly 15-30 seconds at a time with a few seconds time between after some 5-20 minutes of playing. That 5-20 minutes ends up shorter if you use things like fancy graphics, far rendering distances, higher-resolution texture packs, or travel at all. If it doesn't follow exactly that pattern then I would need more information about the characteristics of the freezing. My first suspicions would be Java running itself as 32-bit despite a 64-bit version being available, a problematic background program, or a lack of memory being available for other reasons like only physically having <=2GB of RAM or Java mysteriously not allocating Minecraft the memory it needs despite being able.
  5. [Build 72] Constant game freezes SOLVED

    TFC consumes a tremendous amount of memory compared to most mods. Your CPU and quantity of RAM are fine. However my guess is that you only have 32-bit Java installed so once you hit the memory limit for 32-bit Java, everything freezes while it tries to make more memory available to it. You can either simply close out Minecraft completely and start it up again which forces Java to start from a clean slate memory-wise and do this every time you start experiencing freezes, or simply upgrade to 64-bit Java. People like me still using 32-bit XP are SOL.
  6. It isn't realistic to run around ingame and destroy all existing bloomery GUI blocks as there may be players building out in locations we aren't aware of. I assume you have access to the world files so I would simply run mIDas Gold ( ) and change all bloomery blocks into air blocks. :3
  7. Armors Expanded

    Renadi, if you have a difficult time believing that plate armor has little to no effect on speed, then simply stuff a bag to 20kg heavy, secure it to your back, and go running. It will slow you down a bit, but if that 20kg were distributed over the whole body as a complete suit of armor, then you'd see it's much more a matter of stamina than strength. There are many people in SCA that wear plate armor that will tell you plate armor is not nearly as encumbering as people think it is by looking at plate armor, and they can run just as fast while wearing plate armor as not. Having TFC apply a significant speed debuff would be hollywood physics and extremely unbelievable to people who know better.
  8. Armors Expanded

    I can understand armor giving the player a stamina debuff and maybe a small speed debuff, but the idea that armor is so heavy it significantly hinders a person is very unbelievable to anyone who's worn or seen someone else wear actual armor. There are many other threads covering new armors but I would like to say I'm completely behind expanding the options for armor, and particularly I would like to see repairable armor like lamellar and mail. Plate armor is nothing to scoff at but protects very little in TFC currently and personally I would like to see plate armor be more difficult to craft and impossible to repair but be more durable and protective. More historically common armors like mentioned here could bridge the gap between the two that plate armor is currently filling in TFC.
  9. TFC FANART!!!!

    I'm so sorry everyone, I can't help myself sometimes.
  10. TFC FANART!!!!

  11. TFC FANART!!!!

    What is this thread I don't even
  12. [B66] Tool rack lighting I'll play around with this more and edit in more details if I can find any specific cause later. All other tool racks I've placed have no lighting issues. I believe it is a douglas fir tool rack on a douglas fir log with a West facing. The other racks facing North inside the shack are fine. Edit: Updated album with a few more pictures. Removing all tools and replacing them fixes until the world is reloaded. If bottom row only is removed and replaced then bottom row lights normally. In this state taking a tool from the upper row darkens the tool in the opposite corner from it, as opposed to the state of bottom-right corner only being lit where taking a tool from either corner of the upper row darkens the bottom-right corner.
  13. This is certainly a bug or oversight with Minecraft 1.4.2 itself but may be fixable by TFC. A stone wall stacked 2 high is easily jumpable if there is a connecting block up against its base, as the connection between that block and the wall is 1.5 blocks high and extends outside the wall it is connected to. Connections between walls and non-wall solid blocks should really only be 1 block high.
  14. Making armor

    I am aware of the changelog, but I don't feel the extremely low durability and protection value makes for good gameplay. There's simply no point in making armor if it can neither take a beating nor protect you.
  15. Making armor

    I wouldn't bother making armor at all until it gets buffed. I started wearing those pieces of armor at the same time. Bronze is not much more durable than leather. Additionally there is no noticeable damage reduction when wearing all of this armor. I'm pretty sure armor hasn't been adjusted at all for the new combat values.
  16. Rip-off?!

    Few things are truly original and minecraft itself was inspired by Dwarf Fortress in addition to TFC. I would not be at all surprised if Dwarf Fortress had many inspirations for it too. This super-hardcore mod is nowhere near a TFC rip-off and clearly only inspired by it.