Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Deathbytac0

  1. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    I am glad I don't play MtG as I listen to guys playing it over my shoulder. I would say get a life, but I can't because I have like half of one... So yeah, I'm the guy who doesn't play card games in fear of turning back (I won't explain my life story, but two year ago I definitely had no life and was a metalhead bitch, unhappy). I've gotten somewhere now, not talking all popularity shit (though that's what it is), I'll actually go places after highschool now.I have about 400 pokemon cards from when I was 9, unless you gamble with pokemon, I'm sure I can get a bit out of that. So... have we derailed enough, or are people going to stalk me after this?
  2. truer to scale

    I said that!
  3. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    Oh... You're those kinds of nerds .A lot of guys where I'm from play Magick or whatever, "I'm like da fuq? Why you playin' pokemons?"
  4. truer to scale

    Lol, I had only skimmed through it by the time I posted. As many computers are in that box, I bet I can get a pair.I don't know if it will be productive, but ima do it.
  5. truer to scale

    I want one.I found this. http://www.webstreet...er_computer.htm Give me 2 months, as I said before, I have a bunch of random ass computer parts in like 7 boxes in my closet. Hehehe, time to rape Eternal's 8-core.
  6. truer to scale

    I only have an Asus K50IJ, Best Buy took a shit on it. I'm gonna cry if you keep bringing up amazing computer specs.
  7. What is this reading you speak of? When I right giant posts it involves me bashing my head on the computer. I saw it, skimmed it, moved on. In other words... Yeah.
  8. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    No, I was talking about dragons and quoted that line. Do you get it now . And hey, we need easter eggs lol.
  9. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    Ahem... I also feel they don't belong. You need a lot of arrows and you can't look at it or it flies away.
  10. Really? What do you say about proper lighting though, should they spawn in the dark of your house if you did a bad job overall. It would be cool if you safely lit your house, but had a dark and spooky cellar, but since the rest of your house is lit well, you don't have Resident Evil in your basement.
  11. 1. Nobody here agrees with Notch.2. Spawining animations or smoke particles can be added, not that it's necessary . Unless mobs start having an insanely high spawnrate, I don't see them taking out the way they spawn. 3. I get that and I half agree.
  12. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    No dragons please... Go play Skyrim for dragons.A dragon is pretty easy to code in if you want to do it. And yes you can make it insanely op.
  13. Yes, all the other stuff though, I don't know what to call it. I have just heard all of that to be tempering also.
  14. truer to scale

    Holy shit! Me gusta.This is the part where Intel better do something like Nvidia's Cuda Cores and add super liquid cooling to their processors just to get half that, nobody cares if it's $10000. As for RAM, they can do that. Sadly motherboards and operating systems are holding us back. And a kilometer worldheight won't take that much, I bet my mom's laptop could do it if minecraft used more than a single core. Dunk, if you could do what spout is doing (or port to it) it would be achievable.
  15. That's good, not really enchantments. But oil increasing speed? (I vote cocaine ) How about the weapon has a 50% chance of flying out of your hand and shanking a bro. What you are thinking of is tempering. You can decrease the weight to increase speed, but realistically that isn't the best one because you are going to lower the power you can put behind the swing, sharpening is a obvious one. Look up tempers in Mount & Blade: Warband, there are good examples there.
  16. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    Hush before you open a paragonal vortex...
  17. truer to scale

    Trees are fine, small trees are a bit too common though. Also trees should be shaped by their irl shape, most were given the small tree form and called good. Rivers are a bit narrow, but every block is a meter so the rivers really aren't creek size. I would like to see rivers that you can't see to the other side and some that are about 15m. Lakes are a big thing, they are more like small ponds. Things just need to be looked at in feet sometimes to look natural.
  18. I'm going to the elves to get (op) mithril! PLEASE! get rid of them! I have never used them, except for silk touch. The system is stupid anyway.
  19. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    So what do you mean by flora and fauna? Are we stuck with 2 types of flowers!?! I won't live if I only see 2 flowers!
  20. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    Wait, so no more 4 tree types per biome? Will we get all the trees in one world, all together, or do we have a chance of not getting a certain type of tree?
  21. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    Dang, decrease in size much? I'll explore that in a day (pfft, lies). I never find a good spot to settle, I usually travel 15km before unhappily settling in a granite and basalt plain instead of mountains, then I forest the place and have to look more.
  22. My few suggestions

    Just like shooting down the idea of pigeons...
  23. My few suggestions

    I have quite a few so, I really don't expect all of these to work. Some things others may have suggested, if so I support them completely. Climbing gearA lot of us like to use Smart moving (a lot of us would also like the zipline mod too, but what I have found is that it's not compatible). That wont allow you to scale a diagonal cliff side though. The gear will be expensive and extremely dangerous, and sometimes it can't be used over and over. You could tie a rock to the end of a rope and have a 50/50 chance of it staying, and then once you climb on, a 50/50 chance of it holding. This is extremely dangerous because if you could be awesome enough you could make the ropes swing and have a grip meter. If you hit a rock face you may lose your grip and go plummeting down, missing your platform and ending up in a very painful death. A wrought iron grappling hook (or above) will hold better, allowing you to make hard jumps for the rope, most likely making the rope swing into the rock face did it. Spiked boots may be nice to use to climb on a steep hill or a face 1 block away, or you could make use of them descending.This is a big one I know and it may not have it's place in this mod. More mobsYou said on the mc forum page adding mobs make the game seem a little better, but it didn't really do it. Vanilla monsters aren't too realistic and Mo' Creatures don't spawn right. I want to see something other than bears, I like to see the stuff that will rip your eyes out and teabag your body (no masterchiefs please). Also ambiance is nice, birds, mice, squirrels, you know those small creatures that will also turn on you.#demented Volcanoes and etcVolcanoes, glaciers, canyons, and everything else I can't think of! Also random size biomes, some go on for about 10kilometers, others 10meters. Examples are the canyons and glades.SettlingSo you are advancing through ages and you never establish small civilization. How about a very rare mob like cavemen that you can befriend and then they will advance with you and make small extremely rare villages. This can be completely optional considering you befriend them.I see the pinned topic, just saying. An end goal and then on...Now you have definitely extended how long it takes to go until you just are bored because you have everything and you just start over, or worse delete the mod. Vanilla Minecraft has an end goal now (not that you will ever win it), TerraFirmaCraft however, does not. I have no idea what to put though, I need all of your help. The suggestions above (except the climbing gear) can contribute to an endless adventure. None of them contribute to the big event you will complete at the climax, an end goal. I am completely stumped by that one, I merely suggest to think of it.Chimney chokesA feature that allows you to close the chimney, puffing smoke on you and increasing the heat of your forge or bloomery(charcoal pit part only). This makes the fire use the air around it and let the blocks around it build more heat. Too long and it will quickly burn out, but a good way to get a quick boost of heat. Also this can make campfires fill your house with smoke.Thank you for reading, I hope you like what I have!