Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Deathbytac0

  1. I see a flaw... So basically if you found every entrance to a cave and blocked them and placed a door, that would be home. You can't find every spot in a TFC cave, you will get lost. So there would be a huge unlit area that baddies cant spawn in. And technically how this may work with minecraft's coding implemented, is an unlit part will technically be outside. Now if you get proper lighting and that spot is branded home, what is it going to be used for? I see it a bit unfair to be able to have an unlit house and just because the code thinks it's your house, nothing will eat you in the night. This could go somewhere if you could answer that question. And maybe you could have a terribly lit house, but you can see everywhere and no place is completely dark, but dark enough for mobs to spawn, since you obviously explored the place a bit, I can see that working. And yes it is ripping off Terraria, not because TFC would have it, but Terraria had it before anything in Minecraft.
  2. Larger Biomes - Realistic Biome Transition

    That took you 15 minutes, boy got some novices here. This is how it's done. 2 minutes of, masterpiece. Anyway, besides that, I am totally confused.
  3. My few suggestions

    Yeah, nobody gave a shit after it came out. I might make a thread for the climbing gear, not that anybody will "give shits". lol
  4. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I'm liking the ideas popping up. So far, every topic I have been in that is getting new ideas haven't seemed to hang on the new ideas until people start to sound pissed over my short absence. Damn, I must be missed. I had 97 notifications, so far all pretty good.
  5. My few suggestions

    Chimney chokes was moved to it's own thread long ago...
  6. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    Hell yeah!Anyway your computer is op.
  7. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I don't think they are out of place, just op. Millenaire npcs worked their asses off, that would be really bad to have in this mod. But what if you have 2 people on a server or better yet, singleplayer? You don't have guns in minecraft, the hacker eagles are coming...
  8. Installation with multimc and nostalgia

    Yeah I think I counted 58 backup minecraft.jars yesterday.
  9. Your chisel creations!!

    I want that seed! By the way pretty good, fans could be longer though. Paragon83, very nice.
  10. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    No just immigrants.Anyway, why are you using trains? Just push a minecart with a chest down a hill, 1840 is way too new for TFCraft I think lol. Your game though.
  11. Meltable Anivils

    Lava...(that would be interesting)
  12. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    Do I need any mods to use TFC metals or is it forge doing that?And yes, we want to see how in the world you can possibly make a mine better .
  13. Meltable Anivils

    Do you know how long it would take to melt a wrought iron anvil? That's 200lb of pure metal, once they are made, they ain't goin' nowhere.
  14. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I was going to watch it with my dad's girlfriend just to laugh at my dad because he hates movies like that.
  15. mining technics (how do you work your mines?)

    What mods do you have?
  16. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    What is that? Last time I checked, Best Buy had that replaced with a potato... Damn this J variant.
  17. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    300 blocks an hour? Holy cow that's slow, if you want to change our speed, I'm fine with it. Pigeons will fly less than 1km in an hour. I sprinted 1km in 13 mc hours. How is that possible? And I ask myself why I haven't watched that on Netflix yet...
  18. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I never watch tv lol, that was pretty fucked up though, I know. lol
  19. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    That's a long ass way, do you know how many kilometers you can travel in an hour? They are Aryan, no offence(PLEASE!!!), they are just blonde(idk why), blue eyed(don't pigeons have blue eyes, if not idk what I'm smokin'(I don't do that shit though)), and they are really strong(these pigeons were once part of an anti-greifing squadron, they would swoop down, faster than a falcon, lift the geifer and drop them in jail. They all wear berets in honor of their service.).
  20. the scaleing bar (safety tool while mining)

    What if you are above the potential cave in? I don't want to mine safely down there, risking an encounter with mobs, to put up supports. This will help you find a safe path mining out caverns.I like it infinus.
  21. [In Progress][Map] The Survivor Test!!

    You have to survive in the cold with only stone/bone tools. We need sickness from cold first lol, don't worry about it. Half joke, beast if you did it.
  22. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Holy wall of text batman! That would keep an illiterate out for days, bro. I skimmed through that but I can help out. Jail blocks can be created by vanilla iron bars, you can still get them, I think, craftable with iron ingots dropped by zombies. Also the area of a hearthstone will leave evidence of greifers such as footprints, and maybe something like thread from clothes that will tell you the color of part of their skin, if that's possible. Anyway, I want to see iron bars made by wrought iron and maybe other metals if you are completely rich and just want to show off instead of make your yard look nice (red steel bars baybee!), I would like a nice hedge garden to place guard dogs in.
  23. [In Progress][Map] The Survivor Test!!

    If we get sickness from cold in like 1.4 I want you to right an endless snow biome code (or make the map small), generate it and then all you have to do is make a huge season clock to hit a command block that will set it back to winter. Then block us off with huge icebreg walls, no lava to warm us, and no sticks. All we get is a pickaxe head. Something like that.
  24. [In Progress][Map] The Survivor Test!!

    Hahaha! You can't beat your own map, well either you are bad at parkour and stuff or it's a really good map.
  25. Placing dirt, sand and cobblestone into stacks

    I'm careful of not caving in dirt and I don't play in sand. In vanilla though it takes a fair bit of sand for me to lag but I get an extra 10fps with no mods. I figured it would be bad.