Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Teranz

  1. Inventory Changes

    Coding monkeys? Intresting... Do you recon i could buy one over the internet?
  2. DayZ

    Atm it is on christmas summer sale so arma 2:co is £14.99 on the main site!
  3. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    Well! I'm happy, my idea got implemented and thats all i ever wanted!
  4. Inventory Changes

    Well i was think on the side of the quick bar to put a small slot for the belt but if your against putting in slots then be it!
  5. EASILY find starter ores: technique

    Still this seems like a kind of usefull "technique"... Found a fair few ores this way!
  6. Bone Meal

    So basicly it is useles? And is there any faster way of growing crops? Wheat mainly?
  7. Inventory Changes

    For the quick tool bar i think that you should spawn with an empty tool belt a small size about 10 slots and that can be upgraded to 15 slots! Just like the backpack! If you throw your tools belt away, all your items fall on the floor and you cant pick them back up unless you grab your tool belt or your backpack has enought space inside! But without the toolbelt you wont be able to craft,place blocks or use items!
  8. Upcoming changes in pre46

    And the point of posting the information about upcoming builds is? Any one can check them out here ->
  9. DayZ

  10. Wooooo another idea from me. So i will skip the crap with the intro and go straight into my idea. My idea is about the weight of a single item and how fasr you walk while your caring that item. So in my opinion every item should have its own weight ( in kilogram, grams or what ever you want to measure it in). Some items will weight more then others, for example your carring stacks of cobble, some ore and few tools, that would slow you down more then if you were carrying some sapllings, few stacks of sticks and a tool or two.. Ok thanks guys for reading, any feed back and ideas are welcome cya! ~Teranz
  11. Music

    I listen to -> I listen to deadmau5, i started listening to him before i started playing MC he was the one that got me into MC http-~~-// Skrillex Just like you Nero, and a fair few other artist...
  12. Total Ranged Overhaul

    Dont appoliges about frequent posts if they are intresting in any way or form...
  13. New slots

    As you can see, knights often wore surcoats and cloaks over their armor, to prevent the metal from heating in the sun, and to display heraldric colours These are clothes are they not ? I also feel the backpacks should not get a dedicated slot, as this would affect the balance of inventory management in the game These surcoats do serve a purpose in game by the way, as they protect from heat (which armor will absorb given half the chance) You directed me to a picture which shows a knight from the years 2k -> 2k12. But what you can see in the picture it is a knight in the tabard that tells over people from what family/country/group he comes from...
  14. Good Lord Almighty pre 39

    That looks amazing, prob wont working any more doe in build 43...
  15. Loving the idea of combing TFC with ExtraBiomesXL... That would be such a great combo... Also covered with snow mountains.
  16. New slots

    Congratuliations, good sir!
  17. New slots

    For the cloths should go under armor, over armor they would look stupid. So for clothes under armor and new slots. For back packs there should be a slot between the cloths and armor slots for chestpiece were the backpack would go. And there should be different sizes,shapes and colours of bags, also bags should be visable on the person just like the capes.Bit like in Arma 2:CO DayZ.
  18. Additional Mods

    Yo Your joking right?
  19. Ok so i have a fair few ideas for enchanting, the gems. But first i would like fossils to be added as ore generation. Fossils would be used to research different types of enchantments(Just a bit like in ThuamCraft). There would be different types and sizes of fossils: tiny,small,medium,large and very large... And different types of fossils like; animal bones, bugs, flowers and so on. So that the first part coverted. And now the scound part. Enchanting would be different then in vanilla. The old enchanting table will be used for research. The new one would be crafted like the old one but just with an enderpearl at the top without the book. Enchanting when you first start will look like the vanilla enchants but as you do more enchanting some words will make sense and once you have a lot of expierience in enchanting all of the words will make sense and you will know what your weapon/armor will be enchanted into. So i also inclueded gems in my topic title didnt i? Yeah, and gems will be used to increase the level of your enchants. So the better gems the better enchants... Thanks thats my idea any feed back would be great!
  20. Enchanting, Research, Fossils and gems!

    Sorry, recently life is being a bitch... And i just post anything that comes to my head...
  21. Beta v2 build 40 world crashes

    Did you install Mod loader? If so uninstall it. And did you install Player API? If not install it...
  22. Additional Mods

    Portable chests? Horses that carry your items? There is plenty of sollutions to that doe...
  23. Sorry guys but i allready picked who im going to be recording with! I had a different thread up on MCF for those who are wondering...