Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Teranz

  1. Enchanting, Research, Fossils and gems!

    LIke i said the community supports,improves and adds idea. But bioxx has the last word.
  2. Additional Mods

    Yeah there should be a massive vote on this ...Examples: Q 1). Do you want thirst to be added to TFC? A 1). Yeah! A 2). No way mate! A 3). I realy don't care, let me play TFC. Q 2). Do you want personal energy(Being tired and stuff) to be added? A 1). Yeah! A 2). No way mate! A 3). I realy don't care, let me play TFC. Q 3). Would you want personal health(illnesses,disease and so on) to be added to TFC? A 1). Yeah! A 2). No way mate! A 3). I realy don't care, let me play TFC.
  3. Enchanting, Research, Fossils and gems!

    To be honest its not what the community thinks... It is what Bioxx and his team think... My ideas arent for the community they are for bioxx. The community can support ideas, improve them and add more...Edit: I will be hated so much for this post... But truth hurts...
  4. Enchanting, Research, Fossils and gems!

    Just realized... Also i combined the topics cos it would look much more messed up when every part of this topic would be spread out over 4 different topics...
  5. Yeah ok but i ment just like Pumpkins... So you dont have to find a dungeon to have a melon farm... So you get 5-8 watermelons for about 10-20 world chunks... So they will spawn but they will be rare and stuff...
  6. Personally i think that watermelons should be added to terrain generation just like the pumpkins were added to terrain generation.... It would be quiet good for agriculture. What do you think about this simple idea?Comment down bellow with your personall view...
  7. Additional Mods

    But with the mods that you use i also use Inventory Tweaks... And sometimes the switcher mod...
  8. Love those big Caves! <3

    Yeah that looks realy good! As said above TFC is getting better and better. Good job Bioxx...
  9. Additional Mods

    I doubt it. Bioxx is focussing on agriculture and the terrain at the moment but we will start adding other player GUIs After Beta 2 officialy comes out... So there might be a fair few updates before that happens. But their is a high chance of it happening...
  10. So my idea is to add a new furnace, that would allow people to mix materials like carbon and sand to make glass or mix metals to enforce them and make them better. The furnace could be made like a normal furnace but out of smooth stone, smooth x2 stone or stone bricks, I dont mind the recipe you guys can make it up...
  11. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    It is just recoding 1 item...
  12. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Support beams should support 25 block area if placed in the middle. And by that i mean that if you place a standing up support beam it would support 25 - 5x5 blocks, so that you could place unstable blocks like cobble stone and stuff...
  13. Making alloys and glass thats about it... I'm not the most technicall person ever... It could be used to make bronze? since bronze is made from tin and copper...
  14. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I will take that as a complement in one way and a suggestion to improve my posts...
  15. If i will do it, it will be in english doe...
  16. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    What ever...
  17. I have a fair bit of expierience, and i can probably record but my upload speed is realy bad... I get less then 1mbs upload speed... I will try doe and is there anything specific you wont me to post?
  18. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Make skills. So everything you do has skills, you can improve on those skills. There would be a skill for farming,mining,wood cutting, hunting and so on... High level of the skill the better you are at doing the thing that the skill represents....
  19. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Knifes used in skinning, to skin animals for their leather...
  20. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Sheep drop lamb meat when killed...
  21. Age of Survival: Post Apocalyptic Edition

    Im loving the idea and i would love to help make the map... Just pm me if you want to talk to me...
  22. Any interest in a lets play?

    I would love to see a series about this mod and i wanted to start a series my self but i have 2 many exams on my head and i spend a lot of my time with my gf... So yeah i will watchyour series if you make one...