Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Teranz

  1. Yeah still looks good...
  2. A realy good seed, one of the most usefull seeds so far...
  3. The texturepack is realy good and i cant wait to see more of your work in future...
  4. Minecraft with Mead!

    Yeah your series are realy good and intresting... I also noticed that you have a fair bit of subs,im planing to make vids for youtube 2 and i was wondering if you got any tips on how to start off...
  5. Hit Last, Hit Not Last

    This just made me so confused about anvils and up untill now i thout they were quiet easy to use...
  6. Yeah but making a forge takes ages...
  7. A few questions from a newbie

    Yeah good luck with that water has changes a lot in TFCand you will quickly see why...
  8. Yeah ok, now go to some forest in real life, make a fire and throw 64 sticks in... And tell me what happens.... Sorry if i sound like a troll but thruth hurts...
  9. A few questions from a newbie

    Answear to question one: Ok i recommend using a prospectors pick to point you in a certain direction and then strip mine in the direction... Answear to question two: I dont think that pitchblende is used for anything at the moment... Answear to question three: In a crafting table: W 0 W W 0 W 0 W 0 0 - Leave blank. W - Wood plank.
  10. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    Also cant find it so give me a link...
  11. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    Da fuq and sure will...
  12. Suggestion for the owner of TFC Forums!

    Yeah i do realise that but their is so many ranks and they allready go up to 3k posts, while the most atm is 300 posts...
  13. Found a strange green blob on a few blocks

    Yeah thats sulfer for use but why does it start spreding on grass and trees is because of a code that should only allow it to spread on stone but lets it spreas on every block that is right next it and one block higher. As you can see on that tree and grass block.
  14. Mining Supports Modification

    Yeah great idea! Would help a lot when mining!
  15. Let's Play?

    Yeah sorry about my ealier comment your videos look good... If you do some more i will sure watch them...
  16. Let's Play?

    Was it just my ipad or the quallity of the video that was bad? Sorry if i sound like a troll...
  17. Yeah i wouldnt call that a nicest thing to say... Especially i come from a country that suffered probably the worst from nazis attacks... And that could be classified as racism...
  18. World generation question

    It was allready noticed in other threads that there aint many caves/revines/dungeons/strongholds/mines in the world generation... And im assuming bioxx allready knows it and i dont think any one knows if it is suppost to be like that or if it is a glitch... If it is a glitch it probably will get fixed in Beta v2...
  19. Updates to the wiki

    Try talking to bioxx maybe he will help you out.. I think their is a way to contact him... Maybe PM him or something...
  20. Updates to the wiki

    Yeah theirs is plenty of people who are whitelisted to edit the wiki why dont you (like said above) make a team of people and change/edit/add more to the wiki...
  21. Off Topic Forums

    Thank you and it is a quiet good idea... Nothing like a good old off topic chat...
  22. Cant help my grammar if im nit english... So stop bothering me or i will report for harastment...
  23. [64] Faithful Texture Pack by HiTeeN

    Yeah to be honest I dont know why he said it in that way... But hewas just saying good job, so it is allright...
  24. And your not very nice... I was going to use a "rude" word but i dont want go get reported...