Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Gekkey Mathews

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Posts posted by Gekkey Mathews

  1. I also crashed a lot at beginning, but that was because my ram was set at 512 mb (Default) rather than 1024mb+ (Now set at 2048mb). I strongly suggest you set your ram to a number higher than 1024mb or else you might experience a lot of crashes, like myself.


    I can confirm this. I have my the ram set to minimum of 1G-4G, and it's never once crashed for me. 


  2. Reality is unintuitive; the more you know about something, the less believable intuitions become. People have these ideas about the the world should work, but often the world just doesn't work like that. That's why it's taken us 200,000 years to figure out quantum theory. For example, science fiction. I'm sure most people found the new Star Trek movie perfectly believable, because they modeled physics based on what they thought should happen. Astrophysicists (I am an astrophysics student) found it completely unrealistic, and therefore, unbelievable. I take it you don't know much about metalworking or geology, so believable to you wouldn't be the same as believable to the devs. 


  3. There is a severe balance problem early game. 


    Firstly is the problem with shelter. 

    1) mob quantity and strength. Assloads of zombies wandering around at night means you cant go out without metal weapons and armor and expect to live. 

    2) thatch is cheap. The obviously optimal early-game strategy is to make a knife, collect straw, and build a straw house. I'm sure you know what must be done to remedy this. 


    Version 0.77.9

    • Wolf size increased by 30%
    • Wolves will now seek and destroy thatch blocks

    3) Beds are expensive. There is no way to sleep until you have copper. So until then you find yourself in the middle of a pile of straw staring at the sky all night. 


    Second is that of food. Being a hunter-gatherer just isn't viable anymore, and agriculture takes too long to be viable early-game. 

    4) Animals are too rare. I may just be unlucky, but I've never found more than three animals together. And they're always the same gender, so that makes animal husbandry nigh unto impossible. 

    5) Animals are too bountiful. When you finally do find some animals, you're set for months. A couple cows give enough meat to eat for long after you've found the next group. 

    6) Vegetables are either too rare or not filling enough. You only find a few plants together at a time, which would be fine if that was enough to fill you up, but it's not. Normally the hunger cost of looking for it outweighs reward from finding it. 

    7) squid are too abundant, relative to all other animals. It's easy to live off of calamari once you've found a couple lakes. It becomes ridiculous very quickly, living in a grass pile eating squids. 


    And a minor complaint

    8) Ceramic Vessels are really inconvenient. If you want to find something, you have to pick up each one to look in it. Would it be possible to make it so shift-clicking removes a placed pot, and just clicking looks inside it?




    Problems 1 and 3 are related. Fixing one would make the other not a problem. If I could go to bed before mobs spawned (as I do in all the other builds) they wouldn't be a problem. I would suggest a bed alternative using hides and straw. (Also some shelter requirements, for immersion reasons, but that's for another post.)

    2 could be solved by making thatch more expensive, through time or quantity requirements. 
    4 and 5 are just a balancing issue. I would suggests more animals per herd, but overall less total meat, so there's a better chance of finding both males and females. You'll just have to experiment to find out how much meat per herd to make subsistence hunting work, so that you're not overflowing with meat and not starving to death either. 
    6 is easy. Just make more vegetables spawn together. 

  4. You can already scale day length with a config file, so I dont think it would be that big of a stretch to change it in-game according to the season.

    But for the latitude based time, imagine there's one person at 20km south and one person at 20km north. The sun is global in minecraft. So day for one would be night for another, but it can't be. You could set the sun to be player-specific, but you need to mess with the way minecraft servers handle the world on a more fundamental level than changing or adding blocks and entities.

    The only plausible way is to change the light levels per chunk and ignore the sun.


  5. I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but it would be really neat if the length of day changed according to the seasons. With summer having the longest days and the shortest nights, and winter the opposite.

    The leaf colors right now really add to the feel of time passing, but I think adding variable day-lengths could take it a step further.


  6. Actually, wool is not good against wet conditions, it is pretty much the worst for the fact that it dries out very slowly. However, if using leather or hide, you could use these to add waterproofing to the wool, which would be useful.

    Having worn both a wool cloak, and a wool jacket in the rain, I can confidently tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. Wool stretches when wet, but it doesn't lose it's insulating abilities like cotton does. There's a reason sheep were popular in Ireland.


  7. Balance plank yield so that it's not so incredibly expensive, and actually preferable to build a structure by placing planks.

    I would do this by

    1. Changing the crafting bench recipe to four planks ( so that it's not broken by the following changes ).

    2. Changing the wooden block recipe to nine planks in a filled square.

    3. Increase log yield to seven to balance this out.

    4. Making wooden slabs an item, crafted with three planks in a row, and placeable inverse of chiseling.

    This would make houses slightly cheaper to make, but more complicated. You would need to build a frame of planks, minimum of one per block of wall, then you would need a slab for each side of the frame. This adds up to seven, which is the yield of one log, balancing building a house of planks to building a log cabin ( cabins are, at the moment, the most economic option as far as wooden houses go ).


  8. There are three aspects of weapons that affect how they interact with armor: their sharpness, their hardness, and their weight.

    Armor has only two: hardness and thickness.

    Weapons pierce armor in only two ways. By directly piercing it (chopping, slashing, an piercing), and by using the armor as a medium to transfer the force (blunt).

    Firstly, if a weapon's hardness is less than than the armor's, there is absolutely no way it is getting through. Except not really. Bullet are lead, but can pierce steel. Blunt weapons deal damage based on its mass multiplied by how much harder the armor is (so a weapon half as hard would only do half damage, with half the energy going into bending the weapon).

    If the weapon is harder and sharp, it should pierce the armor, losing energy based on the its sharpness (the sharper it is, the less energy is lost to the armor) multiplied by the thickness of the armor. It then deals damage based on how much energy it has left, multiplied by it's sharpness, with some upper limit (you can only stab someone so far).

    Though bluntness isn't something that is or isn's. A warhammer is blunt, but can fully pierce armor because of how massive it is. You can either use those above rules to make a general system or you can boil this down to a single formula.

    Ah, Am, As, Wh, Wm, Ws = [armor hardness], [armor mass], [armor surface area], [weapon hardness], [weapon mass], [weapon surface area];

    E = [force character can exert]

    E = Wm * (E/Wm)^2 // initial energy of the weapon

    E = E*(Wh/Ah) // percent of energy reflected back into the weapon

    Damage = E/As // all the energy "lost" is passed into the target

    E = E/(Am*(Ws/As)) // distribute the energy across the armor that contacts the weapon

    Damage += E*(Ws/As) // apply damage based on how much energy it has left multiplied by how sharp the weapon is

    All together now:

    ( (Wm * E * (Wh/Ah) ) + ( (Wm * E * (Wh/Ah) )/(Am*(Ws/As) ) ) ) * [energy to damage conversion constant]

    I've tested this out a bit, and it seems to work well. The mass of the weapon becomes much more important when dealing with thicker armors. High velocity destroys everything.


    Forget it. This formula's rubbish. Lighter weapons are way too powerful. It needs to account for the bending of them due to their lightness.


  9. I figured out how reinforced blocks should work. Have planks and sheets be able to be placed on blocks, like ladders. Have them very difficult to remove, but if the block behind it is destroyed, have it drop. This would work together with a locking system (that I'm sure someone else has figured out) to secure houses, forts, bank vaults, etc.


  10. I run a server for a few friends. normally around 3 people on. I've noticed some bugs.

    The first bug is that whenever the server restarts, so does the date. I've been noticing this since b50c.

    Second is that whenever a player logs off, if another player is not near, the spawn protection for that area resets.


  11. Right now only about 25% of the logs you put into the charcoal pit actually come out as charcoal. the rest fail and burn up.

    I am aware it is possible to use less to no charcoal. I was doubtful that only getting so little per tree was balanced.


  12. I'm not so sure that the current failure rate for wood turning into charcoal is completely balanced. You have to cut down a chunk of trees to make enough charcoal to get about 8 ingots. Then another chunk to warm them enough to form them into shape. It takes about 5 chunks of trees to make a set of armor then multiply that by a few people and you've deforested a continent.


  13. Bioxx wants to get into lighting, but he has a lot on his plate atm.

    This is why I was suggesting an inclusion to agriculture. Agriculture is a core part of the game. And coming relatively soon.

    Lighting is a long term goal, as it affects nothing. You program from the ground up, adding things that allow the inclusion of more things. lighting options are necessary for nothing. So lets leave the lighting discussion for another thread.


  14. Crude oil is that sticky black stuff called oil. Also called petroleum.

    Mineral oil is the byproduct of petroleum refinement.

    Organic (which is actually a misnomer as organic actually means, "containing carbon compounds" and therefore could be applied to any of these) oils are oils that are extracted from recently dead plants and animals.

    I am not suggesting the inclusion of petroleum or mineral oils. Those would be way too rare to warrant their development.


  15. Although I really am into working with oil ingame since I'm petroleum engineer, I don't know how it could fit TFC. Even if combustion engines are just the tip of the iceberg of its uses. It was used to build the walls and tower of Babylon, asphalt had always some sort of application in human history but it can be ignored, the only good application I can see of it in this mod is for lighting.

    And cooking. you can't cook anything on a real stove without olive oil or lard or butter. I don't want to eat roast all game.


  16. I get that it's about remaking cartography. But what I don't get is what the actual suggestion is. Or is this just a general discussion of how to remake map-making?


  17. He does bring up one question. If one would define a wall as continuous vertical blocks that reach the floor, how would one calculate the floor?

    (and keep in mind, that though running a cave-in check whenever a block is broken is simple, it gets substantially more cpu intensive the more blocks you need to check (ie. checking if it's touching a wall, then checking if that wall is actually a wall, then repeating 40 times). No one wants half second lag spikes whenever you break stone.) But you probably already though of that.
