Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Search the Community: Showing results for tags 'Lets Play'.

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Found 31 results

  1. Hey Everybody!Started a series with the new version of TFC along with a mini tutorial series for the old version.I am some what new to TFC so I wanted some input from the community to let me know what peopleexpect from a GOOD LP. I try and put out good content and keep every episode entertaining. If you'rebored and want to check out a new LP stop on by. Thanks everyone. [ E P I SO D E 1 ]<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> *Before you comment about bad audio in 1st episode. I caught it and have adjusted before uploading episode 2. [ E P I SO D E 2 ] <iframe width="640" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> THANKS FOR WATCHING! -Dizzy
  2. Hey guys of TerraFirmaCraft! My name is Extra and I've just started up a quality Let's Play of the mod. Here's the 1st Episode: http-~~-// If you enjoyed be sure to Subscribe to my channel (, I upload this, And much more Minecraft! Thanks for reading my topic! -Extra
  3. New Let's Play

    Why hello. I decided to start up a let's play for terrafirmacraft. I love watching videos of people playing and wanted to share my experiences as well! As of now, it's just me on my server, but I'm hoping to get my brother to join me at some point in the future. Let me know what you think! (I know the first few days can be very boring, but I'm hoping to ramp up quickly with blacksmithing, meals, exploration, building, etc.) Here is Episode 01: Episode 02:
  4. SMP sever problems

    So me and my friend have been planning to do a co-op lets play for a while, and when we finally get around to it, we cant get the server working. we have spent the last 2 or 3 days trying various solutions on the forums and what ever we can think of to no avail. when we attempt to get the server up everything installs without problems, though forge doesnt create a mod folder. everything runs fine until we install TFC into either the jar or an added mods folder in which case the sky is black and the blocks have properties from both TFC and vanilla. SMP works fine for both of us, except for items changing after updating to 51. (so many zinc knifes!!) and even when we're done with the letsplay i would love to be able to host locally so i dont have to wait ages for my crops to grow. if anyone helps us get this working you are awesome and will have a slot in the PVP event we're thinking of starting. [FIXED] after faffing about and clicking on the jar instead of the server.exe i got it working after a few attempts.
  5. Hi everyone! I'd like to share Somneri and Alice playing a map I made to get them interested in Terrafirmacraft.
  6. Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know (for those who care) I'm doing a couple things with TerraFirmaCraft. I'm doing a singleplayer lets play with tutorials along the way, and I'm also doing a livestream every night with my buddy Spaniol on a SMP server with TFC. Links below. Lievstream: Youtube Channel: Feel free to check it out!! If I'm not streaming, I have all the past videos up on my twitch page so you can go watch those. As always, please subscribe (youtube) and follow (twtich) if you like!!!! Thanks guys, Ret