Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Random Durability

    The new addition to the anvils to make the crafted tools durability correspond to the quality of the craft was great but I would like to see some changes made to the durability regarding how it decreases so predictably. If the items degraded a little more randomly it would encourage the player to be more prepared as there tools durability would not be as indefinite as shown. This could be implemented by adding a random element to how tools are damaged rather than having a consistent value. This would more accurately represent the effect of a tool generally being totally fine for a long period of time and then suddenly breaking or becoming significantly damage.
  2. Rotting Wood

    My sugestion is simply that if you don't cover your stacks of wood and it rains then they will begin to rot and either be destroyed or converted into compost. This would make the first night log roof less viable as it would need to be exchanged before it rains. This could be easily shown on the logs with a few specs of green on the texture. Another posiblity could be the requirement to dry wood before it is useable for fuel or perhaps just to make it more efficent as in reality this must be done to remove the moisture from the wood. Certain woods could perhaps dry faster or already be fairly dry to speed up the change.
  3. Along with the raised height limit came a few changes to the generation of caves, and I'm not sure these are intended. The general pattern of caves now, having examined many many worlds in MCEdit, is as follows: Surface / Rock Layer 1: Very shallow caves that stop generating long before even reaching the second layer of rock: Middle / Rock Layer 2: The occasional random lake, and a large amount of disappointment and broken dreams: Bottom / Rock Layer 3: A horrifically beautiful amalgamation of winding cave systems, ravines, and generalized awesomeness. The point I'm trying to make here is this: This generation is a major annoyance for gameplay, requiring the Russian Roulette-esqe act of digging straight down. Real caves are formed mainly by erosion by water, and none of these third layer caves have any access to the surface. Sure, they may have caved in over the millions of years required for their creation, but that doesn't explain why there are basically no caves at all generated in the second layer, and a ridiculous amount generated in the third. It seems like the cave generation is still acting like the sea level is at it's old value. Bioxx, you should probably ask the third layer to share some of its caves with the second layer, it's hogging them all.
  4. Well, i have idea for hardcore gamemode. This mean: 1.) Player scare of monsters (If he see any of it, screen start shaking and player get Nausea) 2.) Only two start slots. (You need a backpack for standard inventory. And if don't have it...well all you have is you arms.) 3.) For standard inventory you need to actually wear a backpack. (In armor slot) 4.) If you have a backpack this will not add you a fast slot. (So, you have only two arms, and if you want to eqip something, you need to go into you inventory) 5.) Player need to drink water sometimes. 6.) If player stare at monster too long, will drop his eqip.. 7.) Moar ideas? This is all...sorry for my bad english. I'm russian. (Yes,yes. C'mon, start throw shit at me.)
  5. Persistent block damage.

    As the title says I would like to see persistent damage to blocks as if you smash up a rock until just before its braking point in reality it wont heal back to a full strength.This has been done in other mods such as EvilMinecraft for example but obviously due to TFC having more blocks they would not be compatible.
  6. Landslides

    Hey I was thinking about cave ins and thought about how odd it is that you can make a tower of dirt. Maybe placing blocks could cause landslides when placed. eg when making dirt tower it’s not stable so some of the blocks get pushed out from the tower. This means to get to a significant height you would need a more pyramid shaped base. Also building on cliff sides or over cave systems would be hazardous (make sure you have good foundations). A concern I had with this is there could be problems with this causing cave ins as that could end up looping destruction possibly. But both effects make blocks tend down and one is caused by breaking blocks and the other by placing so hopefully that won’t be a problem.
  7. Tools Availability

    A decorative feature that think would be nice would be the ability to place tools on block or mount them on walls (possibly by shift clicking). This would allow you to have a pick over your mine entrance, decorative crossed swords on a wall that could be snatched up if needed desperately and also an anvil with a hammer lain across it would look awesome. The idea for this was initially started by the thought that carrying 5 to 20 tools does not make practical/physical sense and as normally you would leave tools near their operational area. This therefore could lead to restricting the player to a max number of tools or inventory weight.
  8. Tree physics

    I personally think that rather than automatically dropping the sticks or simply evaporating the leaves should fall to the ground so that you can harvest them after chopping down the tree especially as the current despawning of the leaves does not make much sense. This would also mean you have to be careful when chopping down trees as the leaves could be made to cause the player damage when they fall, it also makes them easier to reach. They should probably wither away after some time as well to prevent cluttering. In addition to leaves being more realistic I would like to see tree roots added as this would make mining in a forest more challenging, the roots could be used in the new agricultural features that are to be announced and possibly you could increase certain ores concentration if they are related to trees(petrified wood ect). Additionally it’s possible that the roots would trap heavier metals or gems that would normally have descended in to the ground over time, which could mean that you could have very small spattering of ores spawn just under forests which would help the player in the early game.
  9. Crossbows

    A new ranged weapon type that uses bolts instead of arrows. The main difference between the mechanics of the bow and the crossbow would be that a crossbow is already in the fire state then needs to be reloaded instead of a bow being drawn back and released.. This would make your movement slow while reloading but not inherently slow while aiming. Same as what should be done to bows the different types of wood should be considered for the bow and stock of the cross bow with different characteristics. reeds and twigs could be used for the bolts along with fletching (god we need more than spy chickens for this) and then some way to make different tiered arrow heads and the like. A secondary consideration that would just be 'kewl' factor would be dual wielding hand versions of the cross bows
  10. THIS IS NOT TO MAKE THE PROSPECTOR PICK MORE ACCURATE That is at the top for those who were not part of the IRC conversation that lead to this post. The idea here is to give the prospector pick a secondary functionality in identifying the type of block that it is tapped on directly as well as scanning the area around you. With an alternate tap (shift click maybe?) it will identify the block type that it is clicked on telling you it is Granite or Basalt or Tetrakedrite. That's it!
  11. Salt Water

    This seems like something to be lumped in in general with water ideas but oceans being salt water and not being useful for consumption, growth of crops, etc just seems like a logical step.
  12. Well whats TerraFirmaCraft about? i think its mostly for realism in minecraft and we cannot talk about such a thing without bringing up the 1mx1m walls that we've always used to make our houses in vanilla minecraft. so my idea its to have a wall like this: [x][x][x] [][] [x][0][0] [0][x][0] [0][0][x] [][] [x] = material in a normal block or collision box [x][x][x] [][] [x][0][0] [0][x][0] [0][0][x] [][] [0] =air or collision box-less space [x][x][x] [][] [x][0][0] [0][x][0] [0][0][x] [][] Vanilla Block ][][][ TerraFirmaCraft Blocks this ones will be like 1/3 of a normal block but put verticaly so one can make thiner walls. the crafting recipe will be like this: [ o ][ o ][ o ] [ o ][ o ][ o ] s= saw [ s ][ b ][ o ] = [ o ][ 3xWb ][ o ] b= block(Stone,cobble,wood,bricks,stone bricks,sandstone, or any mineral block) [ o ][ o ][ o ] [ o ][ o ][ o ] 3xWb = three wall blocks, the ones above Now this will give as it says above one Wb that will be put in the middle of the normal block like this [air ][Wb ][air ] if its put in a crafting table like this it will change its position making it easier to be placed [][][][][][][][][[Normal block] [ o ][ o ][ o ]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [ o ][ o ][ o ]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[ o ][ o ][ o ] [ o ][ o ][ Wb ]x=x[ air ][ air ][Wb]xxx[ Wb ][ o ][ o ]xx=x[Wb][ air ][air]xxx[ o ][ Wb ][ o ]xxx=x[ air ][Wb ][air ] [ o ][ o ][ o ]xxx [Normal block]xxxx[ o ][ o ][ o ]xxxx[Normal block]xx [ o ][ o ][ o ]xxxxx[Normal block] this is something very simple (like an idea in modding i have no idea) idea, and it will give a lot of ascetics and realism enhancement, also making things placeable over half-steps (like beds, torches,etc) will give realistically looking houses i will try to make more compensable images to explain my suggestion if someone request it i have made an image to make my point clearer. and crysyn i tough of that as well but this wall block wont replace the old block, its just and addition if you wish to have better houses, and the water problem, well its just something i think we can live with.Heres the image: Edit: Another thing i would like to see its better building physics, if you had ever played KingArthurGold you will be familiarised with this physics. you have an squared building with 4 supports, one in each corner, if you destroy a corner support maybe that corner will fall maybe not(like a cave-in it has a randomnes) but if you destroy another one, the whole building will fall for sure, when it falls it will destroy 25%-35% of the blocks. also when you put cobble you should be abble to make supports but for buildings, just a bit thinner and if you put a support and above it cobble, it wont fall, and if you put 2 more cobblestone they wont fall, like this: [xx][ok][ok][be][ok][ok][xx] [xx]= it falls [ok]= it wont fall [be] = support beam Edit: if any of you guys its familiarised with redpower 2 and its cutted blocks that are like 1/2,1/4,1/7,etc. my idea its pretty much the same but not so thin, also a GUI when placing just like in RedPower 2 will be nice too
  13. Food

    So yeah, like the title says the ability to craft food in replacement or addition to the alchemy of the game. Might be neat to make processing raw resources to produce more food or longevity of food better.. Like jerky instead of steak. that really hard bread that lasts forever instead of a loaf of french bread. Butter for the bread? who knows.
  14. Use for sticks?

    Now I know sticks are useful in many areas already, but I always have an excessive amount of these due to farming of wood and getting saplings. Being able to put them into a fire pit or stack them to be turned into a piece of coal at an 10 to 1 ratio or the like might give a way to trickle some large stacks to a purpose than being chucked in the ocean.
  15. cobble walls

    This is a fairly common site around a farmer's field, as well as hedges. Just some way to stack cobble stone in a 1.5 height for a wall to keep out most pests would be fairly useful.
  16. Steam

    We are already set up with the heat side of things and attempting to build larger heat sources for boilers would be an extension of that. I then propose a manner for making hollow rocks that can be used as piping. They should be made from gathered stone and some sort of crafting process to hallow them out in a set of patterns that are common. This would be straight through, splitters, curves, etc. Plans for some kind of levers to turn the flow of the steam on and off again would also be required. The potential for ruptures should be a part of the overall system, making shut off valves useful to have through out the place. Steam spills could cause damage and potentially be used as weapons in this manner? Assuming that the steam could be built up to a lasting blast of some sort. Just an idea that makes more sense to be found in a 'real' world than redstone.