Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Jobs / industry suggestions

13 posts in this topic

I've only heard of this mod a few days ago and already it's one of my favourite minecraft mods. The attention to detail is stunning and at the same time it doesn't become any less fun in the process.

However, I do believe that a few things should be looked into for the mod, such as evolving past the iron age and to move on to basic technology related to various things. I have various ideas that touch on this subject, so I'll do my best to break it all down and to organize it properly.


At the moment, the game is focused on forging and mining. It would be nice if you could branch off into other professions to fill in other roles needed for survival. Essentially, to create multiple jobs for the player to do. This would work best on an SMP server, where different people could be given different jobs to do in whatever settlement you have created. By gathering resources and building the proper machinery and structures needed, you can branch off into different aspects of that particular profession.

The tech tree doesn't exist in a physical form, it's progressed through by crafting and making the things that allow you to do new things.

I'll keep adding to this post later on, as this is an idea I've had only recently and still require time and feedback to build upon it. I'll start with the more basic professions for early on.


Professions are just titles given to the various tasks in the game. Each of them evolve in their own right as you progress and offers flexibility to what you can do in the game.

tier zero professions


[works with basic agriculture, digging and managing livestock.]


[works with basic mining, support building and cave exploration.]


[works with fabricating weapons, tools and basic armors.]


[works with fabricating light armors, textiles and bags/baskets.]


[works with a hammer and chisel to carve out blocks and works with wood.]


[works with preparing food, preserving food and providing drinkable water.]


[works with hunting for food, exploring the surface world and fighting against foes.]

tier one professions

-Landscaper (farmer)

[works with crop irrigation, clearing land and working with improving the soils.]

-Fruit/vegetable Farmer (farmer)

[works with planting, nursing and harvesting fruits and vegetables.]

-Tree Farmer (farmer)

[works with farming different types of trees for different uses.]

-Livestock Farmer (farmer)

[works with feeding, breeding and exploiting livestock.]

-Prospector (miner)

[works with scouting out depths for ore and other dangers*, digging passages and fighting foes in the underground.]

*the other dangers that I'm mentioning is an idea shared with the OP of this thread http://terrafirmacra...ground-ecology/ regarding underground gases.*

-Foreman (miner)

[works with supporting the mines, lighting the caverns and is in charge of getting the ore and any other miner out of the mine safely.]

-Demolitionist (miner)

[works with fabricating explosives, using explosives and general ore mining.]

-Weapon Smith (blacksmith)

[works with fabricating various types of weapons]

-Armor Smith (blacksmith)

[works with fabricating various types of armors]

-Tool Smith (blacksmith)

[works with fabricating various types of tools for other professions to use]

-Leather Worker (tailor)

[works with curing hides into workable leather and fabricating various light armors.]

-Cloth Weaver (tailor)

[works with weaving fabric together to make articles of clothing to combat weather and temperature.]

-Basket Weaver (tailor)

[works with weaving bags, baskets and backpacks for players to use.]

-Brick layer (mason)

[works with a hammer and chisel to make different types of brick. Can work with cement and a cementing knife to make reinforced brick.]

-Woodworker (mason)

[works with various types of wood to fashion various pieces of furniture and storage units.]

-Butcher (cook)

[works with the chopping and preservation of various meats.]

-Brewmater (cook)

[works with many types of herbs to create special brews.]

-Amateur Chef (cook)

[works with meats, fruits/veggies, wheat and brews to make delicious meals.]

-Adventurer (hunter)

[works with scouting out settlements on the surface, finding surface resources and mapping the terrain.]

-Militant (hunter)

[works with defending settlements from dangerous threats.]

-Trapper (hunter)

[works with specialised hunting tactics, such as the placement of traps and baiting enemies into them. Equips long range weapons and can work with poisons.]

These are the professions that I've made for now. Let me know what you think.


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I'm very impressed with your division of labour tactics here. I do question why it is in the suggestions thread though ?

Are you suggesting that we turn these into hard and fast fixed professions ? If so, that doesn't really fit with TFC, as the mod focuses on maximum freedom.


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I'm very impressed with your division of labour tactics here. I do question why it is in the suggestions thread though ?

Are you suggesting that we turn these into hard and fast fixed professions ? If so, that doesn't really fit with TFC, as the mod focuses on maximum freedom.

To answer this, I feel like I should quote a tidbit of something I wrote in the original post:

"The tech tree doesn't exist in a physical form, it's progressed through by crafting and making the things that allow you to do new things."

The intention was not to suggest a new mechanic, put to have variety in what tasks one can do and specialize in.


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To clarify a bit more on that "tech tree" thing:

The tech tree is essentially how you would naturally progress in each different area. The titles are just there to separate the different tasks for organizational purposes.


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i presume what you mean is: everyone can do anything you want, you just want the game to focus on expanding things so the jobs you suggested are more elaborate and they could become real jobs on a server?

well i agree on some of them, but IMO the landscaper profession is unnecessary, a farmer (whether he'll be working on fruit trees,livestock or vegetables) will always try to make sure his crops have the best possible circumstances to grow. meaning that a livestock farmer will make sure that his cows can eat the right kind of grass (or something likewise), a tree farmer will make sure the ground is irigated just right for his trees and the soil is nutrient enough and the vegetable farmer will do the same for his crops, the landscaper part is something all regular (RL) farmers do anyways, so why not just combine it with the respective other farmer-type jobs?

as for the miner, due to the fact that cave-ins are pretty easy to 'make' when using explosions i'd rather not use a demolitionist (+ he'd destroy some of the ores) but that's my personal opinion xP (yh you have a foreman to make sure cave-ins don't happen, but i think in the battle of explosion vs support beam... well pretty sure that the explosion wins :3

the blacksmith... i suppose you could divide the jobs but a decent blacksmith will be able to make both tools and weapons (armor might be a bit too elaborate bit well, i'm not a RL blacksmith so idk xP )

the cook, well butcher is a RL profession, but since our MC animals drop ready to eat meat (as in we don't need to work their corpse to get the meat) it's a bit unnecessary atm

hunter: well if you have a livestock farmer hunters become a bit obsolete too IMO, maybe jsut for hunting deer? but having a livestock farmer, tree-farmer and veggie-farmer will give enough easy to produce food so the hunter will be obsolete anyway

just my 2 cents, as for the rest: decent idea ^^


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To clarify a bit more on that "tech tree" thing:

The tech tree is essentially how you would naturally progress in each different area. The titles are just there to separate the different tasks for organizational purposes.

So this is more a suggestion for the administration of servers to give people potential roles to fill as opposed to hard coded professions ?


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I'm going to need a more of a fleshing out on how it's implemented, or if this is a structure to go by. Also this seems like ideas that should be put in the kingdoms thread up at the top.


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nope, as far as I know, we're planning on this being completely organic. In real life, the concept of a "job" is entirely a social construct, which is what we want it to be in the game as well. If you want to chop trees, you do it. If you can find someone to pay you, awesome; good job. But there will be nothing that tells any person what they have to do.


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nope, as far as I know, we're planning on this being completely organic. In real life, the concept of a "job" is entirely a social construct, which is what we want it to be in the game as well. If you want to chop trees, you do it. If you can find someone to pay you, awesome; good job. But there will be nothing that tells any person what they have to do.

I think he was actually describing an organic system Dunk, he just put names to the various roles people on a server would fill. Emphasis on I think though, since he hasn't made it clear either way.


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I think he was actually describing an organic system Dunk, he just put names to the various roles people on a server would fill. Emphasis on I think though, since he hasn't made it clear either way.

we don't want "tiers". Anything you can make a living on is your job.

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This post confuses me.

If you're suggesting an organic system where people just kind of do these things and use the fruits of their labor for trade or sale, then that's kinda what already happens, and this ceases to be a suggestion really.

If you're suggesting that these be made into RPG style skillsets, then there have already been many threads on this and they have all been unanimously shot down with a massive FUCK. NO.

Either way, not sure why this post is here...


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The suggestions thread is for things to be added to the game, i believe it was an organic system. This would be better suited in the discussion thread, but thanks for the post, and welcome to the forums!


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we don't want "tiers". Anything you can make a living on is your job.

I did make it a bit unclear, and I can see why this wouldn't fit in the suggestions thread now.

The idea was that I'd like to have more variety in what you can do in the game, but it seems like that's going to be the case anyway. The whole job thing really is something to be decided upon by a community of players.

Sorry for the confusion, I'm done with the thread. Do as you please to it.


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