Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Oopyuman's Suggestions (which gives no indication as to what is actually discussed here)

78 posts in this topic

You are quite right. They are completely made of their fuel. The wax melts, the thread in the center absorbs it, the wax goes up in the thread and gets burned by the fire; that's why they don't cover everything around them in liquid wax :

Wait, wait, wait. When did dunk said that he didn't wanted anything from the tech tree needing a journey or two to the nether? I must have missed that, like, completely ._.

Permanent lighting -or nearly permanent- is a neccesity. However, there is no believable way to get it to be in the overworld, due to the physics laws -or in the nearly permanent case, due to time period restrictions-. The nether, however, is a completely different dimension, which could, therefore, have different physics laws, these allowing the existance of infinite light sources. The mere fact that you are still alive while entering the nether is just milacrous. I honestly see no reason why the tech tree should stop when the nether being another dimension brings up the chance to advance even more. What i was thinking about was: You reached red/blue steel and their equivalents in every other overwolrd tech tree. Congratulations, you can now go to the nether. The nether is not even survivable by it's own, and it has it's own tech tree in which red and blue steel are now the rock tools equivalent. Even some of your maximun tier techs are rendered useless there -as the agriculture one, 'cause plants can't grow donw there-. Your next challenge, now that you survived the overworld: make the nether survivable and conquer it's tech tree. And then, when you completely control the nether, "the end" -in this case, it's not the best nae it could have...- is next. And then the wailing, and then other dimension, and so on.

I know, i know, the "YOU MUST CONQUER ALL!!!" objective is not the central one of TFC, not even close. but i would certainly love to see it taking this direction...

note: Not asking the devs to create 400000000000 different dimensions with complete tech trees for every aspect. *Saves Dunk from a heart attack*

No he definitely said that in one of the nether threads, let me go dig it up.


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noodles, that thread derailed soooo hard its not even funny, not as bad as magma forges, but still pretty bad.

In short, "it's dead, Jim!"

plus, i already linked that a few pages back ;)

well it's still a better place to talk about lighting than here, theres always a chance to re-rail it

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I guess I was wrong jag.

He didn't say that.

I could get behind glowering based lights as a final tier.

Here is everything dunk has ever said about the nether from oldest to newest.

Sneak peak at nether guys: it will have demons (great hulking things, looking a bit like were-dragons, draconic features, scales [probably] tails and wings, but completely bipedal) and some sort of lava wyrm or something. Basically, a giant, armoured serpent, with a head that looks like a fanged cross between a snake, a dinosaur and a crocodile. It will live in lava and shoot fireballs from it's mouth. Any thoughts?

I'm trying to stay away from anything that looks like anything real

pig zombies are not going to stay (I think they are ridiculous) and neither will ghasts. I don't think necromancers will exist hear either, because that's not the feel I'm going for. The nether isn't going to have a connection to the overworld, it isn't the "hell" or some counter-world, it exists independently with it's own monsters. This is why I can't have the undead here. They would have no way of getting there. Kind of like how if humans launched a rocket to another planet, everything on that planet would be completely different from things on earth, there wouldn't be any trees or things like that. 

probably not, as the nether does not exist in the same universe. In stead of rocky spheres orbiting larger balls of gas, there is rock, monsters and darkness.

they certainly might be, although I want to give the impression that this is NOT a place you want to set up shop.

The nether will be completely dark except for small pools of lava. It is not designed to be like hell, as I am not religious and do not really like to touch religious references when I code. Think of it as more of another dimension, which I described as one where no human should ever have set foot, but you have. You broke through to the next dimension, where there are very ancient, evil creatures that over time had sunken into their lethargy in the deep bowls of their world. Since you appeared, you have roused them. They are slow and weary from eons of sleep, but are vastly intelligent. There will be huge stalactites and stalagmites with glowstone cores and there will be large demons and lava wyrms. It is not a very hospitable place.

ok guys, to put an end to this, here is how it works: overworld surface, kind of a beginning to your life. Things are relatively tame, but dangerous to the unprepared. There will be wolves and bears that just want to kill you, and you will spend many nights huddled by your fire in a cave out of the rain, watching the gleaming eyes in the night. You will advance until these mobs seem quite tame, and your javelins and armour protect you from the biting teeth and slashing claws. Next, you can venture deeper underground, where you will encounter left over ruins to an ancient civilization. Ancient crypts trap the dead within which want to kill you. These will be much stronger than vanilla undead, but on the other hand, you should be getting some metal armour. (toying with the idea of spider nests, think the giant spider that wraps up frodo in LotR crossed with aragog and his shit in Harry Potter). After this you can enter the nether, where you will encounter all sorts of crazy shit, like volcanoes, lava lakes and rivers, noxious clouds and acid rain, along with a slew of heavily armoured and armed-to-the-teeth monsters from an archaic and ancient time. They will fly, swim and run towards you, shooting everything from acid to fireballs. After this you can enter the new end and/or another place that rogue and I aren't gonna mention right now. (aka, no spoilers)


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It's ok, man, everybody makes mistakes.

see even JAG does

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It was intentional. Everything i do is intentional. Even when it's not, like that "mistake" in that post. I know it makes no sense, but hey, i'm a god, i don't need to make sense. Do i?



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Bob!?!?! What are you doing out of the center of the universe?!?!?!?!?! (Most disappointing game ending ever)


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It was intentional. Everything i do is intentional. Even when it's not, like that "mistake" in that post. I know it makes no sense, but hey, i'm a god, i don't need to make sense. Do i?


Prove that you're a god.


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*Points at his title*

*Feels that that's enought proof*

*Goes to sleep. Can't avoid thinking about the creepypasta. Goes back to the computer to continue posting irrelevant posts*


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It was intentional. Everything i do is intentional. Even when it's not, like that "mistake" in that post. I know it makes no sense, but hey, i'm a god, i don't need to make sense. Do i?


sorry im a bit dyslexic, did you just say you were a dog?

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*Points at his title*

*Feels that that's enought proof*

*Goes to sleep. Can't avoid thinking about the creepypasta. Goes back to the computer to continue posting irrelevant posts*

But it's just a title; you admitted it yourself.

To directly prove your godhood, you would have to commit an act that goes agains the laws of physics.


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But it's just a title; you admitted it yourself.

To directly prove your godhood, you would have to commit an act that goes agains the laws of physics.




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But that's not actually dividing by 0. That's just writing '8 divided by 0'.

To divide by 0, you'd have to take a number of objects (greater than 0) and separate it into 0 equal piles.


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But that's not actually dividing by 0. That's just writing '8 divided by 0'.

To divide by 0, you'd have to take a number of objects (greater than 0) and separate it into 0 equal piles.

well then,

stands against wall for a period of time, slides through wall


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well then,

stands against wall for a period of time, slides through wall

You didn't put asterisks around it, therefore you didn't actually perform an action.


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You didn't put asterisks around it, therefore you didn't actually perform an action.

damn but you do understand why right?

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Pics or it didn't happen.


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Pics or it didn't happen.

sigh, its a quality of quantum mechanics, because the electrons and quarks in atoms are never in a single place at the same time, it's technically possible for them to slide through eachother, so theorectically, you can lean against a wall, and eventually you will slide through it

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And no laws of physics were broken that day.

Awesome? Yes. Godlike? No.


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sigh, its a quality of quantum mechanics, because the electrons and quarks in atoms are never in a single place at the same time, it's technically possible for them to slide through eachother, so theorectically, you can lean against a wall, and eventually you will slide through it

But the subatomic particles would repell each other and you would be ripped apart. Or, more likely, just stopped by the wall.

Either way, that's still allowed by the laws of physics.


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sigh, its a quality of quantum mechanics, because the electrons and quarks in atoms are never in a single place at the same time, it's technically possible for them to slide through eachother, so theorectically, you can lean against a wall, and eventually you will slide through it

Ooh, someone's been watching the Elegant Universe


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... you guys were actually discussing something about that post i wrote that late? ._.


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*fixed your title


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uhh? ._. what were you talking about, Dunk?


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uhh? ._. what were you talking about, Dunk?

The topic title didn't give any information as to what he was suggesting, which is useful when browsing the forums

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