Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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63 posts in this topic

Well, you ALREADY trek out a lot in TFC, generally :P or at least, lots of players do. That's why we made it like this.


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Personally I'm going to make a map using the wrought iron -> iron config change, and hopefully the standard minecraft map works (perhaps I should test in creative).

If the recipe was changed to just use wrought iron, or even any metal plus magnatite (instead of redstone) that would be sufficient and realistic/game enough.

Alternatively for a little more complexity in coding; a map should be craftable using; paper surrounding quill (feather over err... ink?). However it doesn't fill in normally, unless you get that item and craft it with ink (8 ink total) around it - it will then fill in the surrounding area as you craft. This means you have to have a good supply of ink, go somewhere, stop, get crafting (ala drawing) at appropriate places.

You can also choose to make larger maps as per vanilla - these work the same way - but obviously provide lower detail / larger coverage. Probably means you have one high level map and a couple of more detailed ones. Cloning maps mechanic would need changing such that a lot of ink is required (64?), not quite sure how to do that since crafting only allows one item amount in each slot in the minecraft code (I believe from cursory examination).


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-The map won't generate, YOU will draw it. Therefore, whatever you want it to include will be included.

Have you ever tried to draw something meaningful with a mouse? Also, there should be ungodly amount of pixels to work with.

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lets clear this muck up:

the map can and will be generated as a low end copy of the area around you based on where you started 'drawing' it in the first place. this copy can be drawn over by the player to improve it from basic monochrome structures into detailed maps that can if the player so chooses depict roads, towns, ores, and more. most of the work is done by the user, very little is automated. the only bit that is automated is to give some minor use to the device rather then simply call it 'canvas' which is a secondary function of the map item as users can if they want paint on it rather then generate huge maps.

before anyone sits here trying to push away this idea because 'automation' was mentioned, would ANY of you, ANY use this item more then a week real life(including non play time) for anything more then doodling your arts or writing notes? Doubt it.


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I personally think of this less as a cartography tool than just more of a scribing implementation. You have paper, ink (and dye), and quill, you should be able to draw whatever you want (Eventually binding them into books as well). You could type text as well. No need to chain it to specifically making maps. You can draw whatever you want, be it a map, a sign, a painting, a note, etc. This way, it becomes a skill based activity. Don't like to draw? Well you either go without it, or you buckle up and figure out a way to make it work. Same applies for prospecting. Don't like the puzzle aspect with false negatives sending you each and every direction (that a bunch of people complain about)? Find someone else to do it, or buckle up and figure out a way to make it work.

So as you can probably tell, I'm on the side that nothing gets generated. Climb up high to a tall mountain/cliff/hill and draw what you see. Create pillars to act as man-made landmarks. Mark your 'maps' accordingly. But that's just my two cents.


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or you buckle up and figure out a way to make it work

And this way will be Albert Eins trail of torches.

No, really. As I already said, to draw something meaningful (probably mainly in monochrome as well) you need to have reasonably big amount of pixels.


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And this way will be Albert Eins trail of torches.

No, really. As I already said, to draw something meaningful (probably mainly in monochrome as well) you need to have reasonably big amount of pixels.

Yea that would be a problem posting them up on walls too. What size are the images that go inside item frames (in relation to the default 16x16 block face)?

Edit: I don't get the Albert Einstein reference??


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I'm not sure if it really matters, looks like item frames will hold whatever size of the picture you put there.

Reference is something about this, I've seem too much of them in atheist vs. religion arguments.

Still don't get it! But okay... What I'm getting at is not putting something highly detailed in the environment in fear that it will feel misplaced. I remember item frame pictures being more detailed, and they don't give off this 'misplaced' feeling. So if we can keep the map images that big as well, maybe we could stay consistent with the minecraft feel.

You could also suggest to make maps/anything that goes on walls be made of bigger pieces of paper, and when you place them they take up a 2x2 area, so if item frames are 32x32 (and we stay with that relation), then the 2x2 wall map will be 64x64, which is, eh, decent.


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Personally I'm going to make a map using the wrought iron -> iron config change, and hopefully the standard minecraft map works (perhaps I should test in creative).

If the recipe was changed to just use wrought iron, or even any metal plus magnatite (instead of redstone) that would be sufficient and realistic/game enough.

Alternatively for a little more complexity in coding; a map should be craftable using; paper surrounding quill (feather over err... ink?). However it doesn't fill in normally, unless you get that item and craft it with ink (8 ink total) around it - it will then fill in the surrounding area as you craft. This means you have to have a good supply of ink, go somewhere, stop, get crafting (ala drawing) at appropriate places.

You can also choose to make larger maps as per vanilla - these work the same way - but obviously provide lower detail / larger coverage. Probably means you have one high level map and a couple of more detailed ones. Cloning maps mechanic would need changing such that a lot of ink is required (64?), not quite sure how to do that since crafting only allows one item amount in each slot in the minecraft code (I believe from cursory examination).

Vanilla maps work just fine in TFC, that said I really don't like the idea of them in the long run, I'd rather us just have paper we can write/draw in.


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Vanilla maps work just fine in TFC, that said I really don't like the idea of them in the long run, I'd rather us just have paper we can write/draw in.

I've actually used real pencil and paper for mapping (underground), then I gave up and used external map creators (this was for vanilla). I use REI's minimap and waypoints more now, though the vanilla map is still useful because it shows a much larger area.

I think drawing by hand in game would be a little too much like hard work - plus I suspect coding it wouldn't be worth it. My suggestion is to essentially slightly modifying the existing code to use TFC items. Not sure if the ink required for mapping to fill would be hard/easy to code.


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I use REI's minimap and waypoints more now, though the vanilla map is still useful because it shows a much larger area.

Pro tip from another common user of Rei's minimap: unless you bound that key to something else, press X :3

I wanted one-item pixel art... i don't wanna have to run around to build it, i wanna draw it D:


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Just for clarification, X brings up the large map. And you use Z to zoom in. Of course those are the default keys, and, as JAG said, only work if you have not bound them to something else.


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