Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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While developing this....Addon

32 posts in this topic

Ug, I feel like I need to clarify with an example.

If I make a mod that advertises itself as an extension of TFC and says it uses TFC minerals and ores, then that's an add-on and not very friendly to devs. But If I make a mod that looks for a zinc ingot, jet item, platinum ingot, or sequoia plank in the ore dictionary for its recipes, then that's not an add-on, it's just a standard mod that looks to see if other mods installed already implement the base components. It's a really fundamental difference that non-coders or amateurs may not get at first glance. If you don't see a difference, give it some thought and study the coding model forge uses.


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Coders words:

Addon - Adds files instead of altering existing files - this ensures maxium compatibilty

Mod - modifys files in addition to adding files - some compatibilty but not when using another mod that changes the same .class file

MCP - mods the minecraft.jar so we can write addons or mods (when we write addons they're addons to MCP, when we write mods they're mods to minecraft.jar)

With that being said, I have a Vanilla Minecraft Addon and I'm finding it very frustating that it won't work with TFC's grass, dirt, stone (haven't tried the metals or gems yet and wood works just fine). As a little sneak peak about what I'm complaining about, I have a "road work" item that replaces grass in a 5x5 area randomly with gravel and dirt. I've been thinking about making it all wood and scaling down it's effectiveness so that it could be made in TFC, but that still doesn't solve the problem that TFC grass, dirt, and gravel aren't registered with MCForge and the item won't work on them anyway.

This makes me one sad panda. :( Because my addon works fine with other mods that don't change minecraft's default terrain.


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Is it possible to register that stuff with Forge without altering TFC files?


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Is it possible to register that stuff with Forge without altering TFC files?

You could be asking two different questions there. One way or other if those are not already added to the ore dictionary, then the TFC mod would need a (very short) code tweak to register them. So if you are asking whether a user can register them without modding the TFC code, then no. But if you are asking whether it can be registered such that users wouldn't have to later change anything, then yes, it can be done.

This page explains the ore dictionary:


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well this is a shit storm of arguments.

I'm going to step in here for a moment to clear things up.

Unfortunately, at this stage of development, we are forbidding the distribution of modded tfc files or files that change the game in any way. As the development of this mod progresses, changes may be made that make it quite difficult to update your add-ons and files and to recode them to keep doing what they're supposed to do. This leads to complaints and confusion (there are enough problems with people figuring out this game, we don't need a hundred unoficial copies floating around, and people who have just found this mod not knowing what is and isn't official etc etc)

Some of the issues you may be "fixing" with your add-on may be fixed in the future anyway, we're not blind to game flaws lol.

Instead of dealing with this case by case, we are putting a blanket "no" over all requests to make add-ons or mods at this time. No ifs ands or buts. No exceptions. (to distribute them anyway). Once this mod is on your computer you can do what you like, but don't facilitate others to do so. This means no sending files or instructions or anything of the sort. Do not let someone learn how to get your add-on our mod on their computer.

Also, PLEASE do not make any videos or public displays of this mod with any add-ons or personal mods. The mod is still growing, and we need a video pool of unmodded games. We may not make a distinction between distributing your mod and making a video of it because they both end up giving us a lot of extra work.

This means this thread is pretty much useless.


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Thanks for clearing this topic once and for all dunk, but as you're here already, could you take the "add the ores to the ore dictionary" as one of your "maybe soon to be done" tasks?

@puxapuak that was exactly what i wanted to know.


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Thanks for clearing this topic once and for all dunk, but as you're here already, could you take the "add the ores to the ore dictionary" as one of your "maybe soon to be done" tasks?

I'll talk to bioxx.

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