Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Guest Blue_Beluga

Improving Leather

28 posts in this topic

From what I've seen, really the biggest advantage of studded leather armor is either that the studs are used to attach either padding or plates inside the leather armor, so we'd either need a way to craft metal plates from ingots (which would still probably be a viable and cheap means of armor considering the amount of ingots and effort required to make plate) or a means of combining leather and wool to make padding, which could then be attached via studs to the inside of leather armor to add additional protection.

While we're on the topic of leather products, now that thirst is in, I would REALLY like it if I could craft a leather waterskin. Glass bottles are for me a mid-late game object, as glass itself is. Combining leather and string would make this easily possible. Or if leatherworking ever gets around to it, using a knife on leather (or tanned leather :D) could produce leather cord, which could then be used for assembling waterskins, armor, padding, bedrolls, you name it.


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While we're on the topic of leather products, now that thirst is in, I would REALLY like it if I could craft a leather waterskin. Glass bottles are for me a mid-late game object, as glass itself is. Combining leather and string would make this easily possible. Or if leatherworking ever gets around to it, using a knife on leather (or tanned leather :D) could produce leather cord, which could then be used for assembling waterskins, armor, padding, bedrolls, you name it.

Yeah, we've got the ability to drink from glass bottles now at least, but glass is a pain, and shouldn't be the standard.

Maybe with that position relation of crafting tools:

  • Crafting without leather Durability = 0.8 * MetalHeadDurability
  • Crafting with leather Durability = 0.9 * MetalHeadDurability
  • Crafting with tanned leather = MetalHeadDurability

For studded armor we need studs and we have many metals/alloys... and this is may do good thing and bad thing.

bad thing: too complex in programming (maybe)

good thing: many types of studded leather.

Why good thing is REALLY good. After also one step - cloth armor - we may bring in game game-classes: fighter/thief/mage. With bonuses/penalty for type of armor per game-class.

I like the idea of that, for early game it wouldn't be as necessary but eventually you're going to want to make the best possible tools, this provides a reason for a leather industry to exist long term and not just in the first month of a server's existence.

Also I love the idea of a cloth armour, but only if leather and metal limit your speed or attack ability or something to that effect, The way I've always thought about cloth and leather is organic materials were better at being enchanted, but obviously metal provided the most straight protection.

Although, I really don't know what place magic has in TFC, I'd prefer a big one, especially late in the game, but it sure isn't there yet.



Edited by renadi

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perhaps i'm way off but it seems strange to be mining in full plate armor, wouldnt cloth or leather armor/clothes work best.

i guess the easiest way is to have heavy armor cost more stamina for every task, jumping swimming.. scything!!! (i always seem to starve while using the scythe braking branches)


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