Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Traveling cart

41 posts in this topic

That seems like a little much but I see what you are saying though definitely. This fits that perfectly that has been the TFC style from the beginning. The you don't get free handouts, work, accomplish, never be bored, kind of style I love it.

Edit: Dunk I saw you look at the thread, come on man, at least insult it.

Crysyn is working on a mod that limits what you can carry (it might be a standalone game now though)

and he gets kinda antsy about us using his ideas. He used to share them with us and one or two made it into TFC and then he stopped sharing. We'll leave that to him.


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Alright fair enough.

Edit: That was super creepy I just typed in Crysyn on Google to see if I could find his project all that I could find were his name, age, address, phone number, and likely the college he went to not to mention associated people. What is possibly the use of having that on the internet. I swear Crysyn I won't stalk you but that is really creepy.


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Currently they are 20000 blocks from zero coordinate both north and south. After that there's frozen wasteland where nothing will grow.

I have no problem travelling couple of thousands blocks from spawn point, especially since it's primarily ocean. Well, I have actually, it's navigation means from over there, but I wouldn't mind if world was bigger.

My server admin might be, but not me.

traveling 40000 blocks by foot is still not an option..

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traveling 40000 blocks by foot is still not an option..

Ok so north and south are 40000 away from each other... but doesn't east and west keep going in both directions? Or have I been wrong for the past 2000 years and the world is actually round!? O_o


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Ok so north and south are 40000 away from each other... but doesn't east and west keep going in both directions? Or have I been wrong for the past 2000 years and the world is actually round!? O_o

From north to south 40000 blocks, from east to west...I don't have time to count every block, but they are about...unlimited if I'm right.

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From north to south 40000 blocks, from east to west...I don't have time to count every block, but they are about...unlimited if I'm right.

Exactly... so wouldn't that in and of itself make a traveling cart/ship quite useful? Let alone north to south which is quite the hike...

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Exactly... so wouldn't that in and of itself make a traveling cart/ship quite useful? Let alone north to south which is quite the hike...

I tried north to south and the cart would be useful (it was a very long journey :P). But the problem is that there is too much sea in the way.

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Noupe. It's 12,550,820. Or 32,000,000. Or 1.78*10308, depends on how you would prefer to look.


Nope. That's an outdated page. In fact, the MC vanilla world IS infinite in north, south, west and east. In TFC it's also infinite in the same way, but to the norht and to the south after certain point it becomes a barren, empty world. Technically it's still infinite, but there is no reason to go that far for now.

Unless Dunk keeps his promises and gives us dragons in the poles to go and interact with! :3


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I tried north to south and the cart would be useful (it was a very long journey :P). But the problem is that there is too much sea in the way.

That's where ships come in

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Nope. That's an outdated page. In fact, the MC vanilla world IS infinite in north, south, west and east.

"As of Beta 1.8, the strange terrain may be gone, but some of the effects aren't.

After X/Z ±30,000,000, the world will start generating fake chunks, where lighting doesn't work and blocks stop clipping. Fake chunks are composed of grass, dirt, mycelium, sand, bedrock, stone (or Netherrack if you're in the Nether far lands), water, and lava only. No foliage such as trees or grass will generate, nor will mobs. If trees happen to generate next to the edge between the normal overworld and the far lands, then the trees will appear to "cut off" on the far lands side.

Fake chunks are non-solid; entering them will cause you to fall into the Void."


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That's where ships come in

this is true. Minecraft's terrain generator needs to be drastically changed. The current designation of what is land and what is water is wrong. It generates fractally, but with no seed map, which I think would help. (I've only looked into terrain gen a tiny bit)

Minecraft needs larger continents. Less random islands, I think they should be more continental unless they are volcanic or reef/sandbar based.

I think the ocean should be something you might not necessarily come across in a game, but could be a big help if you do, for trade routes and fishing for food.


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That seems like a little much but I see what you are saying though definitely. This fits that perfectly that has been the TFC style from the beginning. The you don't get free handouts, work, accomplish, never be bored, kind of style I love it.

Edit: Dunk I saw you look at the thread, come on man, at least insult it.

It wasn't nearly as hard as some would expect, and I'll tell you, actually building a house was MUCH more satisfying, the first night was also MUCH more stressful, Also, hardcore, so beating that challenge and building even the barest shelter to keep out zombies and skeletons made me feel like I'd mastered the whole world. lol sadly it was just a random mod I found on reddit, and a new MC update came out about a week later and the designer never released a new version, also it had a config file that allowed you to add weights and stacking rules to any block put in by another mod, which really any mod like this should have.

Right now getting shelter is pretty easy, most people build a house their first night without trouble even in TFC, with that I had to spend a whole 2 nights in a cave, and it never felt like there was enough time in the day to finish whatever I'd started, so the tension I thought was absolutely spot on for a survival game.


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It wasn't nearly as hard as some would expect, and I'll tell you, actually building a house was MUCH more satisfying, the first night was also MUCH more stressful, Also, hardcore, so beating that challenge and building even the barest shelter to keep out zombies and skeletons made me feel like I'd mastered the whole world. lol sadly it was just a random mod I found on reddit, and a new MC update came out about a week later and the designer never released a new version, also it had a config file that allowed you to add weights and stacking rules to any block put in by another mod, which really any mod like this should have.

Right now getting shelter is pretty easy, most people build a house their first night without trouble even in TFC, with that I had to spend a whole 2 nights in a cave, and it never felt like there was enough time in the day to finish whatever I'd started, so the tension I thought was absolutely spot on for a survival game.

don't worry, this is definitely being changed :)

I think we're changing it so that wooden structures become much harder and more tedious to build, so you may find yourself in a cave or camping out in the woods.

It'll be with the construction update which will probably include the much sought-after wooden slab mechanic, but I don't know what the development is like on that atm


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don't worry, this is definitely being changed :)

I think we're changing it so that wooden structures become much harder and more tedious to build, so you may find yourself in a cave or camping out in the woods.

It'll be with the construction update which will probably include the much sought-after wooden slab mechanic, but I don't know what the development is like on that atm

Why not take the same mechanics used for stone on wood? Just change the toll to a saw and take out smoothing.

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Why not take the same mechanics used for stone on wood? Just change the toll to a saw and take out smoothing.

we know HOW the mechanic is happening, just not WHEN it's happening.

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