Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Thought Experiment: Converting a Vanilla Server to TFC

34 posts in this topic

eeeh, the nether in TFC is broken to hell, if you actually try going in there you'd kill your server, so keep that SEPERATE

also, TFC changes a lot more than just blocks, there is gravity, temperature, a immensively different spawning system for map mob and block, so you should make 1 tfc server, and one vanilla server, completely seperate from one another (dunk shoot me if im wrong)

Yeah, the Nether is broken to hell, period (ba dum, ching!). It will only be accessible from one location on the PA server, that's the way I have it now. No insta-travel gates with railroads going everywhere.

I had forgotten about the gravity...but two things: first, does the gravity affect just TFC unique blocks (TFC dirt, TFC cobble), or all blocks? If the former, no problem, there won't be TFC blocks anywhere in this new world. Temperature is actually a good thing, I was already using Bukkit + homebrew code to add ecosystems and general climates to the world, so it would be sweet to have TFC do that for me, as relates to crop growth. Mobs isn't a problem, I like TFC's spawn system much better anyway. Also, the map is fully generated in the PA world, it's bounded at the edges, so no worries about new TFC-only chunks.


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well you might want to think about the compatibility with tfc's temperature and your temperatures, and also think about what happens if people just start using TFC recipes and all that, you'd eventually get some TFC stuff, also i think the vanilla blocks are replaced instead of copied and changed, so that'd make gravity affect everything too, but only dunk could answer that one


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well you might want to think about the compatibility with tfc's temperature and your temperatures, and also think about what happens if people just start using TFC recipes and all that, you'd eventually get some TFC stuff, also i think the vanilla blocks are replaced instead of copied and changed, so that'd make gravity affect everything too, but only dunk could answer that one

I was trying to think, beyond firestarters, what sort of recipes could you actually do without any TFC blocks? Basically, firepit and firestarter. All the metal stuff requires TFC, stone knapping uses TFC cobblestones...yeah. Wheat in TFC (I think) is unique from vanilla wheat--it has its own special texture, at any rate. If I'm overlooking anything, do point it out.


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anything built with wood (buckets,sluice) and anything built with a combination of wood and wool, besides, the tree system is reworked too, so you might get troubles there too, but seriously im not gonna post more, dunk would know better (given his dev status after all)


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anything built with wood (buckets,sluice) and anything built with a combination of wood and wool, besides, the tree system is reworked too, so you might get troubles there too, but seriously im not gonna post more, dunk would know better (given his dev status after all)

Haha, probably a good idea. To the best of my knowledge though, an oak/jungle/birch/pine log is a different block altogether from the wood and logs in TFC. If I were on a decent computer, I would test that theory. My guess is you can't break vanilla plank blocks into TFC planks, which blocks a lot of recipes. But waiting for dunk seems a good plan.

*sits patiently with his hands folded across his lap*


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Last I checked there wasn't a working bukkit forge... Yeah There have been a few forge mods recently that perform similar functions, but I wouldn't know what any of them are. Don't know if it matters if you can find one but thought it may be relevant.


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Success! After some experimentation I have discovered that I was right: vanilla cobblestone, vanilla dirt--all vanilla blocks--still behave in a vanilla way. This seems like it very well could work after all! :)


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Success! After some experimentation I have discovered that I was right: vanilla cobblestone, vanilla dirt--all vanilla blocks--still behave in a vanilla way. This seems like it very well could work after all! :)/>/>/>

If you are familiar with java programming and have luck, then mcpc craftbukkit might be able to get you where you need to go. You will need some mappings and the latest version of MCP. I am not sure it would even remotely work, but that will be the only way you will get a bukkit server to work with this mod and plugins.

Your realm and history sounds very detailed. Pick up the Lore plugin if you havent already. It will allow you to name the seasons, days of the week, and festivals and holidays.

Again... Good luck trying to get this mod to be compatible with mcpc craftbukkit. Im not saying it is impossible, but for me.... I would probably have an easier time pulling a tugboat out of my ass.


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you know mad, if it were open, i'd like to join the TFC server side, if only to help explain the rules towards new people :D amd i'm pretty sure my coTFC'ers would apply too ;) just pm me if you're interested


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