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Is there a purpose for this mod?

99 posts in this topic

Hi, I am very interested in this mod and right now I am just playing stock Minecraft. Terrafirmacraft is the mod I been wishing MC to become ever since I played it a year ago.

However, there is one thing that really irritate me about TFC, there is no purpose.

Shouldn't there be an end game like the ender dragon in MC? Or an ultimate goal for all the trouble we go through to do more than just surviving?

I can imagine a sinario like in Cast Away, I need to survive and find enough material to build something so I can go home.

Or like in MC, survive and find material to launch a journey to defeat ultimate evil?

I havn't played TFC yet, but it seems surviving is not that hard after a while.


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Shouldn't there be an end game like the ender dragon in MC? Or an ultimate goal for all the trouble we go through to do more than just surviving?

There will be a new dimension, but TFC is a sandbox game and it must have no purposes at all apart making the player have lots of fun.

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Games do not require a purpose. Over and over, games are made with a single purpose and it is the only driving force to the game. People fail to enjoy the actual gameplay and focus only on their purpose to the point that it is no longer a game, it's simply a test, at the end of which you are given the ability to boast about your victory.

Look at games like Tetris, Mario, PacMan, and more recently Elder Scrolls, original Minecraft, MMOs.

It's not about the end of the game, it's about what you have accomplished so far.


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Games do not require a purpose. Over and over, games are made with a single purpose and it is the only driving force to the game. People fail to enjoy the actual gameplay and focus only on their purpose to the point that it is no longer a game, it's simply a test, at the end of which you are given the ability to boast about your victory.

Look at games like Tetris, Mario, PacMan, and more recently Elder Scrolls, original Minecraft, MMOs.

It's not about the end of the game, it's about what you have accomplished so far.

I can see that the first 50 hours or first 4-5 worlds will be fun but a game like this isn't like online multiplayer game. The formula is the same for all the crafting it is just a matter of finding material. Besides, Tetris, marios etc do have end game boss or progressive difficulty. I doubt u will keep playing tetris on first level difficulty forever.

I think you are talking about KDR, kill streak etc, those useless archivements in COD.


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There will be a new dimension, but TFC is a sandbox game and it must have no purposes at all apart making the player have lots of fun.

I think that giving "ultimate" purpose would be fun and keep the player driven. The purpose can simply be "to get home" in a survival game like this.

And the purposes can be random too to make each world different from previous one.


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The end dragon, that is in no way a positive in vanilla... lol


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Shouldn't there be an end game like the ender dragon in MC? Or an ultimate goal for all the trouble we go through to do more than just surviving?

Enderdragon is the dumbest idea I could imagine to get in Minecraft. There's no need to have this kind of end game, I was fine when building completely automated mobtrap from ground to the sky up with switch that could turn off the trap and another one allowed to just get rid of spiders (which turned out unnecessary as we actually ended up farming spiders for wool and I's better to turn off other mobs).

And when I finished the trap, I started to build fastest cobble generator that could keep up with unenchanted diamond pick.

There will be a new dimension, but TFC is a sandbox game and it must have no purposes at all apart making the player have lots of fun.

Really? What will it be?

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  • TFC is an online multiplayer game.
  • Progressive difficulty is not a requirement for games. Progressive options is also available.
  • When you lose Tetris, you have to start over. So yeah, you kind of do play the first level forever.
  • Yes, CoD style games do have terrible achievements.

Edit: Minecraft is a toy, anyways. It's not really a game. It is similar to The Sims, or Sim City. They are toys, not games.


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Really? What will it be?

IDK Something like the end? I heard dunk talking about this but he didn't say so much.

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Mods like TFC cater to a mature audience which prefers to set its own goals. The'endgame' content is whatever you make it. Whether there is some boss fight or cinematic available doesn't change the fact that you will one day achieve all your in-game goals and become bored. All that something like the ender dragon does is force you into a certain endgame scenario. Decide what your personal in-game goals are, and you'll have both a reason to play and an 'endgame' in mind.


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or make the nether actual hell and the devil as the mob boss :D

You can't defeat or kill the devil. In fact, you can't defeat even the smallest demon, that's the whole purpose of exercise.

Mods like TFC cater to a mature audience which prefers to set its own goals. The'endgame' content is whatever you make it. Whether there is some boss fight or cinematic available doesn't change the fact that you will one day achieve all your in-game goals and become bored. All that something like the ender dragon does is force you into a certain endgame scenario. Decide what your personal in-game goals are, and you'll have both a reason to play and an 'endgame' in mind.

Actually, the only time I've fought the enderdragon is when hammers could 1337-pwn every mob, so I've traveled to the End to see how things will go. As it turned out, you could squash dragon with good smack of stone hammer, like a ladybug. Which is nicely translates to comparison between vanilla and TFC even in beta1.

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You can't defeat or kill the devil. In fact, you can't defeat even the smallest demon, that's the whole purpose of exercise.

speak for yourself


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speak for yourself

You can't see. The whole point in demons' existence is that you don't fight them, you avoiding them at all cost. And devil is often referred to as part of Creator, so to defeat him you need to defeat the Creation as a whole.

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Mods like TFC cater to a mature audience which prefers to set its own goals. The'endgame' content is whatever you make it. Whether there is some boss fight or cinematic available doesn't change the fact that you will one day achieve all your in-game goals and become bored. All that something like the ender dragon does is force you into a certain endgame scenario. Decide what your personal in-game goals are, and you'll have both a reason to play and an 'endgame' in mind.

I understand what you are saying about forcing the playing into certain scenario but I think with careful programming, it doesn't have to be.

For example, the difficult of the "boss", the location, the number of them can all be random in this game. Coupled with random world genereation, there could be times where you can't always beat the "boss".

Also, the End game deson't have to be "defeating someone"...


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Also, the End game deson't have to be "defeating someone"...

If it's not for defeating then coloured steels are your endgame. Packed with long-awaited ability to move fluids around.

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Enderdragon is the dumbest idea I could imagine to get in Minecraft. There's no need to have this kind of end game, I was fine when building completely automated mobtrap from ground to the sky up with switch that could turn off the trap and another one allowed to just get rid of spiders (which turned out unnecessary as we actually ended up farming spiders for wool and I's better to turn off other mobs).

And when I finished the trap, I started to build fastest cobble generator that could keep up with unenchanted diamond pick.

Now imagine those ingenunity can be used to help you defeat the end game which other wise will take you forever or impossbile to do. Wouldn't that be the best fun?

I hope you get what I am saying. I am hoping an end game or a goal that would require the player to use their brians to best utilize ingame mechanics and to explores and ulitize the resources in the world.

For example. you spwan in a world and you found out in this world your enemy is very powerful (randomly generated), you need a lot of resource, but how? Then you got to think of a way to generate/gather those resoruce (here comes in your mob trap or automated stuff).

Or the enemy is very far away from you and in a harsh evironment. Will a rail way be the best to transport all the troops, etc. Just pointing out that a dfiferent world with randomly generated goal can be fun and maybe force you to come up with more smart designs.


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I just build stuff. I don't care about boss, because he's somewhere far away and don't bother me in any way except for his existence. Unlike those damn endermen that got into the habit of stealing the blocks my redstone wires are placed on.


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I just build stuff. I don't care about boss, because he's somewhere far away and don't bother me in any way except for his existence. Unlike those damn endermen that got into the habit of stealing the blocks my redstone wires are placed on.

Well, if building stuff is your cup of tea then why do you even reply to my thread? All you basically said is "I don't like this so, no".

I don't see the point of building red-stone circuitry in minecraft, but I don't bash nor discourage the development/improvement on them. Why are you even playing TFC if you just like to build anyway.


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Shouldn't there be an end game like the ender dragon in MC? Or an ultimate goal for all the trouble we go through to do more than just surviving?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say TFC is a mod for the kind of people (like me) who heard the Ender Dragon was being added and thought, Notch, I am dissapoint.

The fact that there is no point, *is* the point. Stone age survival at it's finest.


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Why are you even playing TFC if you just like to build anyway.

Because TFC provides an amazing amount of creative resources compared to vMC, while at the same time making procurement of said resources that much harder to achieve.

Thus, anything and everything you create has the added bonus of making you extra proud for doing it legitimately.

In the beginning, the Earth was without form, and void.

But the Sun shone upon the sleeping Earth and deep inside the brittle crust massive forces waited to be unleashed.

The seas parted and great continents were formed. The continents shifted, mountains arose. Earthquakes spawned massive tidal waves. Volcanoes erupted and spewed forth fiery lava and charged the atmosphere with strange gases.

Into this swirling maelstrom of Fire and Air and Water the first stirrings of Life appeared: tiny organisms, cells, and amoeba, clinging to tiny sheltered habitats.

But the seeds of Life grew, and strengthened, and spread, and diversified, and prospered, and soon every continent and climate teemed with Life.

And with Life came instinct, and specialization, natural selection, Reptiles, Dinosaurs, and Mammals

and finally there evolved a species known as Man and there appeared the first faint glimmers of Intelligence.

The fruits of intelligence were many: fire, tools, and weapons, the hunt, farming, and the sharing of food, the family, the village, and the tribe.

Now it required but one more ingredient:

a great Leader to unite the quarreling tribes to harness the power of the land to build a legacy that would stand the test of time:



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I'm playing TFC because this mod have its theme and in said theme you can build quite nice stuff. Besides, there's almost all things I wanted to make it into minecraft since i started playing survival in its beta 1.5.1 or what was it.

I'm not saying that boss idea dumb in itself - it's the enderdragon idea is dumb. This poor guy didn't do anything to deserve to get killed, you don't get anything valuable by killing him, there's literally no reason to murder this derpy creature.


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If you look at it from an abstract point of view, TFC does, in fact, have increasing difficulty. Each day you play, it becomes increasingly difficult to find things to do. The more you complete, the harder you have to think to come up with more to build. The more mining or gathering you've done, the more you have to work to motivate yourself to continue to mine or gather. If you are looking for something with infinite possibility and replay value in TFC, try gardening. Overcoming the limits of your imagination is the 'purpose', expanding your ability to create is the 'endgame'.


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If you look at it from an abstract point of view, TFC does, in fact, have increasing difficulty. Each day you play, it becomes increasingly difficult to find things to do. The more you complete, the harder you have to think to come up with more to build. The more mining or gathering you've done, the more you have to work to motivate yourself to continue to mine or gather. If you are looking for something with infinite possibility and replay value in TFC, try gardening. Overcoming the limits of your imagination is the 'purpose', expanding your ability to create is the 'endgame'.

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