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Dynamic Mobiles (Physical Appearances, Taxonomic Rankings, Mobile Artificial Intelligence, and the Like)

62 posts in this topic

I have been following the Terra Firma Craft Forums for the time periods around roughly June or July. I have done extensive research on the Minecraft Mobiles and its Artificial Intelligence on the Minecraft Wiki. I am fully aware that suggesting an overhaul on mobiles is premature and already discussed several times (please correct/report me if I am/need to wrong/suggest on a different topic on that detail of information), and our prehistoric-Megaledon Developer friend, Mr. Dunkleosteus, has carefully planned this out, but I will do my best to propose much detailed suggestions. First, let's get onto the physical appearances of the hostile mobiles, as I rather leave out the passive mobiles. I will seperate this topic into two seperate posts, because of the immense detail I will include.

NOTE: The Nether mobiles and the cave spider mobile are unavailable at the moment. Also, I cannot seem to post comparison images due to too many images or restriction from using the image extension on this community, as it claims. The following text may contain some graphic descriptions of gore and blood, and should be toned down. You have been warned.

Physical Appearances:

-The Walker, Also Known As: The Zombie:

These lumbering undead beasts should have unique textures to reflect them on the Walking Dead/ZombiU zombies to be an addition to their fear factor. Most walkers should be capable of limping.Their iris should b e a crimson color, while the pupil is that of yellow-greenish color. The bodies of walkers should have missing limbs and some chunks of flesh, revealing parts of their skeletal system. Also, they should have bloodied mouths, lower arms, wrists and hands.

-The Skeletal Archer, Also Known As: The Skeleton:

Their iris, if not, the entire eye should be red crimson. Skeletal Archers should have torn, dilapidated clothing and quivers, if they were to be implemented into Terra Firma Craft. Not much texture changes are needed apart from what I described.

-The Green Stalking Combustable Alien Creature, Also Known As: The Creeper:

Apart from an iris texture change to crimson, texture changes are not required.

-The Freakishly Huge Tarantula, Also Known As: The Spider:

Apart from the addition of hair textures, texture changes are not required.

-The Adorablely Small Poisonous Arachnid, Also Known As: The Cave Spider:

Should be similar to the spider.

-The Tall Slender Interdimensional Alien, Also Known As: The Enderman:

Their eyes, besides the purple iris, should be violet. Other than the tweak, texture changes are not required.

-The Hopping Green Cube of Slime: Also Known As: The Slime:

Texture changes are not required.

-The Swine Walker: Also Known As: The Pig Zombie:

Should be similar to the walkers, besides the unique textures and bloodied lower arms, wrists and hands.

-The Airborne Huge Paranormal Phenomenon: Also Known As: The Ghast:

Texture Changes are not required.

-The Airborne Entity of Flame: Also Known As: The Blaze:

No texture changes are required.

-The Cousin of the Skeletal Archer: Also Known As: The Wither Skeleton:

Should be similar to the Skeletal Archer, apart from the quiver.

-The Hopping Cube of Magma: Also Known As: The Magma Cube:

Texture changes are not required.

Much of their textures should really depend on the environment they reside in, aside from the hostile Nether mobiles. If you observed the changed physical descriptions of all hostile mobiles, apart from the two Minecraft bosses, a majority of the mobiles does not require a texture change. The reason is that I feel that most of the mobiles seem believable, and terrifying, enough in terms of textures. At least, in my own opinion. You can suggest them after the end of this post.

-The taxonomic ranks of the mobiles: Each mobile should be a part of species that branches off into the:






This means that the hostile mobiles are divided into many variants. The environment determines the variant of the mobile. For instance, say a creeper is adapted to the freezing biomes, so they have an arctic camoflauge and fur textures. Implementing a taxonomic ranking system could potentially provide more variety and uniqueness to the hostile mobiles, providing a more entertaining, or rather a frustrating, experience. Let's move on to the Artifical Intelligence of the hostiles.

-Current Mobile AI:

Despite the best attempts of our new Minecraft Developer, Mr. Jeb, the current artificial intelligence requires more tweaking and implemention of fresh features. Each AI should have its own uniqueness. Walkers are still not as dangerous (though I maybe incorrect on that), Skeletal Archers bring themselves as more a target than an actual threat, Creepers should actually stalk the player, but due to some sort of misconception, they are not stalking completely, spiders... well they require more varieties of tactics, and Endermen (Nether and Slime mobiles are unavailable at the moment) I believe are not terrifying enough (yes, I am aware that facing an Enderman is a death sentence, but I feel that the player should be even more on the alert for the Endermen).

-New Walker AI:

The Walkers should be at least slower than they are currently, to an extent where some are literally limping or crawling to get to you. However, they do tend to swarm the player frequently. Walkers cannot see in the dark, though they make this up for their extreme sense of smell and hearing. They can smell all sorts of substances and hear even the marching of ants from nearly ten meters (blocks) away, even the player's strong scent and loud noises. Walkers travel in hordes of all sizes. They also hunt down all kinds of animals, but, to make sure there is no 'extinction' feature, they search out for carcasses of dead animals, as they are a scavenging species. Walkers should be able to see through glass, and even break them. The undead can be dismembered in all sorts of ways, which affect their capabilities of attacking and tactics, and the only way to kill them is to destroy the brain or subject them to extreme temperatures (Fire and lava). Walkers should always punch. Should they assaulting be in a group, they begin to bite, which causes a good deal, but not very damaging, amount of damage. By biting, the walkers are able to replenish their hunger and health. Negative effects should include the following:




If they don't satisfy their hunger, they begin to either eat their own horde, if they are desperate, or find wild animals (including you), and if the walkers' hunger bar is still unsatisfied and completely empty, they collapse and die.

-New Skeletal Archer AI:

The Archers should keep their distance from the player, if the player brandishes their melee weapons. Also, they should have a stack of thirty-two arrows. They shoot as quick as a frantic charged shot, meaning they will shoot a charged shot fast as if they were players. Should they depleted their ammunition, they either:

-A: Retreat back to their caves in order to replenish their ammunition.

-B: Unholster their swords and fight the player front-on.

They should be capable of running as swift as a player without sprinting, if the player decides to attack them with their melee weapons. This means that the player will HAVE to give chase by sprinting if they want to kill the skeletal archers. Skeletons will attempt to find the nearest spider mount in order to gain an advantage IF they are in battle. They won't try to inadvertantly hit their spider mount, and the skeleton controls the spider mount. The archers also try to fire from a higher point. Skeletons are herbivores; meaning that they will consume fungal and plant life. In the night, they come out to feast on tree leaves, tall grass, wild crops and even your own crops. If they don't satisfy their hunger (this is an extremely rare occurance, as they can survive without food or water for at least a year) and thirst, the skeletal archers will have poor aiming, have a lack of speed, much lower health, and shoot as fast as their vanilla counterparts. Within a year, if they still don't satisfy their hunger and thirst, their bodies literally become brittle and collapse into a bone pile, deceased.

-New Creeper AI:

Creepers, if they spot you, try to be very hidden and stealthy. They stalk you until the creeper gets close. Then they charge at you with a headbutt as their main attack. When a great battle is taking place, creepers try to flank the player and headbutt from behind. When they are about to die, they resume their vanilla attack - the infamous combustion. Creepers will also combust if they come in contact with extreme sources of heat (Fire, lava, etc.). Like skeletons, they are herbivores. Without sufficient food and water, they will die.

-New Spider AI:

Arachnids have acute sense of vision and hearing. They hunt down animals, walkers and creepers alike. In order to catch their prey, the spiders use their web attacks to ensare them. However, spiders only do this when hunting at night, as they construct their webbed homess in either caves or outside. In the daylight, spiders patiently wait for any unfortunate entity other than their ally, the skeletal archer, to fall into their webbed trap and suck all of their blood, similar to Reality's spiders. Arachnids are incapable of seeing through walls, for the purposes of balancing. When facing the player in battle, the spiders attack the player head-on. But before they do this, spiders will attempt to ensare or disarm you with their web attacks, then attack. They will also try to bite you with its mandibles. Similarly, if they do not have sufficient hunger and thirst, they die.

-New Enderman AI:

Endermen should commence hit-and-run attacks should the player provoke them. They also make a frightening screech while attack. When glanced at, the enderman stares at the player's vision, charging its scream. Reaching into the bursting point, they make the most horrifying and scariest screech, then teleport off, commencing their hit-and-run tactic. They only require darkness to create their own food and drink.

-Mobile Genetics:

Hostile genetics really all depend on the environment they reside in, including caves. Here are the possible genetic traits of the hostiles:

-Possible Hostile Genetic Traits:


Running/Sprinting Capabilites

Night Vision

Higher Intelligence

Wailing Ability

Resistance to the Sun

Resistence to Extreme Heat

Resistence to Extreme Freeze

Tolerance to Damage

Climbing Capabilities

Better Strength

Improved Appetite

Tolerance to Dismemberment

Attractiveness to Light Sources

Improved Smell

Improved Hearing

Improved Vision

Improved Firing Rate

Incapable Combustion

Better Health

Stronger Skeletal System

More to Come....


Weaker Strength

Intolerance to Damage

Lower Intelligence

Hearty Appetite

Intolerance to Dismemberment

Unattractiveness to Light Sources

Terrible Smell

Terrible Vision

Terrible Hearing

Terrible Health

Prone to Frequent Combustions

Slow Firing Rate

Incapable Climbing Capabilities

Slower Movement Abilities

Brittle Skeletal System

More to Come....

All of these genetic traits should be determined by the Punnet Square. It would serve as determining the possible traits of the hostiles, natural predators, AND wild animals. Instead of the Punnet Square existing as a Graphic User Interface, it exists as a piece of intricate coding. The traits of the parents would obviously pass down to their offspring (yes, I am suggesting the hostiles' babies) to be either positive, negative, or neutral. The Dominant and Recessive traits will also be a variable in determining the offsprings' characteristics.

Natural Predators:

I am not entirely sure about Reality's natural predators, as you can simply look their behaviors up on the Internet, but I'll attempt this. Their physical appearances, behavior, genetics, and diet all really depend on the environment, however. Other than that, I have not a single clue. My apologies for any disappointment I may have caused.


-Walker Animations:

The walkers should have a punching animation similar to the player's punching. They should have a biting animation of sorts. Also, their knees bend when in motion, and elbows bend as well, to create a more fluid and organic walker.A climbing animation also should be included.

-Skeletal Archer Animations:

These undead beings should also be similar to walker animations. A bow animation similar to the player's bow animations should be also implemented.An eating animation should be included for them, as well as a drinking animation.

-Creeper Animations:

When charging at the player, the creeper should bend itself forward. An eating and drinking animation should be implemented as well.

-Spider Animations:

Spiders should be have their bodies exactly on the sides of blocks, making themselves much more terrifiying. Their abdomens should create a web-shooting animation when they are firing webs at you or creating their nests. Also, the spiders' eight legs should bent to replicate a Reality's spider legs.

-Enderman Animations:

Their attacks should reflect to an iron golem's animation attack. Their arms and legs should bend when in movement.

All hostile mobile movement animations should be fluid and organic, to prevent bizzare issues in terms of movement.

Mobile Dismemberment and Damage:

Dismemberment of the hostiles' limbs will vary on weapon type. However, weapons will not be discussed in-depth in this suggestion thread. Swords have a high hance of dismembering a hostile. Better metals increase the chance. Knifes have a moderate chance of dismemberment, and better metals increase the chances. Arrows, javelins, and maces

Have no chance of dismembering a hostile AT all.

-Walker, Creeper, Spider, and Enderman Damage:


-Swords have a high chance of dismemberment

-Knifes have a moderate chance of dismemberment

-Axes have a low chance of dismemberment

-Javelins have no chance of dismemberment

-Arrows have no chance of dismemberment

-Pickaxes have a low chance of dismemberment

-Hoes have a low chance of dismemberment

-Shovels have no chance of dismemberment

-Maces have no chance of dismemberment

Internal Damage:

-Swords have a moderate chance of internal damage

-Knifes have a moderate chance of internal damage

-Axes have a low chance of internal damage

-Javelins have a high chance of internal damage

-Arrows have a high chance of internal damage

-Pickaxes have a high chance of internal damage

-Hoes have a moderate chance of internal damage

-Maces have a high chance of internal damage

Skeleton Damage:


-Little to no dismemberment due to lack of organic tissue.

Internal Damage:

-Blunt weapons have a high chance of causing internal damage

-Piercing and Slashing weapons have no chance of causing internal damage due to lack of organic tissue

My reasons to bring this up is that I feel that the hostile mobiles are too simple, unbelievable, and unfrightening in terms of textures, taxonomic ranking, animation, diversity, and the like. This list of suggestions to improve hostiles will be very essential if it were to be an upcoming overhaul.

Questions, Comments, Concerns, and/or Suggestions (I may have made the hostiles too terrifying and powerful)?


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suggestion number one while reading this, bolden out the titles of each part (like walker = boldened out) this would make it easier to read, and dunk hates walls of text ;) (or rather, EVERYONE hates walls of text ;)

also, the nether is unavailable, so you can leave out those mobs for now

i have not seen or heard mention of a single slime in TFC yet, so yea,

and the best thing i will add is: if you want to get stuff to be changed, try and make a picture, try and make your own texture pack or get someone to do it for you, so we have an idea of what you're talking about

(basically, picture of zombie old vs picture of zombie as you'd imagine it)

also, dont like stuff too fast, we get a notification as i've demonstrated by clicking you a few times, so if you throw a like on everything it will come over as a tad bit desperate (to me that is)

oh, and one more thing, people are going to give the overobvious answer: Y U NO USE TEXTURE PACK or any of the over 9000 variants of that sentence, so try and give arguments to why they'd need an overhaul, or how it would affect gameplay (whats the effect of the change?) and keep in mind, minecraft remains aimed at younger ages than walking dead fans, so the walkers are PROBABLY going to get tuned down anyway ;P

also, at this part You can suggest them after the end of this post. But for now, on to the second one; SPLIT THAT UP BIGTIME thats a huge wall of text that people will have passed over in 0.1 milliseconds ;)


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I'll make that amendment as soon as possible! Hmm... I forgotten that the Nether is unavailable. I also forgotten that the slimes seem to be non-existent at the moment. Alright, I might divide this huge post three or four parts. Well, so much for realistic walkers.



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oh, let me mention, every single mob in the overworld right now WILL become dungeon confined later and be replaced with natural predators: so for the future reader, my opinion is that this would be perfect, the mobs get confined, sure, make em helluva lot scarier too, make players afraid to go into the deep (although not horror afraid, make em easier noticeable by sound or something) because then, you truly have the best of 2 worlds, the overworld, with its natural predators and all that,

and the deep, dark cave systems with scary monsters behind every corner.

dunk, once you read this, open fire on what you know and i have forgotten / dont know


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Why does it really matter? It works and looks fine, classic Minecraft textures; TFC textures are based on vanilla textures, but some changed for variation and just to blend a bit.

oh, let me mention, every single mob in the overworld right now WILL become dungeon confined later and be replaced with natural predators: so for the future reader, my opinion is that this would be perfect, the mobs get confined, sure, make em helluva lot scarier too, make players afraid to go into the deep (although not horror afraid, make em easier noticeable by sound or something) because then, you truly have the best of 2 worlds, the overworld, with its natural predators and all that,

and the deep, dark cave systems with scary monsters behind every corner.

dunk, once you read this, open fire on what you know and i have forgotten / dont know

Before I read the link and take a while I would just like to say zombies and spiders should be on the surface too and hand damage needs a big increase, fighting a zombie and skeleton is sure death.

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Why does it really matter? It works and looks fine, classic Minecraft textures; TFC textures are based on vanilla textures, but some changed for variation and just to blend a bit.

did you even READ my top post? like i said, he should state his reasons, and truth be told, it'd be great if TFC's raw, cave-man feel gets transferred to the mobs, instead of being green, well dressed cuddly unibrowed guys ;)


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did you even READ my top post? like i said, he should state his reasons, and truth be told, it'd be great if TFC's raw, cave-man feel gets transferred to the mobs, instead of being green, well dressed cuddly unibrowed guys ;)

Personally I think testificate zombies are fucking scary. It's like zombie+pedophile.

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Personally I think testificate zombies are fucking scary. It's like zombie+pedophile.

imagine: zombiepedophile + SCARY zombie = the result of this guy's idea


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imagine: zombiepedophile + SCARY zombie = the result of this guy's idea

Don't make it worse please omg... What I think should be done with zombies is testificates should be taken out and armored ones back in with TFC armor, but those are only underground.

I couldn't help to imagine a scary pedophile zombie wearing red steel. :(


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Mr. killster550, you do realize that I made a disclaimer stating that I know just about all of the information planned for the hostile mobiles?



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Mr. Deathbytac0, the texture changes for hostile mobiles are necessary (in my perspective) because I feel the mobile vanilla textures are a little too unbelievable and unrealistic.



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Testificate Walkers = Pedophile Walker + Horrific Walker = My Suggestion's Result???(!) I swear I'll be the only civilized person in the entire Terra Firma Craft Forums! I am sure to enjoy the forums very much.



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Mr. Deathbytac0, the texture changes for hostile mobiles are necessary (in my perspective) because I feel the mobile vanilla textures are a little too unbelievable and unrealistic.


It's not hard to change the colors of eyes (that's most of what you are asking).

Here ill help you out:


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Thank you for the link, Mr. Deathbytac0. Unfortunately, this laptop has a broken space bar and escape key (I damaged them by accident a few years back) which somwhow causes the bracket key to go haywire, which forced me to use a seperate keyboard just to remedy the damage. Also, the laptop does not play Minecraft well... The true purpose of my post is to not simply change the color of the eyes, but to change the textures of ALL hostile mobiles. Apparently, I wasn't able to think up of the textures for several of the mobiles.


P.S. - I am going to bed as we speak. I will be here tomorrow.


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Thank you for the link, Mr. Deathbytac0. Unfortunately, this laptop has a broken space bar and escape key (I damaged them by accident a few years back) which somwhow causes the bracket key to go haywire, which forced me to use a seperate keyboard just to remedy the damage. Also, the laptop does not play Minecraft well... The true purpose of my post is to not simply change the color of the eyes, but to change the textures of ALL hostile mobiles. Apparently, I wasn't able to think up of the textures for several of the mobiles.


P.S. - I am going to bed as we speak. I will be here tomorrow.

... ... ...

What? if you can't play well, how are you playing at all and why are you worried?


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just an fyi: there is an EDIT button on your posts. you dont need to triple post. In fact, you shouldn't. otherwise the vets(like me) get all big and mean and hit you with things that hurt. you should see noodles collection of weapons ~shudders~

/friendly advice


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just an fyi: there is an EDIT button on your posts. you dont need to triple post. In fact, you shouldn't. otherwise the vets(like me) get all big and mean and hit you with things that hurt. you should see noodles collection of weapons ~shudders~

/friendly advice

I think that was an intentional triple post to go along with the unnecessary formality.

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I'm sure he wants to play eventually, am I right? Stop bashing him. We would all be doing the same if our computer was broken. Sda209 you seem like you have thought this post through quite a bit, my problem is, is that this so far is a tweak and is yet to add any real content beyond what taco could probably do in paint. After the introduction you gave I excepted you to give a full set of tweaks aimed at making combat more engaging or exciting. Although as I'm sure you know we have already had two of those though. Knowing that you have thought this through and have read through those threads I lie in wait for a true overhaul that I can only assume you are capable of.


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I'm sure he wants to play eventually, am I right? Stop bashing him. We would all be doing the same if our computer was broken. Sda209 you seem like you have thought this post through quite a bit, my problem is, is that this so far is a tweak and is yet to add any real content beyond what taco could probably do in paint. After the introduction you gave I excepted you to give a full set of tweaks aimed at making combat more engaging or exciting. Although as I'm sure you know we have already had two of those though. Knowing that you have thought this through and have read through those threads I lie in wait for a true overhaul that I can only assume you are capable of.

Not bashing, just confused. I'd love to see him play. I assume he cares now because he watches somebody on youtube, has played, and is a huge aesthetics fan. I have (sorta) been getting at textures are a ridiculous suggestion for such a great presentation.

I too want to see what you come up with later.


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Too bad our stinky monster friends are moving into crypts. BRING ON THE BEARS!


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I played Terra Firma Craft quite a bit in a different personal computer. I had the misfortune of deleting the entire file, unfortunately. And... I will constantly be this formal, as the Terra Firma Craft Forums appears to be quite uncivilized in such an amusing and comedic way. I made some tweaks to the post, so I think I might merge the parts into one.



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'Civilized' is not something you throw about lightly. To one group we appear as heathens, but to us we are a well rounded and very tight knit group that supports ourselves. We are a community that knows how to function with minimal/no administration. you cant say the same for any 1st world country, now can you? ;P


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Hmm... if you say so.


P.S. - Had to shower, back to finishing the post!


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Actually, I have been playing TFC for quite a while, Deathbytac0. Err... aesthetics is not my best occupation, as I am more of a gameplay fanatic. I sure do like aesthetics, though! My reason for existing in the forums is that Direwolf20 showcased this modification months back, and after finishing the review, I was so impressed.



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