Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Dynamic Mobiles (Physical Appearances, Taxonomic Rankings, Mobile Artificial Intelligence, and the Like)

62 posts in this topic

This would help mobs.


Err... I think Endercreepers are overkill. I do not want to suggest the implementation of more horrific mobiles...



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Actually, I have been playing TFC for quite a while, Deathbytac0. Err... aesthetics is not my best occupation, as I am more of a gameplay fanatic. I sure do like aesthetics, though! My reason for existing in the forums is that Direwolf20 showcased this modification months back, and after finishing the review, I was so impressed.


Makes sense...

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i have not seen or heard mention of a single slime in TFC yet, so yea,

Slimes exist, and they are a lot harder. You can punch small slimes in one hit, and they break into 7-8, not 2-4.

I ran into a large on in a cave.


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I like this suggestion a lot, it makes TFC more of a challange, because right now you can always use the tactic of taking a bunch of stones and make a quick square with 2 blocks tall walls.I think that zombies should also climb walls(if they have all their arms)

Really liked this idea,sir you just won a like from me.


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You have a very good idea now. Although good, it's probably way too complicated and monsters don't need to be right out of a horror game. Some may be doable, like creepers, but a lot would create a lot of lag, take up too much time coding (we want more than just mobs), or just can't be done. Mobs with hunger and all that is one of those things along with smell. The way smell would be implemented would most likely make gamebreaking lag for us low end computer guys.


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Mr. Sda, i must say i think this is one of the best civilized, well-thought and well-explained suggestion i have ever come across with. I hope you keep up this kind of suggestions and replies in general, which will help to bring some class to this forums.

Sorrily, i must point out it's flaws as well. And while in itself the idea seems to have only minor flaws, which don't deserve my attention, there is one thing: a general overhaul on the AI of the mobiles has been suggested before. As you should know, and if you didn't know, i'm making you aware, a general rule while posting a thread in these forums is to search for a similar thread before opening a new one.

Another not so minor thing to point out, is that an overhaul on the mobiles's AI shouldn't be applied only to the hostile ones, as the players won't have much chances to enjoy this changes when this mobs are moved to an underground environment. I would recommend you to expand the OP by suggesting how you think the AI for the natural aggresive mobiles should be, these being most of the animals, as Dunk has stated that these mobiles will either hunt the player or fight it back when the player hunts them.

Welcome to the forums, and i hope you enjoy your time here.



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This is far better than what you started with but so far you have yet to purpose anything new beside mob genetics which you unfortunately go into no details about. The AI ideas have been far outmatched by previous ideas as well as your explanation of each of the lifeforms. The only thing I have yet to see from the AI section is that you wanted to skeletons to directly search for spiders. Can't wait until you move into something new and interesting though as your organization is excellent. May I suggest leading with a little more powerful ideas next time?


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You have a very good idea now. Although good, it's probably way too complicated and monsters don't need to be right out of a horror game. Some may be doable, like creepers, but a lot would create a lot of lag, take up too much time coding (we want more than just mobs), or just can't be done. Mobs with hunger and all that is one of those things along with smell. The way smell would be implemented would most likely make gamebreaking lag for us low end computer guys.

Instead of smelling all sorts of substances, I propose that only hostile mobiles are only capable of smelling blood. A modder, who goes by the name of Coros (you may know him from his famed weather modification), has already accomplished this. The modification he made is titled 'Zombie Awareness'. That's where I drew one of the inspirations from. Well... I am completely confounded on how hunger and smell would create lag. When most of the core mechanics are finished, maybe we could implement the complex features.



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This is far better than what you started with but so far you have yet to purpose anything new beside mob genetics which you unfortunately go into no details about. The AI ideas have been far outmatched by previous ideas as well as your explanation of each of the lifeforms. The only thing I have yet to see from the AI section is that you wanted to skeletons to directly search for spiders. Can't wait until you move into something new and interesting though as your organization is excellent. May I suggest leading with a little more powerful ideas next time?

M'kay. I'll attempt to dig up any sorts of information on the internet.



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Mr. Sda, i must say i think this is one of the best civilized, well-thought and well-explained suggestion i have ever come across with. I hope you keep up this kind of suggestions and replies in general, which will help to bring some class to this forums.

Sorrily, i must point out it's flaws as well. And while in itself the idea seems to have only minor flaws, which don't deserve my attention, there is one thing: a general overhaul on the AI of the mobiles has been suggested before. As you should know, and if you didn't know, i'm making you aware, a general rule while posting a thread in these forums is to search for a similar thread before opening a new one.

Another not so minor thing to point out, is that an overhaul on the mobiles's AI shouldn't be applied only to the hostile ones, as the players won't have much chances to enjoy this changes when this mobs are moved to an underground environment. I would recommend you to expand the OP by suggesting how you think the AI for the natural aggresive mobiles should be, these being most of the animals, as Dunk has stated that these mobiles will either hunt the player or fight it back when the player hunts them.

Welcome to the forums, and i hope you enjoy your time here.


Thank you for the welcoming greeting, Mr. Just_Another_Guy_:). I am fully aware this has been suggested before, but one of them just turned into a full-blown war of text, and others have little detail. Well, I know I should talk about the natural hostile predators, but that topic slipped my mind somehow. I thank you for pointing out my misconceptions, Mr. Just_Another_Guy_:).



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Too bad our stinky monster friends are moving into crypts. BRING ON THE BEARS!

I am not terribly liking the crypts that much. I know that someone on the forums stated that you (the player) are supposed to be the first perso to in this worid. The crypts sounded as if they are man-made, and they seemed too unnatural to be created by Mother Nature.



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Ok, seriously though, you gotta stop double, triple and even now quadruple posting, it is completely unnecessary. Just use the edit button at the bottom right hand corner of your posts please.

In response top the crypts, yes they are man-made by ancient race, or so Dunk has told us. They are going to be that way according to Dunk. This doesn't mean we don't need an overhaul in fact, if nothing else, it requires an overhaul.


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Instead of smelling all sorts of substances, I propose that only hostile mobiles are only capable of smelling blood. A modder, who goes by the name of Coros (you may know him from his famed weather modification), has already accomplished this. The modification he made is titled 'Zombie Awareness'. That's where I drew one of the inspirations from. Well... I am completely confounded on how hunger and smell would create lag. When most of the core mechanics are finished, maybe we could implement the complex features.


I don't really know either I just know similar mechanics do and the create bugs like the nether crashing servers just before it was disabled.

And use multiquote, multiposting melts people.


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I am not terribly liking the crypts that much. I know that someone on the forums stated that you (the player) are supposed to be the first perso to in this worid. The crypts sounded as if they are man-made, and they seemed too unnatural to be created by Mother Nature.


Well, that depends on what you think you are in the world of the game: what you readed was just a personal opinion from someone else, and it would be a good idea to take it as that, someone else's opinion. Personally, i like to think i'm the a survivor from the race that built the crypts, and i suffer a acute case of amnesia, the reason why i don't know how i survived or what happened with my race. Multiplayer, then, would be a different world in which a little more people than just me survived, but other than that the background remains: our race built the crypts, but we suffer amnesia and we don't know anything, so we have to learn all about our world again.


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Well, that depends on what you think you are in the world of the game: what you readed was just a personal opinion from someone else, and it would be a good idea to take it as that, someone else's opinion. Personally, i like to think i'm the a survivor from the race that built the crypts, and i suffer a acute case of amnesia, the reason why i don't know how i survived or what happened with my race. Multiplayer, then, would be a different world in which a little more people than just me survived, but other than that the background remains: our race built the crypts, but we suffer amnesia and we don't know anything, so we have to learn all about our world again.

That seems logical enough.



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Sda: use the multiquote button to respond to multiple people. otherwise use the edit button to do whatever... seriously, your looking noobish by NOT using it. Only noobs(and me ;P)refuse to use the quote keys properly ;D


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Well, that depends on what you think you are in the world of the game: what you readed was just a personal opinion from someone else, and it would be a good idea to take it as that, someone else's opinion. Personally, i like to think i'm the a survivor from the race that built the crypts, and i suffer a acute case of amnesia, the reason why i don't know how i survived or what happened with my race. Multiplayer, then, would be a different world in which a little more people than just me survived, but other than that the background remains: our race built the crypts, but we suffer amnesia and we don't know anything, so we have to learn all about our world again.

Okay... that makes logical sense.


I don't really know either I just know similar mechanics do and the create bugs like the nether crashing servers just before it was disabled.

And use multiquote, multiposting melts people.

Well, maybe someone else knows. After two mistake posts, I finally perfected the use of MultiQuote.


Ok, seriously though, you gotta stop double, triple and even now quadruple posting, it is completely unnecessary. Just use the edit button at the bottom right hand corner of your posts please.

Finally figured out how to MultiQuote after making two mistake posts.


In response top the crypts, yes they are man-made by ancient race, or so Dunk has told us. They are going to be that way according to Dunk. This doesn't mean we don't need an overhaul in fact, if nothing else, it requires an overhaul.

Since that made so much logical sense to me, I am completely find about crypts, even though they still bother me.



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Sda: use the multiquote button to respond to multiple people. otherwise use the edit button to do whatever... seriously, your looking noobish by NOT using it. Only noobs(and me ;P)refuse to use the quote keys properly ;D

Err... I was actually trying to figure out how to use the MultiQuote button, and, after two mistake posts, I finally perfected the use of the feature. Nevermind, I made mistakes when using MulteQuote.


P.S. - Why would a TFC Veteran like yourself would refuse to properly use the MultiQuote keys?


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sda, when you multiquote, you select several topics, click multiquote on em all, click replay to quoted posts, and then type in your text below it, the BB code is correct, all you do is click, reply to all selected, and voilah :D


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Mister Killster550, you are late on that bit of information, unfortunately. Thank you for pointing that out, though.


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'Why would a TFC Veteran like yourself would refuse to properly use the MultiQuote keys?'

because i prefer answering like this. If you dont buy THAT argument, then the answer is 'I was dropped on my head as an infant'. If you dont buy THHHAT argument, then... 'I got nothing'


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'Why would a TFC Veteran like yourself would refuse to properly use the MultiQuote keys?'

because i prefer answering like this.

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How do you delete a post?

Sorrily, you can't unless you are a moderator/administrator on the forums...


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