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Saving block damage

42 posts in this topic

Not sure if this would be viable or not, but my idea is this:

If you begin to hit a block, the damage you inflict on it will be saved.

For example, you could chop at a tree for a few seconds, and if you are interrupted, you can resume where you left off.

If block harvesting is handled by a 'breaker' entity, that could allow for a kind of damage system where you could work at something without having to do it all at once.

I can see some downsides to this, however. It would be ugly having chipped blocks everywhere, and it may even cause lag if hundreds of blocks have their damage state saved.

Damage may need to be made to reset if left untouched for several days, or perhaps there should be a way to repair damaged blocks if this were done.

Damage may be something that would only apply to certain blocks, and possibly exclude soft materials like sand and dirt.


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Not sure if this would be viable or not, but my idea is this:

If you begin to hit a block, the damage you inflict on it will be saved.

For example, you could chop at a tree for a few seconds, and if you are interrupted, you can resume where you left off.

If block harvesting is handled by a 'breaker' entity, that could allow for a kind of damage system where you could work at something without having to do it all at once.

I can see some downsides to this, however. It would be ugly having chipped blocks everywhere, and it may even cause lag if hundreds of blocks have their damage state saved.

Damage may need to be made to reset if left untouched for several days, or perhaps there should be a way to repair damaged blocks if this were done.

Damage may be something that would only apply to certain blocks, and possibly exclude soft materials like sand and dirt.

This idea should have been implemented long ago. +1

This will also allow multiple players braking the same block for a faster job.

But here is a small fix, each damaged block repairs it self when not being destroyed, at a fast rate (about the same as it takes to destroy the block).

So when left damaged the block will repair it self in a few second, a day is way too much.


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I don't think that the blocks should repair themselves at all.

You have to renovate old houses and structures becaue of accumulated damage, don't you?

It would be fun if you had to rebuild a still standing wall after a creeper explosion ;d

Unless minecraft blocks are made out of self-repairing material that scientists are working on now. ;p

But the blocks that havn't been placed by the player could have their state reset when they unload.

But that's a +1 to the idea. It should most certainly be implemented.


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the damage should be implemented, in my opinion as following:

any non natural spawned blocks, get pakislav's permanent damage idea, (this coul be checked by a minor yes or no value: planted by player yes = permanent damage, no = self regen)

the self regenerative state should not take a minecraft day, but nor should it fix itself within the second, imagine you're digging something up and you get attacked by a horde, after you fought em all off, boom, everything regenned.

in my opinion, it should take 1 full minute for a near breaking block to fully heal back to fixed, but there'd need to be some kind of lore-like explanation to the fact nature is regenerating at all, vanilla did it wrong, TFC still has the same, but if we suddenly go self-regen, we NEED to make it believeable.


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I don't think that the blocks should repair themselves at all.

You have to renovate old houses and structures becaue of accumulated damage, don't you?

It would be fun if you had to rebuild a still standing wall after a creeper explosion ;d

Unless minecraft blocks are made out of self-repairing material that scientists are working on now. ;p

But the blocks that havn't been placed by the player could have their state reset when they unload.

But that's a +1 to the idea. It should most certainly be implemented.

Well we are not talking about "realism" here.

Also notice the word "damaged", even though you "fully damaged" the block, you got a fully repaired one ;).

So what I'm saying is that "damage" is just the progress of removing the block, and it has nothing to do with damaged blocks.. so resetting the progress of removal when you stop removing it will be reasonable.

It will be very annoying if blocks would stay half removed forever, both on the player side, and on the program side.


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What if the 'block cracking' is done away with entirely?

What if you can chip away at blocks and get chunks of it every time you hit it? (The amount you get would depend on your tool)

ie, digging dirt wouldn't be blocks at a time, but dig down kind of like how chiseled rocks or coal piles work


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What if the 'block cracking' is done away with entirely?

What if you can chip away at blocks and get chunks of it every time you hit it? (The amount you get would depend on your tool)

ie, digging dirt wouldn't be blocks at a time, but dig down kind of like how chiseled rocks or coal piles work

That is completely overrides minecraft and the block engine.

Also what would you get by chipping a piece of the block?


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Well we are not talking about "realism" here.

Also notice the word "damaged", even though you "fully damaged" the block, you got a fully repaired one ;).

So what I'm saying is that "damage" is just the progress of removing the block, and it has nothing to do with damaged blocks.. so resetting the progress of removal when you stop removing it will be reasonable.

It will be very annoying if blocks would stay half removed forever, both on the player side, and on the program side.

Except that's not what happens. You don't get a fully repaired block, out of stone you get a cobblestone, which basically simulates an amount of little pieces of stones that have been chipped away from the raw stone in a volumetric cube.

Because that's how the vanilla game works, because it's easy both from programming and gameplay perspective.

It might be reasonable and acceptable, but saving the progress of damaged blocks still makes sense and would be a welcome addition.

What if the 'block cracking' is done away with entirely?

What if you can chip away at blocks and get chunks of it every time you hit it? (The amount you get would depend on your tool)

ie, digging dirt wouldn't be blocks at a time, but dig down kind of like how chiseled rocks or coal piles work

That would be cool too, and someone suggested making a shovel have the chiesel function for gravel and dirt, but I think it's taking it a bit too far.


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Except that's not what happens. You don't get a fully repaired block, out of stone you get a cobblestone, which basically simulates an amount of little pieces of stones that have been chipped away from the raw stone in a volumetric cube.

Because that's how the vanilla game works, because it's easy both from programming and gameplay perspective.

It might be reasonable and acceptable, but saving the progress of damaged blocks still makes sense and would be a welcome addition.

Well not from me, and I believe many others as well. (even not from the developers)

That would be cool too, and someone suggested making a shovel have the chiesel function for gravel and dirt, but I think it's taking it a bit too far.

Can't wait to chip away some of my chest :P

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its not a far leap from editing a class or two. in logging off a server via alt f4, you can leave a block you were mining when you logged off in its 'cracked' state that you will see when you next log in. aside from breaking the block, you CANT remove the cracked state.


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Would it be overboard, though?

I know it overrides the current block system, but to be able to mine blocks pieces at a time, receive chunks of cobble, and be able to recombine them into a cobble block seems like a good idea.

It would seem more realistic, but I'm not suggesting this for realism, but because it would make resource collection feel more fluid.

Just imagine something like siege weapons breaking pieces off of a wall, not just obliterating it entirely like TNT does currently, but 'slowly' wearing down at a structure.

Also imagine several players working together, mining away at a really tough material.


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I am definitely for an overhaul of block damage ala multimine or something similar, the idea of actually chipping away blocks is simulated(in my opinion unneccesarily) in vanilla with cobblestone, but getting loose rock and having to use some kind of mortar I believe at least is one of the ideas from the long awaited construction update.

Obviously it wouldn't make sense for all(many?) blocks, and if you did it this way you'd have to have EVERY block it affects permanently damaged or people would be able to farm the same blocks as they regenerate. So, as much as I REALLY like the idea and think it could add a lot more fun to the game I think the server overhead would be just too large. for that kind of implementation.

Multimine has a limit of 30 or so blocks to set a hard cap on that, which also doesn't have it slowly regenerating some blocks which would again cause consistent overhead.

I like the idea, this along with trees growing more naturally and possibly the ability to make custom designed sailing ships are probably my three dream ideas though, and... well who knows, if they can figure out a way to make it work like nobody has before, that'd be great, for now I'm not expecting all my dreams to come true.


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Well, the creator of this mod basically read my mind on a LOT of things that I have wanted to see for a looong time.

For example, making things intentionally difficult so that it can actually be a profession. Crafting is actually more hands on, and really, several things actually have a learning curve which didn't before.

Also, localized and sparse resources (can't get the same shit everywhere), slow growth of trees (not just POOF, giant tree), having a much lengthier starting off period (as opposed to vanilla where its survival for 2 minutes, then easy mode)

THIS is the survival game I've been waiting for, and honestly, most of my ideas are just nitpicks :P


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I like a change like this because it makes the world feel so much more solid, less gamey, and, dare I say it, more realistic. :P


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Basically you're suggesting something like this but that perma-damages the blocks. I support this idea because I ever wanted something similar. But what I don't want is half world full of half destroyed blocks. Maybe there can be a limit on these blocks, like 20 per world.


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If we used the chisel-like method, then there would not be regeneration.

Having dirt and such support this chiseling method would also allow the terrain generator to produce smooth flowing hills.

Just think, you could dig dirt thin layers at a time, and also place those chunks down to build up dirt layer by layer, and it wouldn't landslide unless it made a tower two full blocks high.


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Who knows, but I feel something like this if implemented fully would just straight up require an engine rewrite.

I want it

so bad

but I don't think it could ever happen here.


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Basically you're suggesting something like this http://www.minecraft...t-fml-core-mod/ but that perma-damages the blocks. I support this idea because I ever wanted something similar. But what I don't want is half world full of half destroyed blocks. Maybe there can be a limit on these blocks, like 20 per world.

Or they should just repair them self faster (few seconds).

Who knows, but I feel something like this if implemented fully would just straight up require an engine rewrite.

I want it

so bad

but I don't think it could ever happen here.

I have no idea how the MultiMine implemented this, but you shouldn't save this information in the save file, instead you should remember the half damaged blocks in the runtime memory.

This mod is easy to implement.


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I don't know about this. What happens when you accidentally left click? You have a permanent crack in your wall?


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I don't know about this. What happens when you accidentally left click? You have a permanent crack in your wall?

I would like to ask you to, in real life, take an axe and "accidentaly" hit the wall with it. Then come here and tell me your walls shouldn't get cracked.


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I would like to ask you to, in real life, take an axe and "accidentaly" hit the wall with it. Then come here and tell me your walls shouldn't get cracked.

If your finger accidentally twitches, in real life, it isn't going to leave a crack in your wall. It's a lot harder to accidentally swing an axe with force, then it is for your finger to accidentally twitch.


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In MC, you don't just touch thing when clicking; you punch them ._.

But yeah, whatever, if you did it with your hand there shouldn't be anything (depending on what's the block...). BUT if you did it with a tool, that crack is going to be there.


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It's not saved in the world file, but we we were to implement weylins idea that would be a very silly idea I think


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In MC, you don't just touch thing when clicking; you punch them ._.

In Minecraft, everything (punching, swing an axe, etc.) is controlled by a finger. A finger that can accidentally apply a little downwards pressure.


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I don't know about you but it's impossible for me to accidently apply enough force to my mouse to press mouse 1 unless something literally fell on my hand, and then I'd probably be more upset about whatever it was falling on my hand.

Either way, if it was like this we'd most likely have, ya know, repair methods, some stucco, more mortar, more small stones, wooden patches, or you know, even if not, remove the block and put a new one in?


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