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TFC spawn chest

49 posts in this topic


Before I begin, Let me say i have NEVER used the spawn chest even in vanilla. Never have had a reason to use it. Fact of the matter is, it still exists. people DO use it. so, why not update it to TFC? What I am about to propose is blasphemy in this forum, and I will stand by my argument that none of it is game breaking as it is ALREADY A TOGGLEABLE OPTION.

what I propose is when that option is selected a new type of container is spawned. A Modern Field kit.Yes, I said it... Modern. Let me explain: This kit would contain a bunch of supplies to start with. the kit its self is a block that acts somewhat in a sign in that it has a separate block ID when placed on a wall and such. It has 9 slots(like the old chests) and contains small items only. It can be picked up by hand and placed down again anywhere a sign can be placed. It appears as a satchel.

it contains several items. all items I wish YOU the users to discuss.
- Lighter(modernized flint and steel/firestarter) Breaks when uses runs out
- Filled Water Canteen(multiple use water container)(max uses: 3?) refillable
- Field Tent(bed item)
- Field manual(very light info graphic on starting the mod off. VERY LIGHT)
- (Empty slot: Discuss a item to bring)
- (Empty slot: Discuss a item to bring)
- (Empty slot: Discuss a item to bring)
- (Empty slot: Discuss a item to bring)
- (Empty slot: Discuss a item to bring)

balance: it hurts none. all items this introduces are optional and have limited uses or stand in for existing early game items. you can argue the 'era' this mod is in, but that really does not make sense when the hardcore of us(me included) will never use this feature beyond Adventure maps or perhaps as a starter kit on long term established servers whose surface rocks are all gone. This feature is for those of us who are casual players and come into this for a little challenge but dont wish to be overwhelmed with the first playthough.

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eh... I don't hate it as much as I thought I would, but theres bigger fish to fry atm


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of course. This is simply something to replace an existing feature with something that fits in the mod. Instead of a full chest, you get something that is far more nerfed as well as a few items that allow you to start without taking away from the major sections of the mod. Smiting, mining, and etc is unaffected. this exists to get your home set up and let you survive the first encounter with that stalker spider that attacks every time you try typing. this also would serve well in adventure style maps for a few varieties of things.

all this is about is the non hardcore players. hardcore players(most of those in the forums) are actually the minority.


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Strong but undurable protection to protect from spawn camping griefers (and mobs if they join at night).


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this has nothing to do with spawn conditions. That is up to the server op to regulate. this is about starting materials that are applied to the spawn chest option.


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I suppose I'm semi-confused by the need to "modernize" it, and why, exactly, it really needs new items to stand in for ones that we could. I mean, I can sort of understand the need something like a water canteen (which we'll probably have in the future, anyway) for a specific function, as well as a container that has a limited amount of slots, but if we've got items that are more or less equivalent to these... Is it really that important to add a bunch of redundant stuff just to give it a "lost in the wild" feel?

Just for the sake of being constructive: The kit should probably include food rations. If we really need to make something "modern," it'll be a packet that can be used three times like the canteen, restoring, say, 4 or 5 hunger each use? ... Of course, in the interest of providing an alternative with something we already have in-game, a meal that provides no special effects except for having moderate-high hunger restoration and saturation.


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the reason is to separate it. make thease all items you cant get anywhere else and make them feel alien from the rest of the mod. make them actually push you away because they are so out of place. its a subliminal message to get people to not use them. yeah its nice to tote around the gear, but its just so out of place it does not look good next to that battleaxe on your wall.

Also, could not think of in era counterparts that would fit as a 'survival pack' without being a bunch of weapons -.-


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That's thoughtful and all, I guess, but I doubt that they'd really care about how out of place it is if they're using it anyway. Not even subliminally. Don't get me wrong; I kinda like the idea. However, in all honesty, I probably would use the "emergency kit" simply because it's so foreign. Sometimes, the alien nature of something can get beat out by the sheer novelty of it. I'd imagine that we wouldn't want people to be attracted to the spawn chest, correct?

And it still has to pass through Bioxx. I get the feeling that, regardless of the intention behind making it so, he's not going to go for anything modern like these.

(Also, another item to add: Some kind of healing tool. No, we don't have healing potions, but I'd think that a bit of first-aid would probably belong in such a kit.)


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guys, you could just make a standard survival kit no matter how but question number 1: WHERE DID IT COME FROM? it needs to be believable


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Well, clearly there was an airplane crash. You were the only survivor and the plane disintegrated on impact, leaving only you and a bag of stuff standing out in an infinite wilderness. Why you're not trying to find a way back to civilization, however, is on you.


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the spawn chest is a toggleable option in the map creation menu. you the user choose to have it or not. there needs no origin for this. Uhhg, im going to have to put a GIANT as hell message on the OP to tell people that the spawn chest is a VANILLA FEATURE THAT IS OPTIONAL


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Disappointed in you ECC. Disappointed.

I thought you were better than this.


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I have to ask... wut?

When I made this thread the thought was mostly 'meh, going to be crap, might as well write it though'

you would not believe how many things go though my head that I choose not to write.


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So many people so quick to shoot down ideas.

I love the idea and here is my item of choice to dump into the satchel:

TFC Field Guild

A small tutorial book about the basics of TFC


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The point of TFC is to be survival, starting from nothing etc, but the items you have requested in the "chest" don't work for that at all. Ancient peoples and cavemen didn't have "canteens" or anything like that.

The premise of TFC isn't a modern man lost in the woods, it's ancient. There are no things like that. It's not even up for discussion.


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The point of TFC is to be survival, starting from nothing etc, but the items you have requested in the "chest" don't work for that at all. Ancient peoples and cavemen didn't have "canteens" or anything like that.

The premise of TFC isn't a modern man lost in the woods, it's ancient. There are no things like that. It's not even up for discussion.



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'The point of TFC is to be survival, starting from nothing etc, but the items you have requested in the "chest" don't work for that at all. Ancient peoples and cavemen didn't have "canteens" or anything like that.

The premise of TFC isn't a modern man lost in the woods, it's ancient. There are no things like that. It's not even up for discussion.'

the point in this is the fact that the VANILLA option for a spawn chest is there and it gives you vanilla items. I think the best bet is to replace it all together with a starter pack that does not have any damned chance of giving you a pick... AT ALL. Now, because im not a total 'ass nugget' im not going to say remove it or make it so it gives nothing. Instead Im saying replace it with MINIMALLY USEFUL ITEMS DESIGNED TO HELP CASUAL PLAYERS. this item would not help anyone who DOES NOT CHECK THE OPTION OFF WHEN MAKING A NEW WORLD.

I dont care WHAT the goals are of this mod are, in this case, this particular idea it does not effect those goals in EITHER direction. yes, the idea IS crap, but as it is a option item that only serves to help beginning players.. well play, it cant actually harm.

the misunderstanding here is that its something that shows up in any and all maps regardless for all players. its a single player only option(unless you pregen a map using ssp, in which case there is only ever one of thease at the spawn. If need be I will present screen shots of the vanilla menu to show you exactly what I mean.

sorry if this came out as derogatory in any way.... not trying for that.

Edit: turns out im calling it the wrong thing. in the map options screen its called a 'bonus chest'


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'The point of TFC is to be survival, starting from nothing etc, but the items you have requested in the "chest" don't work for that at all. Ancient peoples and cavemen didn't have "canteens" or anything like that.

The premise of TFC isn't a modern man lost in the woods, it's ancient. There are no things like that. It's not even up for discussion.'

the point in this is the fact that the VANILLA option for a spawn chest is there and it gives you vanilla items. I think the best bet is to replace it all together with a starter pack that does not have any damned chance of giving you a pick... AT ALL. Now, because im not a total 'ass nugget' im not going to say remove it or make it so it gives nothing. Instead Im saying replace it with MINIMALLY USEFUL ITEMS DESIGNED TO HELP CASUAL PLAYERS. this item would not help anyone who DOES NOT CHECK THE OPTION OFF WHEN MAKING A NEW WORLD.

I dont care WHAT the goals are of this mod are, in this case, this particular idea it does not effect those goals in EITHER direction. yes, the idea IS crap, but as it is a option item that only serves to help beginning players.. well play, it cant actually harm.

the misunderstanding here is that its something that shows up in any and all maps regardless for all players. its a single player only option(unless you pregen a map using ssp, in which case there is only ever one of thease at the spawn. If need be I will present screen shots of the vanilla menu to show you exactly what I mean.

sorry if this came out as derogatory in any way.... not trying for that.

We like to pretend that a lot of the features that mojang implements aren't there. Just because it exists in vanilla doesn't mean it should have a TFC counterpart. We both were really against the idea of spawn chests when they came into vanilla and now that we have our own version, we certainly won't be reiimplementing them.

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wait, you all changed the spawn chest to actually contain TFC items?(like I said, I have NEVER used the option. EVER)

did not actually know. personally when I saw it being implemented it came to thought 'perhaps a tutorial would fit in its place' because when I first started VMC it was like how when I started TFC. did. not. know. diddly. crap.

spanzer actually has a point over a starting manual here, as that would allow people to rely on an in game resource rather then focus on the external and very much not offline compatible wiki.

yes, I get the game is for the hardcore of us..... but in order to continue with a renewable member base putting a few things in to power the newbies into playing is what is needed.


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wait, you all changed the spawn chest to actually contain TFC items?(like I said, I have NEVER used the option. EVER)

did not actually know. personally when I saw it being implemented it came to thought 'perhaps a tutorial would fit in its place' because when I first started VMC it was like how when I started TFC. did. not. know. diddly. crap.

spanzer actually has a point over a starting manual here, as that would allow people to rely on an in game resource rather then focus on the external and very much not offline compatible wiki.

yes, I get the game is for the hardcore of us..... but in order to continue with a renewable member base putting a few things in to power the newbies into playing is what is needed.

what? no we disabled it i believe.

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why not revisit it with the goal of letting newbies have a small edge enough to enjoy the mod? I know that sounds like more work, but as far as features go it helps in the long run to cater to the newer user base. us hardcore oldies have gotten more then we deserve, throw a bone out to em. :)


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ECC, he meant that they have their own version OF THE CHESTS, there isn't any version of the spawn chest in TFC, nor vanilla nor TFC.

Quite honestly, ever since it came out, i felt vanilla couldn't get worse... It's already pretty easy, but if the player is an EXTREME pussy, he can start already with tools, blocks, a chest and torches. I wouldn't be surprised if the next thing they do is giving the players an option to start with 64 emeralds in a gigantic village.


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TFC's learning curve is far greater and is a huge factor in pushing new members away. because there are so many 'pussy' players out there, why NOT add an option to drag them in and make them enjoy it? rather then full on creative mode or activating cheats, give them the third option, one that is specifically designed to give them a minor tutorial on the T0 aspect of the mod.

Lead the horse to water, let it drink on its own.


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TFC's learning curve is far greater and is a huge factor in pushing new members away. because there are so many 'pussy' players out there, why NOT add an option to drag them in and make them enjoy it? rather then full on creative mode or activating cheats, give them the third option, one that is specifically designed to give them a minor tutorial on the T0 aspect of the mod.

Lead the horse to water, let it drink on its own.

Never said it wouldn't be somehow useful for TFC. I was just ranting about how it fitted perfectly with what Jeb has been doing with MC lately ._.


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TFC's learning curve is far greater and is a huge factor in pushing new members away. because there are so many 'pussy' players out there, why NOT add an option to drag them in and make them enjoy it? rather then full on creative mode or activating cheats, give them the third option, one that is specifically designed to give them a minor tutorial on the T0 aspect of the mod.

Lead the horse to water, let it drink on its own.

This argument is sound. That is all.


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