Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Lock Me Please

46 posts in this topic

serisously, this has been suggested so many times it hurts


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do NOT make srgnoodles hurt.... i'm too new to know him/her scariness, but still im terrified to the core


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Her from what i know. And she's "sane" right now, so she shouldn't do anything... right?


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suuuure, sane they say....lets just say i'd rather fight a reaper with 2 of my eyes closed than piss her off right now :D


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you may or may not be going overboard with this

'in character' derail


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here see, she LIKES my being terrified to the core Posted Image


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here see, she LIKES my being terrified to the core Posted Image


my very presence incites fear into the hearts of these people, i feel accomplished


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You see? That's what happens when you are a coward : she's not that scary, you know...

Something makes me think i'm really close to certain death right now ._.<--


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You see? That's what happens when you are a coward : she's not that scary, you know...

Something makes me think i'm really close to certain death right now ._.<--


-hands Krillster a cupcake-


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I don't fear noodles :L ... I don't understand why anyone would :P :P


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She kind of became evil a while back, she just came back to normal right now...

And i still wonder how long she will stay like that...


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when I was around her a few weeks back I accidentally fell down the stairs a lot. D:

has not happened recently though so im better.


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Lots of people got stabbed with spoons for a while, lots of murder for no reason, and a lot of bones. I believe Sherlock thought she was Moriarty for a while, he kept screaming at me about having "that mad devil" in my computer.

Also, what was this thread about, not even kidding, I have no clue.


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it was derailed at #0 sooo.. wooo


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Yeah, achatran, now I have no idea what nt to make a sggestion topic about!


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Yeah, achatran, now I have no idea what nt to make a sggestion topic about!

About locking the thread in where that request is made?


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It keeps getting bumped, Its named Lock Me Please. Does anyone even moderate, This should be locked by now. Its been on the first page long enough to be noticed.


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It keeps getting bumped, Its named Lock Me Please. Does anyone even moderate, This should be locked by now. Its been on the first page long enough to be noticed.

Lazyness probably ._. sometimes you just wake up and are like "Yeah, today i won't do ANYTHING at all". That's my case every... day actually o.O


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It keeps getting bumped, Its named Lock Me Please. Does anyone even moderate, This should be locked by now. Its been on the first page long enough to be noticed.

Well, you need to wait a bit. Maybe tomorrow it will be locked. Mods aren't here everytime...

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Mister Zandorum, why would you suggest such an atrocious and appalling suggestion (what is the point of this absolutely useless and mad suggestion)?


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Mister Zandorum, why would you suggest such an atrocious and appalling suggestion (what is the point of this absolutely useless and mad suggestion)?

I think it's because of the nomral mistake people make, of suggesting something 'cause it sounds good in their heads, but then when wrote the idea gets attention only for it's flaws...


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I think it's because of the nomral mistake people make, of suggesting something 'cause it sounds good in their heads, but then when wrote the idea gets attention only for it's flaws...

Well, this suggestion sounds as if it does not sound great at all in Mister Zandorum's cerebal cortex. Something is wrong with him...


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That's the thing about this mistake: it sounds good for the poster UNTIL they post, then they realize their mistake.


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