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Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Guest Blue_Beluga

More Death Penalties

32 posts in this topic

I'd preferred the vanilla preview mechanic simply for the fact it wasn't just adding effect+effect

Your system is barely better than vanilla's potion system which I find seriously underwhelming.


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I'd preferred the vanilla preview mechanic simply for the fact it wasn't just adding effect+effect

Your system is barely better than vanilla's potion system which I find seriously underwhelming.

Maybe I didn't explain that right, but it isn't (effect + effect) it is reagent + reagent = (effect +1 + effect +1 ) + (effect + effect = effect)


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Same exact thing.

You combine a heal plus a regen you get a heal plus a regen.


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Same exact thing.

You combine a heal plus a regen you get a heal plus a regen.

I think you are getting a bit muddled. Reagents would have effects. Combining two different reagents into medicine would give those two reagents in medicine form. The effects of them would be boosted due to the fact they were mixed. Now rarely, mixing two reagents together would give a WHOLE new effect alltogether. I don't get how that is similar to vanilla mechanics :/


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You showed an example of a potion that was exactly a sum of each of it's ingredients but better.

Also, I really don't think it should be that way anyway, the power shouldn't be pretty much equal to how many ingredients used. I think it should be perfectly viable to have a potion with 2 ingredients as 4(and in many cases I'd expect better), mind explaining why you think it should?


is the system I think we should have, without the cauldrons(make powders, which can then be put into brewing stands/cauldrons to make potions.

Though this guy has no clue what he's doing or why. lol

In this system the potion ingredients aren't -some random effect- inherently, they have a property that is a great hidden value, but can be used to roughly experiment.


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Now I have seen that video, I wonder how they ruined it so bad :/

But I will revoke my statements, It would be much more fun and experimental to have some less straight-forward medicine, and have a more rough system.

Didn't get what you were getting at there, but this way of going about it seems much more dynamic than the rigid system I was explaining.

However I still think having different containers for medicines would be so cool :D


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Yeah, I know the system was pretty unique and I was a major goer of the Minecraftforums when it came out so I assume people understand me x]

But I love the idea of a system like that to make powders, then a way to make capsules, add them potions, wrap them into poultices, etc... to treat wounds, or just do drugs cuz it's fun, who am I to judge. haha

That guy had NO clue what he was doing but in practice the potion system(at it's basic level) was pretty easy to learn for a few ingredients.

If expanded up to say, a max of 10, now that would be absolutely crazy compared to what we currently have, but provide a LOT of depth, a lot of room for failures, and a lot of room for discovering the most awesome devastating potions.


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