Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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46 posts in this topic

Where the fuck do all the shit go?

We build and we mine and we craft and we eat. Everyday business of a minecraft player.

And every so often we find ourselves with chests full of crap we actually don't need. Things that are of no value to us so what most players will do is construct an incinerator of lava or fire and throw all that garbage in there.

now that kind of fascinates me. because it is such a natural thing to do! i mean, think of how much actual waste your real life household produces in a day! groceries go in, waste comes out. food goes in, shit comes out!

It fascinates me because it exist in minecraft too and it wasn't even a feature that was added. it just appeared naturally.

I propose that this is further built upon however because while we might burn things we don't need, they are not nessescscssearliy garbage. in minecraft we throw things away not because they're broken or completely useless but because we don't need them at the moment and they're taking up space.

What i would like to see is waste being created by us as we conduct our daily business. when we take down trees there should be woodsplinters, when we make planks there should be sawdust, when we mine there should be gravel, when we make metals there should be slag (i believe there used to be such a thing) when we eat there should b- ... well.. okay maybe not that, but you see my point right?

Here's a wall of text that goes into detail of what i had in mind.

Blocks aren't forever

One of the key features of this suggestion is to undo with the forever blocks. usually you can put down a block and pick it up again and again and it won't take damage from it. even if you whack at it with an axe. To fix this, every block would have a certain amount of "uses" based on how much material was used in its creation.

so. say that you're chipping away at a cobblestone block. as you crafted it with 4 stones (i heard this will come eventually) there's an addition to its name. (4/4). since you used 4 stones to create one cobblestone block you'll be able to pick it up again 4 times until it is finally destroyed. So as you pick it up it will loose one use and when looking at it in your inventory it tells you (3/4)

every time you spend one of these uses you'll also be getting a garbage item as a byproduct.

The various kinds of garbage

wooden splinters and sawdust? nah, maybe not, i'd rather just have a general garbage item for each kind of material.

Wooden garbage.

it is created as an item everytime you destroy a wooden block, chipping away at its uses.

It can be burned in a firepit for warmth and is then converted into ash which can be shift-clicked into farmland to restore its nutrients value.

Stone garbage.

Created as an item everytime you destroy an item every time you destroy something made out of stone.

Destroying raw stone will get you 1 stone and 3 garbage. Destroying smooth stone and stone bricks will give you the block and 1 garbage. anything else crafted with stone will have its amount of uses determined by how much stone went into crafting it.

Stone garbage cannot be burned. but can be crafted into gravel which is useful for roads and stuff.

Plant and food garbage.

Since these two are so similar to eachother i think they should be one.

the "use" system wouldn't apply to this kind. every time you pick up a flower or a sapling you'd get the same sappling every time.

the garbage would be created if winter grows too cold for the plants to continue living. it could quite possibly work the other way around too. if the summer goes too hot and the dirt gets too dry the plant would also die and leave garbage.

Harvesting crops would yield your vegetable/cereal and one garbage. picking fruit trees shouldn't create garbage.

everytime you eat a fruit or vegetable it will also create garbage.

Making a meal however would only result in one garbage even if it took several kinds of food to make it. making a meal would become more desireable for those who don't like cleaning. Or maybe not. you decide.

Plant and food garbage would be burnable as wood but would not give off much heat.

It's true use is that it can be shift-clicked onto the ground as a compost pile and then added to. the process will begin as soon as the pile is full and when it's done you'll have compost which then can be dug up, much like charcoal, and then shift-clicked into a block of farmland, restoring it's nutrients value. Composting comes at a cost though as it will attract "eventual" rats in great numbers. don't put your compost next to your food storage dude!

Metal garbage.

most of which will be created like slag when smelting metal. breaking a metal tool or armor will give you some metal garbage.

I don't really have a lot to say about this other than what i already mentioned.

It shouldn't have a use at all. it could be burned but won't give you any ash. i can't really see a way of resmelting it into bars or nuggets without making it unbalanced. i suppose it could be put into gravel as well.

Clay garbage.

Could go in Other garbage since there's really only one good use for clay at the moment but i'm seeing stars, i'm hoping that clay will have further use such as pottery, thus making Clay garbage a viable section here.

Created everytime something out of clay is destroyed. including castings.

like stone garbage it can be crafted into gravel. that is all.

Other garbage.

There's a few other things which i can't remember straight away. technically they don't belong in any of the above garbages.

I'll put them up here when i figure out who they are.

How to not ruin everything

But Greenleaf! i want to pick shit up and keep it! i don't want to destroy this crafting bench every 4 time it's time to move on!

Look at your hand, now back to me, now back at your hand, Now back to me.

Your hand is the best tool for delicate removal of stuff. it takes some time but once you're done you could get your block back without any damage to it. or garbage.

What the bloody hell do i do with all this garbage?!

Well. i did write up the uses for them right up there but lets go into a little more detail.

Burn it.

If it's wooden or plant&food garbage you can stuff it into a fire pit (where the logs go) and as it burns out it becomes ash. (will also make logs into ash eventually) If a fire is created into the world (as far as i know you can't do this yet) anything burnable that is thrown into the fire will still be converted into ash items which will not burn up. anything that is not burnable will obviously not burn.

Feeding the lava god will however devour pretty much anything and you'll never see it again.

The ash created when burning things will work as a fertilizer like compost but with a slightly lesser effect. just because it's easier to burn than to compost.

Filler and roads!

Whatever it is you use dirt and gravel for then that's what you should use your stone or clay garbage for. craft all that junk up into a block of gravel and start laying roads.

Throw it in a hole! forget it's there!

Yeah that's like, the super easy way of doing it but not sustainable for a long period. eventually your computer will feel all those items chewing away at its capacity. no one likes a laggy server. clean that shit up.

Feed them to the worms!

Composting has been detailed enough i believe. not much further to add.

I'm running out of things to say.

no really. i'm done.

So hey! tell me what you think of this and let me hear some input.


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Interesting idea - I like it!

When I first read this I thought that you were the OP...

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When I first read this I thought that you were the OP...

When i first readed the OP, i thought he liked his own post ._. your avatars are pretty similar, guys...

On the actual topic... well, platanus basially said my whole opinion, so here you have a quote from his post and done (lazyness -w-):

Interesting idea - I like it!


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When i first readed the OP, i thought he liked his own post ._. your avatars are pretty similar, guys...

On the actual topic... well, platanus basially said my whole opinion, so here you have a quote from his post and done (lazyness -w-):

your laziness is gonna clog up the server! incinerate that shit!

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your laziness is gonna clog up the server! incinerate that shit!

What a perfect thread to talk about both incinerating stuff, clogging up and shit.


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i wouldn't really give a "shit" if poo made it into tfc. it's a natural thing but, eh i dunno.

it makes me think of Black & White 2 though. you could teach your creature to shit on the fields and it would fertilize it.


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i wouldn't really give a "shit" if poo made it into tfc. it's a natural thing but, eh i dunno.

it makes me think of Black & White 2 though. you could teach your creature to shit on the fields and it would fertilize it.

It makes me think of the shit mod... and the spotlight i first saw it on.


(tell me what spotlight i got that phrase frm, and you will win a cookie :3)


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Incinerator->wood ashes->soap...Talking about hygiene...


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Incinerator->wood ashes->soap...Talking about hygiene...

welp, turns out you make soap out of ash! you learn something new everyday.

egh. i don't know man. hygiene would be a strange thing to implement.


All i can think of is


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Very very interesting idea, i would like to see some use for that garbage, but not an easy use, something that should really make you work to get something good out of that garbage, like incinerating wood to create fertilizer, or maybe do something with slag and gravel, but something hard to do, so its still garbage, and not just more usable things. i hope you can understand what im saying, give garbage an use, but to get to that use you will have to work hard.


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It makes me think of the shit mod... and the spotlight i first saw it on.


(tell me what spotlight i got that phrase frm, and you will win a cookie :3)

ugh, damn chimneyswift, that review was the first of his I saw and it was a major negative, avoided ever since.


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Very very interesting idea, i would like to see some use for that garbage, but not an easy use, something that should really make you work to get something good out of that garbage, like incinerating wood to create fertilizer, or maybe do something with slag and gravel, but something hard to do, so its still garbage, and not just more usable things. i hope you can understand what im saying, give garbage an use, but to get to that use you will have to work hard.

That's pretty much what i was saying at the end of the OP.

Gravel would obviously be used for, whatever it is you use gravel for. roads and stuff. but i know of no use for slag.

actually. what ever happened to slag?

Edited by GreenLeaf

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All i can think of is


... Nope, but it's funny, so close enough :P *gives him 3/4 of a cookie*

ugh, damn chimneyswift, that review was the first of his I saw and it was a major negative, avoided ever since.

Yep. I just found that phrase funny quite honestly :|. But here *gives him a cookie*

*eats the lasts quarter and runs away*


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*eats the lasts quarter and runs away*



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*hands up* I-it wasn't from Renadi... :| it was the quarter left from the cookie i gave to Greenleaf 'cause of his parcial win.


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*hands up* I-it wasn't from Renadi... :| it was the quarter left from the cookie i gave to Greenleaf 'cause of his parcial win.

BULLS***!! *Fires at terrified Just_Another_Guy_:)*

*Misses so horribly*

*Checks charge level of carbine*


*Glances at dropped lightsaber next to terrified and confounded Just_Another_Guy_:)*

Err... please don't hurt me! *Runs off*


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*Looks at the lightsaber, and realizes... it's a f+cking god, what was he scared of? ._.*

*So yeah, tries to reach Sda by flying to bite him in order to inyect his venom :*

*insert here a meme saying "you know you are f+cked, when a dragon chases you" here*


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Looking at this thread: it got me thinking about what should happen to garbage you simply throw away.

I haven't really spent much thought into what happens to an item if you log in and out but as far as i know, an item will not dissapear like it used to do many updates ago.

If the items DO dissapear after you log in and out then there's a hole in the garbage idea and must be dealt with if the idea ever picks up speed.

either keep on going with the items on the ground, but make them never dissapear no matter how many times you log in and out.

Or you go in the direction of the previously mentioned thread and make garbage thrown onto the ground turn into a pile of junk. just like a block.

Also. how would one cope with the incinerating part? should there be an oven like block called the incinerator meant to cope with huge amounts of garbage (for when the ordinary fire pit is not enough)

Or should the player either, set the pile/items of garbage on fire with a firestarter/flint & tinder? leaving ashes which will not burn.


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I disagree with the idea that you can simply bury your stuff with the consequences being lag. Lag should NEVER be part of the intended gameplay.


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I disagree with the idea that you can simply bury your stuff with the consequences being lag. Lag should NEVER be part of the intended gameplay.

Unless used in a extremely creative way. Like, some kind of spell that makes you blind in periods, or something like that. Something that won't fit here, so yeah :P


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well i guess bioxx better start working at banning lagg all together then!


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... Cubic Chunkcs could help there... :L

(Sorry Jed, i had to borrow that emoticon from you :3 hope you don't mind)


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Don't add shit, that is disgustingly unnecessary. Lets keep our ideas to "hey that's a good idea!" And away from "thats disgusting" this is almost purely adding content for the sake of realism which as we have decided reality sucks. Lets not be that mod people fun of ok?


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Looking at this thread: http://terrafirmacra...ric-item-piles/ it got me thinking about what should happen to garbage you simply throw away.

I haven't really spent much thought into what happens to an item if you log in and out but as far as i know, an item will not dissapear like it used to do many updates ago.

If the items DO dissapear after you log in and out then there's a hole in the garbage idea and must be dealt with if the idea ever picks up speed.

either keep on going with the items on the ground, but make them never dissapear no matter how many times you log in and out.

Or you go in the direction of the previously mentioned thread and make garbage thrown onto the ground turn into a pile of junk. just like a block.

Also. how would one cope with the incinerating part? should there be an oven like block called the incinerator meant to cope with huge amounts of garbage (for when the ordinary fire pit is not enough)

Or should the player either, set the pile/items of garbage on fire with a firestarter/flint & tinder? leaving ashes which will not burn.

holy crap, I have had the same idea they did for a while, maybe I should have made a thread. lol

@bsb23: See, you do this argument a lot, realism isn't bad, many of us would find the suggestions here enjoyable, I'm not sure if you read the op, but this was a suggestion about general and crafting waste.


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